Zendesk Api problem with custom fields values - zendesk

Good morning,
I need help, I recently found the Tanabee project on github where using APPS Scripts and google sheets and the zendesk api you could extract the necessary info.
I'm looking at the documentation but I can't figure out how to extract the custom fields values.
I get a cell value of "unidentified", could you advise me ?
Attached is the code:
var response = apiRequestToZendesk('tickets.json', '?sort_by=created_at&sort_order=desc&page=' + page),
fetchedTickets = response.tickets
.map(function (ticket) {
return [
ticket.description.substring(0, 50000),//Limitamos a 50000 caracteres para evitar crash de spreadsheet
Thanks everyone

ticket.custom_fields[ticket.custom_fields.findIndex((cf) => cf.id==6515116803345)].value,


Pull pagespeed in seconds from Chrome User Experience Report into a google sheet

By following the guide Create Your Own Google Pagespeed & Mobile Usability Tracking Google Sheet in 5 Steps I managed to set up mobile pagespeed score for a list of (up to 50) URLs.
However since late 2017 or something there is real data available from the Chrome User Experience Report that displays an average load time in seconds for a page based on chrome user data.
(This data is being used for example when using Pagespeed Insights by google.)
Instead of pulling a page score I as described above I would like to pull the average load time into my google sheet.
Is it possible to adapt the script used from the article above to pull load time in seconds instead of pagescore? Or is there any other way to do this?
Thanks in advance your help is much appreciated.
This is the script I run in script editor to get pagescore into google sheet according to the linked article with function =checkAll(C3):
* Returns Mobile Pagespeed, Mobile Usability, and Desktop Pagespeed values in three adjacent columns
* by Cagri Sarigoz
function checkAll(Url) {
var key = "AIzaSyB2SeOumbCd6YNfFWRg5Jo_WpISZi4gCFs";
var serviceUrlMobile = "https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v2/runPagespeed?url="+Url+"&strategy=mobile&key="+key;
var serviceUrlDesktop = "https://www.googleapis.com/pagespeedonline/v2/runPagespeed?url="+Url+"&strategy=desktop&key="+key;
var array = [];
if (key == "YOUR_API_KEY")
return "Please enter your API key to the script";
var responseMobile = UrlFetchApp.fetch(serviceUrlMobile);
if(responseMobile.getResponseCode() == 200) {
var contentMobile = JSON.parse(responseMobile.getContentText());
if ( (contentMobile != null) && (contentMobile["ruleGroups"] != null) )
if (contentMobile["responseCode"] == 200)
var speedScoreMobile = contentMobile["ruleGroups"]["SPEED"]["score"];
var usabilityScoreMobile = contentMobile["ruleGroups"]["USABILITY"]["score"];
array.push(["Not Found!", "Not Found!", "Not Found!"]);
return array;
var responseDesktop = UrlFetchApp.fetch(serviceUrlDesktop);
if(responseDesktop.getResponseCode() == 200) {
var contentDesktop = JSON.parse(responseDesktop.getContentText());
if ( (contentDesktop != null) && (contentDesktop["ruleGroups"] != null) )
var speedScoreDesktop = contentDesktop["ruleGroups"]["SPEED"]["score"];
array.push([speedScoreMobile, usabilityScoreMobile, speedScoreDesktop]);
return array;
I am the writer of the blog post that you shared. As you said, the Google Apps Script there was using Google Pagespeed API v2. The current API version is v4, and v2 will be depreciated on June 30th.
So I updated the code with v4 on my own copy of the spreadsheet. You can make your own copy from here.
I also wanted to add the mobile-friendly test results but it turned out that Google Search Console's API quota restrictions were too tight, returning error almost all the time. So I commented out that part of the code for the time being.
I didn't have the time to update my blog post yet. You can see the new version of the script here.

Get Google Sheets Last Edit date using Sheets API v4 (Java)

I'm using the Google Sheets API v4 in Android.
I need to know when the last modification to the sheet was made (including by user); I need this guy:
I'd like to do something like this:
Spreadsheet spreadsheet = sheetsService.spreadsheets().get(spreadsheetId).setIncludeGridData(true).execute();
Date date = spreadsheet.getProperties().getLastEditDate();
But, of course, no such getLastEditDate() property method exists. Is there a parameter or another API method to call to get this data?
Even better would be to get the modified date for each cell... but I'd settle for the date of the entire spreadsheet or sheet.
This is not available in the Sheets API, but you may be able to use the Drive API's files.get method, which includes a 'modifiedTime' in the response. (Note that by default it will not include the modified time, you have to explicitly ask for it in the 'fields' parameter.)
It looks like this cannot be done with Sheets API v4.
However...it does look like it can be done with the compatible Google Drive API v3.
Note: the best part about this solution was that I could use the same method of authentication and credential gathering for both APIs. E.g., once I had the code for getting the credentials, I could use it for both API's interchangeably and consecutively.
Here's what I did:
Added this to my build.gradle (shown below my Sheets API declaration)
compile('com.google.apis:google-api-services-sheets:v4-rev468-1.22.0') {
exclude group: 'org.apache.httpcomponents'
compile('com.google.apis:google-api-services-drive:v3-rev69-1.22.0') {
exclude group: 'org.apache.httpcomponents'
I was already using the EasyPermissions method for getting account and credentials. Great example here.
import com.google.api.services.drive.Drive;
protected Drive driveService = new Drive.Builder(transport, jsonFactory, credential)
.setApplicationName("My Application Name")
... async:
private DateTime getSheetInformation() throws IOException {
String spreadsheetId = settings.getSpreadsheetId();
Drive.Files.Get fileRequest = driveService.files().get(spreadsheetId).setFields("id, modifiedTime");
File file = fileRequest.execute();
if (file != null) {
return file.getModifiedTime();
return null;
The sheets api v3 will be deprecated in March 2020, when that happens, your best bet is to use the drive API.
you can pass

Get Tweets with Pictures using twitter search api

Is it possible to get tweets which contain photos? I am currently using twitter search api and getting all the tweets having entity details by setting include_entities=true. I see picture details under media object but is there anyway to filter and get tweets objects which just have these media items. Or is there anyway in Twitter4j to do this query?
There is no specific way to specify that I need only photos or videos but you can filter the results based on filter:links or filter:images or filter:videos in your query along with include_entities=true.
For Example: To get the tweets that contain links since 2012-01-31, you query should have include_entities parameter as well as filter:links as shown as follows:
As your need is to filter your tweets based on images/photos, I think you should use filter:images.
An example of your case would look like:
Hope this helps.
With Latest twitter API I couldn't get filters work and I couldn't find either any explanation in their docs. Althought you can get all the tweets and then parse only the media ones. You can fire this if inside your parsing script:
if(this.entities.media != null){
//Parse the tweet
This is not the best solution but the worst part comes to twitter who's giving you more information and using more of its own resources.
In the lastest twitter API you can do it in the ConfigurationBuilder instance, before creating the Twitter instance:
ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder();
// enabling include_entities parameters
Twitter twitterInstance = new TwitterFactory(cb.build()).getInstance();
Also, after enabling the entities, in the search string you have to had the condition "filter:images".
List<String> keywords = new ArrayList<String>();
// String.join for Java 8
String twitterSearchString = "((" + String.join(" OR ", keywords) + ")";
// adding the filter condition
twitterSearchString += " AND filter:images)";
Query q = new Query(twitterSearchString);
And you will get just results with images (tested with twitter4j-core 4.0.4).
For filter in twitter API you can check official document for latest version as on date Apr 02 2019

Getting top twitter trends by country

I know how to get trends using API, but i want it by country and top 10.
How can I ? Is that possible?
Tried this one but not working
Note that Twitter API v1 is no longer functional. Read announcement
So you should use Twitter API 1.1.
REST method is this: GET trends/place
You should authenticate with access tokens to reach this data.
Yes, you can.
First, figure out which countries you want to get data for.
Will give you a list of all the countries Twitter has trends for.
Suppose you want the trends for the UK. The above tells us that the WOEID is 23424975.
To get the top ten trends for the UK, call
you need to figure out the woeids first use this tool here http://sigizmund.info/woeidinfo/ and then it becomes as easy as a simple function
function get_trends($woeid){
return json_decode(file_get_contents("http://api.twitter.com/1/trends/".$woeid.".json?exclude=hashtags", true), false);
Here you go, I wrote a simple sample script for you. Check It Out Here Twitter Trends Getter
Hope it helps!
I'm a 'bit' late to the party on this one but you can use:
npm i twit --save
const Twit = require('twit');
const config = require('./config');
const T = new Twit(config);
const params = {
id: '23424829',
id: '23424975',
id: '23424977'
// count: 3
T.get('trends/place', params, gotData, limit);
function gotData(err, data, response) {
var tweets = data;
console.log(JSON.stringify(tweets, undefined, 2));
You have to Complete Authentication using Api Key to Fetch Results in JSON.
Another Thing Keep in Mind Twitter Api is Limited.
If you are Making Website for Top Twitter Trends then Visit this Url https://twitter-trends.vlivetricks.com/, Right Click >> Copy Source Code and Replace only Trends Name using Your Json Variable.

Is there a way to get the twitter share count for a specific URL?

I looked through the API documentation but couldn't find it. It would be nice to grab that number to see how popular a url is. Engadget uses the twitter share button on articles if you're looking for an example. I'm attempting to do this through javascript. Any help is appreciated.
You can use the following API endpoint,
Note that the http://urls.api.twitter.com/ endpoint is not public.)
The endpoint will return a JSON string similar to,
On the client, if you are making a request to get the URL share count for your own domain (the one the script is running from), then an AJAX request will work (e.g. jQuery.getJSON). Otherwise, issue a JSONP request by appending callback=?:
jQuery.getJSON('https://cdn.api.twitter.com/1/urls/count.json?url=http://stackoverflow.com/&callback=?', function (data) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="so-url-shares">Calculating...</div>
As of 21st November 2015, this way of getting twitter share count, does not work anymore. Read more at: https://blog.twitter.com/2015/hard-decisions-for-a-sustainable-platform
This is not possible anymore as from today, you can read more here:
And no plans to implement it back, unfortunately.
Up vote so users do not lose time trying out.
It is however possible via http://opensharecount.com, they provide a drop-in replacement for the old private JSON URL based on searches made via the API (so you don't need to do all that work).
It's based on the REST API Search endpoints. Its still new system, so we should see how it goes. In the future we can expect more of similar systems, because there is huge demand.
this is for url with https (for Brodie)
How do I access the count API to find out how many Tweets my URL has had?
In this early stage of the Tweet Button the count API is private. This means you need to use either our javascript or iframe Tweet Button to be able to render the count. As our systems scale we will look to make the count API public for developers to use.
Replace "http://www.web-technology-experts-notes.in" with "your full web page URL".
Check the Sharing count of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest
As of 21st November 2015, Twitter has removed the "Tweet count endpoint" API.
Read More: https://twitter.com/twitterdev/status/667836799897591808
The approved reply is the right one. There are other versions of the same endpoint, used internally by Twitter.
For example, the official share button with count uses this one:
JSONP support is there adding &callback=func.
I know that is an old question but for me the url http://cdn.api.twitter.com/1/urls/count.json?url=http://stackoverflow.com did not work in ajax calls due to Cross-origin issues.
I solved using PHP CURL, I made a custom route and called it through ajax.
/* Other Code */
$options = array(
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // return web page
CURLOPT_HEADER => false, // don't return headers
CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, // follow redirects
CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, // stop after 10 redirects
CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", // handle compressed
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => "test", // name of client
CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => true, // set referrer on redirect
CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 120, // time-out on connect
CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 120, // time-out on response
$url = $_POST["url"]; //whatever you need
if($url !== ""){
$curl = curl_init("http://urls.api.twitter.com/1/urls/count.json?url=".$url);
curl_setopt_array($curl, $options);
$result = curl_exec($curl);
echo json_encode(json_decode($result)); //whatever response you need
It is important to use a POST because passsing url in GET request cause issues.
Hope it helped.
This comment https://stackoverflow.com/a/8641185/1118419 proposes to use Topsy API. I am not sure that API is correct:
Twitter response for www.e-conomic.dk:
shows 10 count
Topsy response fro www.e-conomic.dk:
18 count
This way you can get it with jquery. The div id="twitterCount" will be populated automatic when the page is loaded.
function getTwitterCount(url){
var tweets;
$.getJSON('http://urls.api.twitter.com/1/urls/count.json?url=' + url + '&callback=?', function(data){
tweets = data.count;
var urlBase='http://http://stackoverflow.com';
Yes, there is. As long as you do the following:
Issue a JSONP request to one of the urls:
Make sure that the request you are making is from the same domain as the [URL_IN_REQUEST]. Otherwise, it will not work.
Making requests from example.com to request the count of example.com/page/1. Should work.
Making requests from another-example.com to request the count of example.com/page/1. Will NOT work.
I just read the contents into a json object via php, then parse it out..
$tweet_count_url = 'http://urls.api.twitter.com/1/urls/count.json?url='.$post_link;
$tweet_count_open = fopen($tweet_count_url,"r");
$tweet_count_read = fread($tweet_count_open,2048);
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON('<?=$tweet_count_read;?>');
jQuery("#tweet-count").html("("+obj.count+") ");
Simple enough, and it serves my purposes perfectly.
This Javascript class will let you fetch share information from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Example of usage
<p>Facebook count: <span id="facebook_count"></span>.</p>
<p>Twitter count: <span id="twitter_count"></span>.</p>
<p>LinkedIn count: <span id="linkedin_count"></span>.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var smStats=new SocialMediaStats('https://google.com/'); // Replace with your desired URL
smStats.facebookCount('facebook_count'); // 'facebook_count' refers to the ID of the HTML tag where the result will be placed.
More examples and documentation
Javascript Class For Getting URL Shares On Facebook, Twitter And LinkedIn
