Facebook Business Page: Button Recommand MISSING on mobile phone only - meta

I have a problem on my business page:
People cannot add a recommendation with their mobile phone because button recommend is missing but that's not the case with a PC which works fine (see picture).. Reviews are enabled so that's not the problem.
SOmeone knows about that ? Thanks a lot.


Problems activating Facebook Ads in iOS App

I am trying to integrate Facebook Ads in my iOS App.
I have the SDK installed and I also already receive test-ads. So everything seems to work fine.
On the Facebook page inside the Monetization Manager there is a 4 step tutorial on what I need to do.
was Choosing the ad format -> Banner -> Done
Integrating the SDK (I'd say it's done cause I see Test-Ads inside my app) but here's the problem... Cause there is no Checkmark there.
Is the payment info. That's done.
Would be the Review that I'd like to do, but that seems to be deactivated...
So... It also says there, that I need to be logged in to facebook on my phone with an associated Account. I am!
I don't know what else I'd need to do in order for Facebook to recognize that I already successfully displayed a Test-Ad and I just can't find any contact phone number to ask somebody.
Any hints are very much appreciated.
Btw. I already tried yesterday evening (in case the activation process simply takes longer...)
I finally found the Problem after trying every single Setting on the Facebook page...
The problem was that I added my device as Test-Device.
So after removing FBAdSettings.addTestDevice(FBAdSettings.testDeviceHash()) it was working.
Did cost my a lot of time and nerves :) But now everything works as expected!

Google recaptcha not working as expected in iphone

I tried to search on the internet for this. I got a related question here but could not get a convincing answer.
I have a web page built in asp.net. I have google recaptcha on this page and is working fine on all desktop browsers and android mobile phones.
The problem is with iphones. The recaptcha does not show the image grid for the user to verify them. When the user touches the checkbox is simply gives a "tick" and lets the user through.
The model of iphone I have checked in is iphone 5C (safari) and iphone 6S (chrome 50) but I think the problem should be with all the models.
Please note it is working fine on simulators like chrome simulators.
The web page is as below:
This is a live webpage so request you to please be careful and gentle in adding comments in it.
I have not added any code here in this question as I think it is more iphone device specific issue and has nothing to do with code.
Will update the question if requested.
Please help! Thanks in advance!
reCAPTCHA actively considers a user’s entire engagement with the CAPTCHA—before, during, and after—to determine whether that user is a human.
In cases when the reCAPTCHA risk analysis engine can't confidently predict whether a user is a human or an abusive agent, it will prompt a CAPTCHA to elicit more cues, increasing the number of security checkpoints to confirm the user is valid.
Therefore some users may just be shown a simple checkbox while others may face image grid verifications.
See this blog post for more details

App Feedback Form

I am developing an app that will have a feedback form in it.
I am planning to do the form using HTML/CSS will not upload it to the web.
Will it work even if it is not published online?
What i'll be doing is to make a form using HTML/CSS and just call its index.html in the app using UIWebView. But of course the user will need internet connection to send the email.
Or you can give me suggestions on how will I able to do a feedback form in other ways.
You can use other 3rd party tools for managing feedback.
Instabug (http://instabug.com) is a good one, it isn't only text feedback but it can also be visual feedback with screenshot that the user can draw on, all done in-app.
It also sends an report with the device, OS, user location, connectivity, etc with each feedback sent.
Above all, it's free!
PS. I work # Instabug, let me know if you need any help.

Opening deep content links in native apps from mobile web

My company has an app (iOS and Android), to which the following scenarios applies. I'm trying to help point my engineers and product team in the right direction.
When one of our users clicks on a content link from one of our emails, or Tweets or Facebook posts, and they're on their mobile device, we prompt the user with a link to download our app. This is similar to what many apps do, including LinkedIn (see i.stack.imgur.com/glSgJ.png).
I imagine this is mildly effective of driving awareness and downloads of a native app, for new users who came in from social media and various web sources. However, it is not helpful at all for a user like me who already has the app!
1) clicking "No Thanks" keeps me on the mobile web (when I want to be in the native app), and
2) clicking "Download the App" takes me to iTunes App Store page for an app I already own.
SUPER ANNOYING. As a result, I have to manually open the app, and search for the content in question. I'm guessing most users don't do this. More importantly, depending on the UI/UX of the app, I may never get there!
Again, I know we are handling mobile web visits in the same way many other companies (including LinkedIn) do, but it seems we are leaving a lot of potential native app use on the table. I want our engineers to build that elusive 3rd option, "Open In App".
Spotify and Rdio have solved this very nicely. Here are deep content links (in the case of these companies, to a specific song) for the two apps respectively:
If you have a moment, first grab the free version of Rdio or Spotify apps. Then, if you open those links above from an iOS device, you will see how nice the experience is, for existing native app users: Rdio has a nice "Tap to open in Rdio" link (http://i.stack.imgur.com/B7PuE.png), and Spotify's link is even more clear, "I have Spotify" (http://i.stack.imgur.com/Q3IV6.png). Both apps also include a link to download the app, for new app users. More importantly, both apps cookie the user: future visits to links (whether from email, Twitter, Facebook, etc) on mobile web automatically open the app, instead of prompting you to choose each time. SUPER CONVENIENT.
1) How do they accomplish this? I'm initially only concerned about iOS (on which I tested this), but this same situation should apply to Android.
2) Why aren't more apps doing this? It doesn't seem like rocket science, so am I missing a key reason why this might be a bad idea? Half of my problem is convincing the use case.
3) Why don't I see discussions about this technique? I've searched a ton for an iOS solution. I come up with a lot of discussion about URL registrations (mainly app-to-app), but no one actually referring to the type of scenario I describe (mobile web prompt to open native app).
It seems that with minimal engineering, app developers could dramatically increase native app use, converting from mobile web. :)
Android supports deep linking. Please refer to
Tapstream's deferred deep links can send users to specific views within apps (iOS only), even when the app isn't yet installed on their device.

Facebook: "URL could not be liked because it has been blocked" error in iOS app

I'm working on an iOS app that allows the user to like a Facebook page within the app. I've implemented this using FacebookLikeView. During the course of testing this functionality, I've liked and unliked the same page multiple times. Unfortunately, this seems to have triggered Facebook's spam detection. Now, when trying to like a page using the like button displayed by FacebookLikeView, the following error is presented: "URL could not be liked because it has been blocked".
Based on reports of the same problem found by searching the web, I've filled out this form to request that Facebook remove the block. However, I've received no response from them. I'm not sure how to proceed. Has anyone else run into this issue and successfully solved it?
With billions of pieces of content being shared on Facebook every month and bad actors constantly targeting the people who use Facebook, preventing spam isn't easy. Just as a community relies on its citizens to report crime, we rely on you to let us know when you encounter spam, which can be anything from a friend request sent by someone you don't know to a message that includes a link to a malicious website.
From : Explaining Facebook Spam Detection
This is no answer and what Donn Lee said is maybe the best answer.
My best guess at this is to send them lot information regarding you testing the app rather than abusing the system. You could try screenshots, contact info and explain what you are testing it for.
Try : Facebook Help Center
Developer Help : Rate Limits, Restrictions and Disables
Try filing a bug on the Facebook Developers Bugreporter.
If it's been a week and the site is still blocked, submit your site on this form.
if it comes down to no other option, there is also unrelated contact info on Facebook Newsroom, including the e-mail address press#fb.com.
