GAQL: Getting Sitelinks, but only active ones - google-ads-api

I am able to get SITELINK assets from Google Ads API with the following query:
campaign_asset.status = 'ENABLED'
AND campaign_asset.field_type = 'SITELINK'
However, this includes Sitelinks from paused adgroups - which i don't want.
I am searching for a solution to filter out Sitelinks from paused adgroups.
I already tried with additional WHERE clause
asset.sitelink_assets.end_date > 'yyyy-mm-dd'
(yyyy-mm-dd is todays date)
This works .. somehow, .. but it also excludes sitelinks without end date - which i want to be included.
I would expect to have an option to filter by asset status... but i can't find something like that in the official GAQL documentation.


Microsoft graph events api expand and filter

I am using the Microsoft.Graph.Beta/5.14.0-preview SDK to query calendar events and I am migration from an 4.22 version of the SDK. Some of my queries uses $expand and $filter on expanded properties, but for some reason I can't figure out how to re-write these queryes in the new SDK where the query builder is moved to a configuration on the get part.
My old setup looks like this:
And the re-written looks like this:
.GetAsync(cfg =>
cfg.QueryParameters.StartDateTime = from;
cfg.QueryParameters.EndDateTime = to;
cfg.QueryParameters.Filter = filterQuery;
cfg.QueryParameters.Select = SelectQuery;
But I can't find any option to expand anymore in the new SDK - I also tried just til filter on the nested objects and then look up the event ids, but I can't filter on nested objects without expanding them.
My query that don't work look like this:$select=id&$filter=SingleValueExtendedProperties/any(c: c/Id eq 'String {543ec2fa-e468-4b54-be8e-787c70d4a79f} Name ParentEventId' and c/Value eq 'AAMkADJiZWQxZDVmLTViNDAtNGVjOS1hZjdkLWRlMjVlNTQwYzkzOABGAAAAAADJmx9CKBiKQoBAarsrrol5BwAZTSoj4SE7Rbx0wxVE_m1BAAAAAAENAAAZTSoj4SE7Rbx0wxVE_m1BAAADk9fzAAA=')
While the one that works, and does the expand and filter correctly looks like this:$select=id&$filter=SingleValueExtendedProperties/any(c: c/Id eq 'String {543ec2fa-e468-4b54-be8e-787c70d4a79f} Name ParentEventId' and c/Value eq 'AAMkADJiZWQxZDVmLTViNDAtNGVjOS1hZjdkLWRlMjVlNTQwYzkzOABGAAAAAADJmx9CKBiKQoBAarsrrol5BwAZTSoj4SE7Rbx0wxVE_m1BAAAAAAENAAAZTSoj4SE7Rbx0wxVE_m1BAAADk9fzAAA=')&$expand=singleValueExtendedProperties($filter=id eq 'String {543ec2fa-e468-4b54-be8e-787c70d4a79f} Name ParentEventId')
I am not sure if this is the best way of querying SingleValueExtendedProperties but the old setup works - and i can't figure out how to migrate it in the new SDK.

Time on page calculated only for specific segment in Adobe Analytics

I would like to see what is the time on page for user who is logged in. Eliminate from reports time, while user was not logged in.
To have ability to distinguish between time on page while user is not logged in and time on page while he is logged in.
Let's say we have:
Traffic variable User logged in as a prop1 where is true or false.
Traffic variable Time from previous event as a prop2 in seconds
eVar1 duplicating prop1 | expire after event5
eVar2 duplicating prop2 | expire after event5
event4 - User logged in
event5 - User logged out
Time between events
From an article about measuring time between events (
if ( && ( + ",").indexOf("event4,") > -1) {
s.prop2 = "start"
if ( && ( + ",").indexOf("event5,") > -1) {
s.prop2 = "stop"
s.prop2 = s.getTimeToComplete(s.prop2, "TTC", 0);
s.getTimeToComplete = new Function("v", "cn", "e", "var s=this,d=new Date,x=d,k;if(!s.ttcr){e=e?e:0;if(v=='start'||v=='stop')s.ttcr=1;x.setTime(x.getTime()+e* 86400000);if(v=='start'){s.c_w(cn,d.getTime(),e?x:0);return '';}if(v=='stop'){k=s.c_r(cn);if(!s.c_w(cn,'',d)||!k)return '';v=(d.getTime()-k)/1000;var td=86400,th=3600,tm=60,r=5,u,un;if(v>td){u=td;un='days';}else if(v>th){u=th;un='hours';}else if(v>tm){r=2;u=tm;un='minutes';}else{r=.2;u=1;un='seconds';}v=v*r/u;return (Math.round(v)/r)+' '+un;}}return '';");
Time spent overview
From adobe docs (
A “sequence” is a consecutive set of hits where a given variable
contains the same value (whether by being set, spread forward, or
persisted). For example, prop1 “A” has two sequences: hits 1 & 2 and
hit 6. Values on the last hit of the visit do not start a new sequence
because the last hit has no time spent. Average time spent on site
uses sequences in the denominator.
So I guess I will uses prop1 as a denominator for logged in user state to count time between event in prop2 properly.
I am not pretty sure, If this approach is enough to correctly measure time spent only while user is logged in. I would appreciate some hints, how to set up eVars correctly or if I understand sequence denominator correctly.
I also set up eVars with terminating event5, but I am not sure, If this leads to desired behavior.
If you also solve this problem before, please can you lead me, how you define your segment or condition in reports.
GetTimeBetweenEvents plugin should do a job. However, it seems like it was rewritten, I have found in documentation example calls also using Launch plugins extension:
From Adobe documentation
Install the plug-in using AppMeasurement Copy and paste the following
code anywhere in the AppMeasurement file after the Analytics tracking
object is instantiated (using s_gi ). Preserving comments and version
numbers of the code in your implementation helps Adobe with
troubleshooting any potential issues.
/******************************************* BEGIN CODE TO DEPLOY *******************************************/
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: getTimeBetweenEvents v2.1 (Requires formatTime and inList plug-ins) */
s.getTimeBetweenEvents=function(ste,rt,stp,res,cn,etd,fmt,bml,rte){var s=this;if("string"===typeof ste&&"undefined"!==typeof rt&&"string"===typeof stp&&"undefined"!==typeof res){cn=cn?cn:"s_tbe";etd=isNaN(etd)?1:Number(etd);var f=!1,g=!1,n=!1, p=ste.split(","),q=stp.split(",");rte=rte?rte.split(","):[];for(var h=s.c_r(cn),k,v=new Date,r=v.getTime(),c=new Date,a=0; a<rte.length;++a)s.inList(,rte[a])&&(n=!0);c.setTime(c.getTime()+864E5*etd);for(a=0;a<p.length&&!f&&(f=s.inList(,p[a]),!0!==f);++a);for(a=0;a<q.length&&!g&&(g=s.inList(,q[a]),!0!==g);++a);1===p.length&&1===q.length&&ste===stp&&f&&g?(h&&(k=(r-h)/1E3),s.c_w(cn,r,etd?c:0)):(!f||1!=rt&&h||s.c_w(cn,r,etd?c:0),g&&h&&(k=(v.getTime()-h)/1E3,!0===res&&(n=!0)));!0===n&&(c.setDate( c.getDate()-1),s.c_w(cn,"",c));return k?s.formatTime(k,fmt,bml):""}};
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: formatTime v1.1 (Requires inList plug-in) */
s.formatTime=function(ns,tf,bml){var s=this;if(!("undefined"===typeof ns||isNaN(ns)||0>Number(ns))){if("string"===typeof tf&&"d"===tf||("string"!==typeof tf||!s.inList("h,m,s",tf))&&86400<=ns){tf=86400;var d="days";bml=isNaN(bml)?1:tf/(bml*tf)} else"string"===typeof tf&&"h"===tf||("string"!==typeof tf||!s.inList("m,s",tf))&&3600<=ns?(tf=3600,d="hours", bml=isNaN(bml)?4: tf/(bml*tf)):"string"===typeof tf&&"m"===tf||("string"!==typeof tf||!s.inList("s",tf))&&60<=ns?(tf=60,d="minutes",bml=isNaN(bml)?2: tf/(bml*tf)):(tf=1,d="seconds",bml=isNaN(bml)?.2:tf/bml);ns=Math.round(ns*bml/tf)/bml+" "+d;0===ns.indexOf("1 ")&&(ns=ns.substring(0,ns.length-1));return ns}};
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: inList v2.1 */
s.inList=function(lv,vtc,d,cc){if("string"!==typeof vtc)return!1;if("string"===typeof lv)lv=lv.split(d||",");else if("object"!== typeof lv)return!1;d=0;for(var e=lv.length;d<e;d++)if(1==cc&&vtc===lv[d]||vtc.toLowerCase()===lv[d].toLowerCase())return!0;return!1};
/******************************************** END CODE TO DEPLOY ********************************************/
Then your eVar may looks like:
s.eVar1 = s.getTimeBetweenEvents("event1", true, "event2", true, "", 0, "s", 2, "event3");

How to look for user who updated JIRA issue using jira-python?

I don't seem to have the permissions to view the transitions on issues.
The commonly used snippet: [(t['id'],t['name']) for t in j.transitions(issue)] returns an empty list on a valid issue. I can see the issue, its transitions from the Web interface.
When the issue is in the "Fixed" state, I would like to find which user changed it from "Assigned" to "Fixed". Here is my workflow:
How do I achieve this with python-jira?
Insert the following. I use python-3 so you may have to adjust your print statement formats.
issue = jira.issue('project-682', expand='changelog') changelog =
for history in changelog.histories:
for item in history.items:
if item.field == 'status':
print ('Date:',history.created,' From:',item.fromString, 'To:',item.toString, ' By: ',

Adobe DTM - Analytics/Omniture query string missing parameters

I've searched for days looking into this issue but have yet to come up with something. We are migrating our analytics code over to DTM. We are using our own Library hosted at DTM. Everything works great except for some missing data collection parameters in the query string only when using the Adobe Analytics tool to assign variables.
Let me explain. When I use custom code in DTM in a rule to call analytics I get exactly the same query string parameters in the request that we were getting before.
var str = 'string';
s.linkTrackVars = 'prop61,eVar61';
s.linkTrackEvents = 'none';
s.prop61 = str;
s.eVar61 = str;, 'o', str);
This works fine.
If I try to set eVar61 and prop61 with the Adobe Analytics tool inside a rule, five parameters are no longer in the query string. Specifically 'pev1', 'pid', 'pidt', 'oid' and 'ot'. Is there a way to get DTM to set those parameters or am I just to use custom code for all our rules?
Those are clickmap query string parameters. Click on the gear icon to edit the global Analytics tool, and under Link Tracking, make sure 'Enable Clickmap' is checked. Alternatively, you can set s.trackInlineStats=true in your code, which effectively achieves the same effect.
If you ever see missing query string parameters in the future, you can determine what variables to define using the Data Collection Query Parameters in the Marketing Cloud documentation.

Posting date issue due to time zones and the use of SystemDateGet()

We are experiencing a problem where the systemDateGet() function is returning the
AOS wher the local date is required when determining the date for posting purposes.
We have branches around the world, both sides of the international date line, with
users connecting to local terminal servers with the appropriate time zone settings
for the user's branch.
Each branch is associated with a different company, which has been configured with
the correct time zone.
We run a single AOS with the time zone setting set for the head office. There is
not an option to introduce additional AOS's.
The SystemDateGet() function is returning the AOS date as the user is not changing
their Axapta session date.
A number of system fields in the database related to posting dates are DATE based and
not UTCDATETIME based.
We are running AX2009 SP1 RU7.
Kernel version 5.0.1500.4570
Application version 5.0.1500.4570
Localization version: Brazil, China, Japan, Thailand, India
I am aware that the SystemDateGet() function was designed to return the AOS date unless
the user changes their session date in which case that date is returned.
Each user has the appropriate time zone setting in there user profile.
One example of the problem is when a user attempts to post a journal involving financial
transactions, where the ledger period is checked to see if it is open. For example,
the user is in England attempting to post a journal at 3:00pm on the 30st of November, local
time, the standard Axapta code uses the systemDateGet() function to determine the date to use
in the validation (determining if the period is open). In our case, the AOS is based in
Brisbane Australia and the systemDateGet() function is returning the 1st of December
(local time 1:00am on the 1st of December).
Another example of the problem is where an invoice is posted in the United States on a Friday
and the day of the week where the AOS is situated is a Saturday. We need the system to
record the local date.
Besides rewriting all system code involving systemDateGet(), over 2000 entities, is there
any other options that can be used to get around the problem of getting the correct local
Solution limitations.
In the example given above of the ledger period being closed, it is not possible from a
business practices standpoint to open the next period before end of month processing
has been completed.
There is currently no option for the purchase of additional AOS's.
Create a function in the Global class:
static date systemDateGetLocal()
return DateTimeUtil::date(DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset(DateTimeUtil::utcNow(), DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone()));
Then in Info.watchDog() do a:
This may only be a partial solution, the watchDog is executed on the client side only.
Here is a quick update. Let me know if there are any issues or situations that need to be addressed.
The following is a work in progress update, as the solution has yet to be fully tested in all situations.
If the user has a different time zone to the AOS, the timeNow() and systemDateGet() functions are returning the AOS details when the local date time is required.
When the local date time is changed within Axapta, the systemDateGet() function will return the local date, however the timeNow() function still returns the AOS time.
Coding changes:
A number of coding changes have been made to handle a number of different situations. Comments will be added where an explanation may be required.
The brackets were changed to { and } to allow this to be posted.
One requirement I was given was to allow the system to handle multiple sites within a company that may have different time zones. Presently this functionality is not required.
static server void setSessionDateTime(
inventSiteId inventSiteId = '',
utcDateTime reference = dateTimeUtil::utcNow())
str sql;
sqlStatementExecutePermission perm;
connection conn = new UserConnection();
timeZone timeZone;
int ret;
if (inventSiteId)
timeZone = inventSite::find(inventSiteId).Timezone;
timeZone = dateTimeUtil::getCompanyTimeZone();
//This is to get around the kernel validation of changing timezones
//when the user has more than one session open.
sql = strfmt("Update userInfo set preferredTimeZone = %1 where = '%2'", enum2int(timeZone), curUserId());
perm = new SQLStatementExecutePermission(sql);
ret = conn.createStatement().executeUpdate(sql);
static int localTime()
utcDateTime tmp;
tmp = dateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset( dateTimeUtil::utcNow(), dateTimeUtil::getCompanyTimeZone());
return dateTimeUtil::time(tmp);
The following method was implemented as a cross check to ensure that systemDateGet() returns the expected value.
static date localDate()
utcDateTime tmp;
tmp = dateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset( dateTimeUtil::utcNow(), dateTimeUtil::getCompanyTimeZone());
return dateTimeUtil::date(tmp);
Modify the method setDefaultCompany. Add the line setSessionDateTime(); directly after the super call. This is to allow the time to change when the user changes company (another requirement I was given).
So that the system uses the correct date/time from the start of the session.
void startupPost()
Modify the method canViewAlertInbox() adding the line setSessionDateTime(); as the first line. This is to handle if the user has multiple forms open for different companies.
Localization dependent changes:
Depending on your service pack and localizations, you will need to change a function of objects to use the localTime() function, replacing timeNow(). IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not change the class BatchRun to use the new localTime function as this will stop it working correctly.
In our system there were around 260 instances that could be changed. If you do not use all modules and localizations the actual number of lines you need to change will be less.
Final note:
There are a number of today() calls in the code. I have not yet gone through each line to ensure it is coded correctly, i.e. using today() instead of systemDateGet().
Known issues:
I have come across a situation where the timezone change function did not work completely as expected. This was when one session was doing a database synchronisation and another session was opened in a different company. As normal users will never be able to do this, I have not spent much time on its solution at this stage. It is something I do intend to resolve.
