How to look for user who updated JIRA issue using jira-python? - jira

I don't seem to have the permissions to view the transitions on issues.
The commonly used snippet: [(t['id'],t['name']) for t in j.transitions(issue)] returns an empty list on a valid issue. I can see the issue, its transitions from the Web interface.
When the issue is in the "Fixed" state, I would like to find which user changed it from "Assigned" to "Fixed". Here is my workflow:
How do I achieve this with python-jira?

Insert the following. I use python-3 so you may have to adjust your print statement formats.
issue = jira.issue('project-682', expand='changelog') changelog =
for history in changelog.histories:
for item in history.items:
if item.field == 'status':
print ('Date:',history.created,' From:',item.fromString, 'To:',item.toString, ' By: ',


Vaadin 14 FlagItems not aligned correctly on ListSeries

I've got a problem regarding the FlagItem in Vaadin 14.
I'm trying to set a FlagItem for a specific point in a ListSeries, I'm doing this the following way:
PlotOptionsFlags plotOptionsFlags = new PlotOptionsFlags();
plotOptionsFlags.getTooltip().setPointFormat("Wage: {point.y}");
DataSeries flagsSeries = new DataSeries();
flagsSeries.setName(wageEntry.getEmployeeCode().concat(" Current Wage"));
for (WageEntry wage : employeeWageEntries) {
if (wage.getWageYear() == {
flagsSeries.add(new FlagItem(wage.getAge() - 22, wage.getEmployeeCode().concat(" - ").concat(String.valueOf(wage.getWageAmount()))));
As you can see, I set the x value relative to the age of an entry, and the text. More over the FlagItem is only created when a certain condition is met. (I used the Vaadin Chart Demo as reference:
The problem now is, that when the chart is being built, the FlagItem appear on the x axis instead as you can see here:
I really don't understand why this happens.
Maybe it's useful to know, that on the chart three RangeSeries and multiple ListSeries are being drawn.
Thanks for the help!
So I've found out where the problem was. It was something that wasn't added to the code above, so please have mercy.
The issues lied withing the fact that I didn't add the ListSeries to the comparisonChartConfiguration before creating the flagsSeries.
In short, you need to add the Series you want to append flags on to the ChartConfiguration before you can attach the flagsSeries onto another.

Acumatica Customization: Add PO Nbr column to SO Line

I am trying to create a customization to add the PO Nbr associated in the PO Link graph to a column in the SO Line. I know the link is made in the SOLineSplit table, but I am struggling with how to actually show that field in the SO Line. I have made a custom Usr field for PO Nbr, but not sure what I should be entering in the attributes (or DAC extension, whatever is the best way) in order to show the PO Nbr data from the SOLineSplit table.
I remember struggling with this early on, so it's an excellent question. The challenge is that you mention getting to the PO from the SO LINE, but an SO Line can be split across multiple PO's. That's why you end up having to dig into the SOLineSplit for the link. Let's take a look at the link from SOLineSplit to PO...
There are a couple of possibilities when you look into the SOOrderEntry graph. The following code snippets show relationships. Your SOLineSplit may have a direct reference to the PO/POLine as shown here:
PXSelectBase<POLine> selectlinkedDropShips = new PXSelectJoin<POLine,
InnerJoin<SOLineSplit, On<SOLineSplit.pOType, Equal<POLine.orderType>,
And<SOLineSplit.pONbr, Equal<POLine.orderNbr>,
And<SOLineSplit.pOLineNbr, Equal<POLine.lineNbr>>>>>,
Where<SOLineSplit.orderType, Equal<Current<SOOrder.orderType>>,
And<SOLineSplit.orderNbr, Equal<Current<SOOrder.orderNbr>>,
And<POLine.orderType, Equal<POOrderType.dropShip>>>>>(this);
If that simple path doesn't get you there, the more detailed path of an SO to a PO lies in the INItemPlan reflecting the demand of the SOLineSplit (via the PlanID) and then tied to POLine via POLine.PlanID = INItemPlan.SupplyPlanID as shown in the following snippet.
foreach (PXResult<POLine, POOrder, INItemPlan, SOLineSplit> res in PXSelectJoin<POLine,
InnerJoin<POOrder, On<POLine.FK.Order>,
InnerJoin<INItemPlan, On<INItemPlan.supplyPlanID, Equal<POLine.planID>>,
InnerJoin<SOLineSplit, On<SOLineSplit.planID, Equal<INItemPlan.planID>,
And<SOLineSplit.pOType, Equal<POLine.orderType>,
And<SOLineSplit.pONbr, Equal<POLine.orderNbr>,
And<SOLineSplit.pOLineNbr, Equal<POLine.lineNbr>>>>>>>>,
Where<POLine.orderType, Equal<Required<POLine.orderType>>,
And<POLine.orderNbr, Equal<Required<POLine.orderNbr>>,
And2<Where<POLine.cancelled, Equal<boolTrue>,
Or<POLine.completed, Equal<boolTrue>>>,
And2<Where<POOrder.orderType, NotEqual<POOrderType.dropShip>,
Or<POOrder.isLegacyDropShip, Equal<True>>>,
And<SOLineSplit.receivedQty, Less<SOLineSplit.qty>,
And<SOLineSplit.pOCancelled, NotEqual<boolTrue>,
And<SOLineSplit.completed, NotEqual<boolTrue>>>>>>>>>
.Select(graph, poOrder.OrderType, poOrder.OrderNbr))
As you can imagine, you would have to set some rules around restricting an SO Line to a single PO, but that honestly would be more trouble than it's worth as the standard functionality is valuable in being more robust. I would suggest either putting your link in the Allocations list (or Line Details in more recent versions of Acumatica ERP) or produce a smart panel popup to show all the PO links per splits of the current SO Line.

Why do progress events stop firing when I add 'false' to createjs.LoadQueue()?

OK, the docs are messy at best. I have huge issues fading in and out preloaded assets if I do not add 'false' to the instance of PreloadJS. But when I add it I completely lose the progress event ... what is it that's so deeply hidden in the docs, that I cannot find anything about this?
And has anyone got a complete example of HOW to actually and properly load an array (actually an object) of images without losing the progress event AND still have an asset that behaves as expected when adding it to the DOM and fade it in?
This was also posted in a question on GitHub.
The short answer is that loading with tags (setting the first param useXHR to false) doesn't support granular progress events because downloading images with tags doesn't give progress events in the browser.
You can still get progress events from the LoadQueue any time an image loads, but each image will just provide a single "complete" event.
#Lanny True for that part, but in my case I was also missing the 'true' in .getResult(), and the createObjectURL() for the image data:
var preloader = new createjs.LoadQueue();
function handleFileLoad ( e ) {
var item = e.item,
result = preloader.getResult(, true),
blob_url = URL.createObjectURL( result );
So, that I was actually able to handle the image data as a blob … I couldn't find anything close to 'createObjectURL' in the docs. I guess that renders the docs 'not complete' at best …

ng-block-ui not working with Angular 7 concatmap

I'm using NgBlockUI and BlockUIHttpModule with blockAllRequestsInProgress set to true in an app I'm working on. In general it's working fine, but on one page I'm using a concat map to perform some action and then update the data. The first request, the update, triggers BlockUI fine, but the second one doesn't. Otherwise, it executes properly. It's just a little jarring for the user since the results seem to update without warning. Here's the code for the function:
onUpdate(event: items[]) {
_ =>
resp => this.handleResponse(resp),
err => this.handleError(err)
I tried calling BlockUI directly, but still no luck. As a last resort, I'm going to make the whole thing one request, but I'd like to at least understand why this isn't working.
This happened to me as well. This issue occurs for sequential HTTP calls (usually with await) wherein the second request is not blocked by ng-block-ui.
As fix what I did was set blockAllRequestsInProgress to false. The behavior is just the same but setting it to false yields more predictable results:
blockAllRequestsInProgress: false,
requestFilters: [urlFilter]
I've also updated to ng-block-ui to latest version as of this writing:
"ng-block-ui": "^2.1.8",

Prestashop all translatable-field display none for product page

Just new in Prestashop (, I've a problem with my product page in admin. All translatable-field are to display:none (I inspect the code with chrome).
So when I want to create a new product I can't because the name field is required.
I thought that it was simple to find the .js whose do that but it isn't.
If somebody could help me, I would be happy.
Thank you for your help
I make some searches and see that the function hideOtherLanguage(id) hide and show translatable-field element.
function hideOtherLanguage(id)
$('.lang-' + id).show();
var id_old_language = id_language;
id_language = id;
if (id_old_language != id)
When I set the Id to 1 (default language), it works. It seems that when I load the page, the function is called twice and the last calling, the id value is undefined. So the show() function will not work.
If somebody could help me. Thank you.
In my console, I see only one error
undefined is not a function.
under index.php / Line 1002
But I find the form.tpl template and set this lines in comment but nothing change.
EDIT: According to comment on this link this can possibly be caused by corrupted installation file(s) - so when on clean install - try to re-download and reinstall...
I got into a similar problem - in module admin page, when creating configuration form using PrestaShop's HelperForm. I will provide most probable cases and their possible solutions.
The solution for HelperForm was tested on PS
Generally there are 2 cases when this will happen.
First, you have to check what html you recieve.
=> Display source code - NOT in developer tools/firebug/etc...!
=> I really mean the pure recieved (JavaScript untouched) html.
Check if your translatable-fields have already the inline style "display: none":
Case 1 - fields already have inline style(s) for "display: none"
This means the template/html was already prepared this way - most probably in some TPL file I saw codes similar to these:
<div class="translatable-field lang-{$language.id_lang}"
{if $language.id_lang != $id_lang_default}style="display:none"{/if}>
Or particularly in HelperForm template:
<div class="translatable-field lang-{$language.id_lang}"
{if $language.id_lang != $defaultFormLanguage}style="display:none"{/if}>
Case 1 is the most easy to solve, you just have to find, where to set this default language.
Look where you've (or someone else) prepared the HelperForm object - something like:
$formHelper = new HelperForm();
Somewhere there will be something like $formHelper->default_form_language = ...;
My wrong first solution was to get default form language from context - which might not be set:
$this->context->controller->default_form_language; //THIS IS WRONG!
The correct way is to get the default language from configuration - something like:
$default_lang = new Language((int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));
$formHelper->default_form_language = $default_lang->id;
...this particularly solved my problem...
Other form-creations
If there is something else than HelperForm used for form creations, the problem is still very similar.
You have to find where in files(probably tpls) is a condition for printing display:none for your case - then find where is the check-against-variable set and set it correctly yourself.
Case 2 - fields don't have inline style(s) for "display: none"
This means it is done after loading HTML by JavaScript. There are two options:
There is a call for hideOtherLanguage(), but there is wrongly set input language - that means no language will be displayed and all hidden.Solution for this one can be often solved by solving Case 1 (see above). In addition there can be programming error in not setting the after-used language id variable at all... then you would have to set it yourself (assign in JavaScript).
Some script calls some sort of .hide() on .translatable-field - you will have to search for it the hard way and remove/comment it out.
PS: Of course you can set the language to whatever you want, it is just common to set it to default language, because it is the most easier and the most clear way how to set it.
