black video popup shows up on IOS in react native app - ios

I have tried this on Android devices and it works fine, but for iOS I am having problems.
I have a iPhone 6 device and when I try to display ads on this device the ads are showing up but along with that after few seconds a black video popup is showing up with default player controls. When I click on close button it hides the black video popup and then I can use the app. The same thing doesn't happen on Android devices or on iPad devices.
I am using below code to show the banner ads
adSize= {DSWPConfig.adPolicy.adSize.mediumRectangle}
style = {style?.adStyle}


Empty app icon problem on react native ios

I added icons and splash screen for ios devices and i got a problem.
How can i remove empty app icon on splash screen in react native app ?
Note: tested on device and emulator but i still have problem both
screenshot from emulator

How to show app in a small size on home screen in iOS?

I am using swift to build a mobile app. I see some Android apps support showing in a smaller size on top-right on the home screen. I wonder how I can acheive this on iOS. Does it require any kind of permission?
Below is a screenshot about YouTube app show on the top-right of the homescreen.
The only comparable thing in iOS is for videos on an iPad — not every iPad supports it. It's called Picture In Picture.

Ionic 3 White screen in IPAD

I am developing an app using ionic 3. The app is working fine when I installed it in android and Iphone6. But the app is not working in ipad.In ipad after the splashscreen the splashscreen is fading and a white blank screen is displaying forever. There is no error in the console while USB debugged.Please help me in sorting out the issue.

how to avoid to display white screen in ionic for ios

Working with ionic app for IOS, I am facing one issue is that, when the app is open and then I click the home button of ios device. So then app is in background but after few seconds (may be after ~30 sec). I am trying to open the app from task manager that time on ios app shows me white screen.
Please let me know how I can avoid to display such white screen in ionic.

iOS8 black screen before splash screen on URL app launch

This bug can be reproduced using the soundcloud app.
download the soundcloud app onto an ios8 device and launch the app
minimize the app by pressing the home button and launch safari
google search "soundcloud hardwell"
click on a search result that will send you to
at the top of the page should be a button "Listen on SoundCloud iOS", click it
as safari transitions to the soundcloud app there will be a few seconds where the soundcloud splash screen is not visible and will just appear as a black screen
currently I am experiencing a similar problem with my app. The app currently uses image assets for splash screens and i dont not experience the above UI bug. However in attempts to support iPad pro ive removed the image assests and am instead using a splash screen .xib file. Using the .xib splash screen file causes the black screen to appear only on iOS8. Any ideas what the problem is and how to fix it is?
The twitter app also suffers from the bug mentioned above. This appears to be a bug in ios8?
