Using the Avro Schema Schema with the Pulsar C++ Client - avro

can someone point me in the direction of how to use the Avro Schema type with the Apache Pulsar c++ client? I can’t find anywhere in the Pulsar docs (or anywhere else) of actual message construction with this schema type and am having some difficulty.
I’ve looked through all the schema documents and unfortunately those don’t answer my question.
The closest I’ve seen is this Pulsar issue,
I’m mostly wondering if the MessageBuilder() ’s setContent method needs to take avro encoded data, or if the struct object can be directly passed to the setContent function.
The protobuf information in 2.10.0 documentation solidly explains this process, but the avro schema info lacks building the pulsar::Message. I also apologize as I’m somewhat new to avro as well.


Schema registry on AWS

I'm evaluating kinesis as replacement for kafka. One of the things I'm missing is Schema registry equivalent solution. In particular I need:
schema upgrade - validate compatibility with the previous version
version avro schemas in a similar way as schema registry does
What are the options to handle 2 above? The only thing that I found was glue catalogue, but it doesn't seem to
At the end I also want to use firehose (output to redshift), but from what I understand this is not possible and will require writing custom lambda.
AWS just launched Schema Registry functionality for AWS Kinesis, Is where it gets us - still not as complete / elegant as what the kafka ecosystem by confluent bundle, say is. I am doubting how compatible schema work here too.
Might deviate from your ques - but would you consider MSK, or deploying kafka on AWS (although an overhead for managing it) ?
AWS Glue provide option for schema registry which can be used with AVRO data format.
at this moment glue only support java as producer and consumer.
it is quite easy to use

Interprocess communication in Lua with Example?

I have been struggling a lot to get this to work.
Can someone provide an example with any LUA api of 2 scripts that pass a message back and forth.
I have tried Oil, lua-ipc and zeromq.
But I face several missing libraries issues.
The ultimate goal is to pass a vector of numbers from one Lua process to another Lua process (with a different version of Lua) without going through disk.
Here is a similar example in python of IPC in a single file. Something similar in lua would be extremely helpful.
I really need an example as my knowledge in pipes or UDP/TCP is not strong.
The equivalent would be to use luasocket. These examples come very close to the python example given. Here socket:receive() is used for the framing.

Can Google Protocol Buffers be serialized/parsed between different languages?

The official site as well as some other sources describe one of the benefits of Google Protocol Buffers as being highly inter-operable. I know the technology supports different language bindings out of the box, and many more as third party implementations, but what does that mean exactly?
Is my understanding correct in thinking that as long as I have a common schema file, I can run the protoc compiler and generate code for multiple languages, and then write a program in one language using the generated code, serialize some data to a file, and then parse it in another language in another program?
For example, could my client-side application running in Java serialize a Google Protocol Buffer and send it over the wire to a server implemented in C++ which can then parse it and use it readily as long as both sides were generated from the same schema file?
If that is correct, what allows that to happen - is it that their serialization/parsing logic adhere to a common/consistent wire format detailed here?
Yes, you can, and yes, it is because the wire format is fixed (i.e. the same for any language binding).

GraphQL client libraries for iOS

I have a GraphQL service that I need to hit from an iOS app, and I'm trying to survey what my options are for client libraries geared towards this purpose. My initial impression is that there are not many good options out there, and I'm a little surprised by this since Facebook's mobile app is always cited among the motivational material for GraphQL itself.
What follows is my current understanding of my options. My questions is: what client library options am I overlooking? I'm also curious if you were to imagine the ideal GraphQL client library for iOS, what might it look like?
Just Alamofire, AFNetworking, or NSURLSession directly, passing in lovingly hand-crafted Query Documents and spelunking through a Dictionary representing the resulting JSON, or
This question was asked a long time ago - I think today the standard answer to this will be to use Apollo Client.
It uses a similar API as the Apollo Client on the web and has a couple of really nice features:
Static type generation based on GraphQL Queries & Mutations
Normalized cache
Query watching & automatic UI updates
Manual store updates
It has not yet reached 1.0 but overall is a super promising project!
Here are some resources that should help you get started:
Apollo iOS Quickstart
Apollo iOS on GitHub
Ray Wenderlich GraphQL Tutorial
Learn Apollo iOS Track
I would not build queries by hand, and I think both Chester and GraphQLicious would be fine for you.
If I had to imagine the perfect library, it should not only build queries but also parse the result into Swift objects. This, as you may know from JSON parsing libraries, is not a small task and that's why most of the GraphQL-Builder libraries don't do it.
Disclosure: I'm one of the guys behind GraphQLicious

Programming Windows Cluster resource DLLs using Delphi

I wonder whether there's a way to program a resource DLL for Windows Clusters in Delphi. I want to write a program that observes cluster state changes.
Judging from the MSDN API reference, all relevant functions are located in the ClusAPI.h and ResAPI.h headers, but unfortunately it seems as if they haven't been ported yet and HeaderConv seems to fail on them.
Does anyone has experience in doing such a thing?
It's a very C-oriented API, with mandatory Dll entry points, tables of callback function pointers, and binary data blocks. I've been able to wrap a C#/.NET library with a C++/CLI interop layer, but it's definitely non-trivial.
This would require a manual C header translation to Pascal code. If the API deals in pointers, you wouldn't have to translate any structures... this would make it comparatively simple to perform the translation as you'd only need to translate the function declarations themselves. If it passes structures (as opposed to pointers there-to) you would have to translate all of those structures as Delphi Records (or Packed Records as appropriate). Structure translations are far more time-consuming.
Sorry I can't offer an "instant solution", but at the info I've provided should help (if you didn't already know it).
