iOS8 black screen before splash screen on URL app launch - ios

This bug can be reproduced using the soundcloud app.
download the soundcloud app onto an ios8 device and launch the app
minimize the app by pressing the home button and launch safari
google search "soundcloud hardwell"
click on a search result that will send you to
at the top of the page should be a button "Listen on SoundCloud iOS", click it
as safari transitions to the soundcloud app there will be a few seconds where the soundcloud splash screen is not visible and will just appear as a black screen
currently I am experiencing a similar problem with my app. The app currently uses image assets for splash screens and i dont not experience the above UI bug. However in attempts to support iPad pro ive removed the image assests and am instead using a splash screen .xib file. Using the .xib splash screen file causes the black screen to appear only on iOS8. Any ideas what the problem is and how to fix it is?
The twitter app also suffers from the bug mentioned above. This appears to be a bug in ios8?


Phonegap IOS app goes black after splash screen

I have created an android app that works perfect, however when exporting to IOS and creating with phonegap the app loads the splash screen and then the screen goes black and nothing further happens. Any insight would be very helpful. Thank you.

how to avoid to display white screen in ionic for ios

Working with ionic app for IOS, I am facing one issue is that, when the app is open and then I click the home button of ios device. So then app is in background but after few seconds (may be after ~30 sec). I am trying to open the app from task manager that time on ios app shows me white screen.
Please let me know how I can avoid to display such white screen in ionic.

iOS 9 "Back-To-App" button quickly disappears

I made an iPad app using Flash Builder and Adobe AIR and it has been working fine. Recently I updated to iOS 9.2, I noticed that when I launch my app from Safari, the button of "Back to Safari" only shows for less than half a second and quickly disappears. I tried this function in other apps, such as launching any app from iTunes, that button always sticks there for a long time.
I did some research and haven't found anything so far. I am hoping to get some help here. Thank you in advance.

Choosing Launch Screen File in Xcode makes my app launch slow on iOS

I have an app I'm about to launch to the Appstore, however, when I created an archive of my app in Xcode (developed in PhoneGap), it automatically compiled asset catalogs for icons and splash screens, and set the launch screen image to MainViewController in the settings. Because of that, my app takes a few seconds to launch after I tap the app icon on my phone and it doesn't show the splash screen (which worked perfectly when Launch Screen File was empty). Now, when I remove the Launch Screen File, my app launches quickly and normally, shows the splash screen, but now my app appears completely zoomed in.
How can I fix this? It's really annoying.
EDIT: Someone suggested an edit saying this has nothing to with Cordova. But it might. This app was built using Cordova CLI. When it was freshly built, no launch screen file was selected, but the app did't zoom in as it does now, when no launch screen file is selected. How can Cordova make an app appear normal without a selected launch screen file, but does it not work after archiving?

Is there any possibility of showing home screen as background while the app loads my transparent launch image?

I am trying to show the home screen or springboard in the background of launch image.
But what I actually get is in iOS 7
and in iOS 6.1
Is there any possibility of showing home screen or springboard in background while launching the app?
You can't do it. And any home screen screenshot you bundle with your app is never going to match a users actual home screen. As you've seen iOS covers the home screen when an app is launched even if you don't provide a launch image, and if you provide an incorrectly shaped one your app will be rejected at submission.
Just make a launch image as recommended by apple, with a minimal version of your interface on it. It's not a "splash screen" or an opportunity to shove your logo in the users face.
The best you can do is take a screen shot of your home screen and then use that image as the start up image, you can't do anything dynamic to that image because that image is what the OS shows whilst loading you app, i.e. before your app has a chance to start running.
