I tried to install Pupilfirst LMS - ruby-on-rails

I tried to install Pupilfirst LMS, I had difficulty in step
Compile Rescript Code: yarn run re: build
Output: Usage Error: could't find a script named "re: build".
And I also have difficulty in step
Run Webpack Dev Server: yarn run wds
Output: Usage Error: could't find a script named "wds".
is there any solution?

There shouldn't be a space between re: and build: yarn run re:build.
Also, when running a yarn run script_name command, make sure that your current directory contains a package.json file where the script script_name is defined.
In case of pupilfirst this file is in the root: https://github.com/pupilfirst/pupilfirst/blob/e41ffb8a57f4c59f7927056af324b5c283fb0038/package.json


Lumber: Command 'lumber' not found

I just setup a Rails Application in my Ubuntu 18 machine, and I want to connect it to Forest Admin. However, Forest Admin requires that I set up a Node Application using npm first. The node application requires the installation of Lumber CLI tool in order to install Forest Admin.
I have however installed Lumber CLI tool by running the command below:
npm install -g lumber-cli#latest -s
When I run the command below npm lumber -version in my command line terminal, I get the response:
But when I try to generate the Forest Admin using the command below:
lumber generate "my_project"...
I get the following error:
Command 'lumber' not found
I need some help. Thank you.
Here's how I solved it:
The issue is because NPM does not have the write access to the directory that will contain the package you want to install (here lumber-cli).
To solve this issue, override the default directory where your global NPM packages will be stored:
mkdir ~/.npm-global
Then, configure NPM to use this directory instead of the default one:
npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
Then, make the node executables accessible from your PATH. To do so, export the environment variable PATH by opening or creating the file ~/.profile and add this line at the end:
export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
Finally, reload the ~/.profile file:
source ~/.profile
Try installing lumber cli again using the command below:
npm install -g lumber-cli#latest -s
It should be able to install lumber without any error, and also display the directory where lumber-cli is installed.
Reference: Prevent permission errors at installation
That's all
I hope this helps

NPM browserstack alias installed by package.json for TestCafe not recognized

Installing 'testcafe-browser-provider-browserstack' by package.json causes Jenkins job not to recognize 'browserstack'
Tried removing from package.json and install from command line but dependencies cause npm install to error.
testcafe 1.1.4
testcafe-browser-provider-browserstack 1.8.0
npm install
node_modules/.bin/testcafe -e browserstack:safari auth-subscriber-access-myaccount.js
ERROR Unable to find the browser. "browserstack:safari" is not a browser alias or path to an executable file.
One way to debug the issue would be to run the test explicitly with your BrowserStack credentials with the following command -
BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME="YOUR_USERNAME" BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY="YOUR_KEY" testcafe "browserstack:safari#12.0:OS X Mojave" "path/to/test/file.js"
I tried different paths and also moving to devDependencies in package.json but wasn't successful. I removed from package.json and installed command line at run time and it works.
Maybe I didn't find the right path to call it or it needs to be "local" installed but it now recognizes 'browserstack' this way.

Can't complete npm install when directing Docker to local NPM packages

I haven’t been able to find an answer to this question anywhere, so I’m hoping someone here might have run into a similar issue.
I’m trying to containerize a NodeJS application, but run into this error during RUN npm install:
npm ERR! Could not install from "packages/example-package" as it does
not contain a package.json file
The package in question is listed as a local dependency in my app’s package.json:
"dependencies": {
"#example-name/example-package": "file:../example-package" },
There are no issues running npm install outside of docker with these local file paths.
I’ve tried copying the packages package.json file into the container, via the Dockerfile, like so:
COPY ./packages/example-package/package.json ./packages/example-package
The resulting error is:
npm ERR! Could not install "packages/example-packages" as it is not a
directory and is not a file with a name ending in .tgz, .tar.gz or
I’m at a loss as to where to go from here! Any suggestions?
You end up with a file called ./packages/example-package with the contents of the package.json rather than a directory.
You can confirm this by temporarily adding a cat of the file/dir to your Dockerfile
RUN cat ./packages/example-package
Use a / on the end of the destination path to make it a directory or specify the full path to the file.
COPY ./packages/example-package/package.json ./packages/example-package/
COPY ./packages/example-package/package.json ./packages/example-package/package.json

Not able to run angular material docs on locally

Environment: Windows 7, npm 2.11.3, bower 1.4.1, gulp CLI 3.9.0
I Cloned angular material (https://github.com/angular/material/tree/v0.10.1) using WebStorm. I followed the (https://github.com/angular/material/tree/v0.10.1/docs) to install angular-material locally.
At root directory /
I run npm install it runs (with some warnings) and downloaded its dependencies (my npm -v is 2.11.3)
In run bower install but its gives following
D:\material>bower install
bower ENOENT No bower.json present
then I run gulp docs to build docs, it was build and created /dist folder at root directory. after I run the gulp server command to live reload. Its said Webserver started at I saw on bower but no luck, also tried alternativly as http://localhost:8080 still there is no luck.
One more alternative using httpster, I installed it and run httpster -p 8080 -d ./dist/docs it said Starting HTTPster v1.0.1 on port "8080" from ./dist/docs
again i browse localhost:8080 then its gives me error in index page on developer tool of crome as below
Uncaught Error: [$injector:nomod] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.4.3/$injector/nomod?p0=material.components.menu
angular.js:4369 Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.4.3/$injector/modulerr?p0=docsApp&p1=Error%3A…ogleapis.com%2Fajax%2Flibs%2Fangularjs%2F1.4.3%2Fangular.min.js%3A19%3A339)
Please help what can I do to get my luck.
Paul (ngmaterial group on google) solved my problem, However site is loading demo pages not working.
Try renaming _menu.js in material-0.10.1\src\components\menu to menu-a.js. In my case that ensured the two js files were added in the correct order.

Deploying a Rails / Ember app on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I am having issues deploying my elastic beanstalk rails 4 + ember cli app. I have a rails application and within the root I have a folder called 'frontend' which contains my ember app generated by ember CLI Rails.
My configuration:
64bit Amazon Linux 2015.03 v1.3.1 running Ruby 2.1 (Puma)
I encounter the following error from my activity log after I run eb deploy:
At cursory, I get this
ERROR: Instance: i-25c139e7 Module: AWSEBAutoScalingGroup ConfigSet: null Command failed on instance. Return code: 1 Output: (TRUNCATED)...mber-cli-rails.rb:58:in `compile!'
Looking into /var/log/eb-activity.log
I first get a lot of
npm ERR! Error: Attempt to unlock X, which hasn't been locked
followed by
npm ERR! System Linux 3.14.35-28.38.amzn1.x86_64
npm ERR! command "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install"
npm ERR! cwd /var/app/ondeck/frontend
npm ERR! node -v v0.10.35
npm ERR! npm -v 1.4.28
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in:
npm ERR! /var/app/ondeck/frontend/npm-debug.log
npm ERR! not ok code 0
rake aborted!
EmberCLI Rails requires your Ember app to have an addon.
From within your EmberCLI directory please run:
$ npm install --save-dev ember-cli-rails-addon#0.0.11
in you Ember application root: /var/app/ondeck/frontend
Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile => ember:compile
(See full trace by running task with --trace) (Executor::NonZeroExitStatus)
So I ssh into the directory indicated and run npm install, which also leaves me with a lot of errors regarding authorization. When I run with via sudo, the modules install correctly, but when I redeploy my app, it gives me the exact same error.
I have tried sudo NPM install and chown -R node_modules webapp so that the node_modules folder can be accessed by the webapp group with no success.
I hate long answers, but this scenario is quite complicated.
As mentioned in the comments above, it was discovered that the home directory for the webapp user needed to be created (/home/webapp). Once this directory is created, the node package manager (npm) can execute without error. Because AWSEB environments can scale, SSH'ing into the EB host and performing one-off installations of packages and modules will not work in the long run. Essentially the answer boils down to the following logical steps:
Install git on the application server because bower needs it.
Create the home directory of the webapp user at /home/webapp.
Install bower globally using npm.
Invoke the npm install of your ember app.
Invoke bower install for your ember app.
To fix this I went ahead and created several .ebextensions customization files that are executed during an eb deploy. Here they are in order:
.ebextensions/00_option_settings.config - sets some EB options; for example the timeout length for command executions performed during an eb deploy. In this case all commands will timeout after 1200 seconds.
- namespace: 'aws:elasticbeanstalk:command'
option_name: 'Timeout'
value: '1200'
.ebextensions/01_packages.config - can install packages through yum and make them available to your eb instance. In this case I use yum to install git, this will later be used by bower.
git: []
.ebextensions/02_commands.config - allows you to run OS commands prior to unpacking the application that was uploaded through eb deploy. This part of the answer satisfies the main theme of this question: In my particular case, I need to create the /home/webapp directory, make sure it is owned by the webapp user, and also has 700 permissions. Lastly, I ensure that bower is installed globally as it will be needed by my ember application.
# use the test directive to create the directory
# if the mkdir command fails the rest of this directive is ignored
test: 'mkdir /home/webapp'
command: 'ls -la /home/webapp'
command: 'chown webapp:webapp /home/webapp'
command: 'chmod 700 /home/webapp'
command: 'npm install -g bower'
.ebextensions/03_container_commands.config - runs OS command after the application has been unpacked. NOTE: My ember app lives in the frontend directory of application source code. In order to install the npm and bower dependencies, the npm install and bower install commands need to be executed from the frontend directory. It is also worth mentioning that the bower-install command needs the --allow-root flag in order to succeed as the AWS user executing these commands has elevated privileges.
# set the current working directory to fully-qualified frontend
cwd: '/var/app/ondeck/frontend/'
command: 'npm install'
leader_only: 'false'
# set the current working directory to fully-qualified frontend
cwd: '/var/app/ondeck/frontend/'
command: 'bower --allow-root install'
leader_only: 'false'
# seed my database (has nothing to do with this answer)
command: 'rake db:seed_fu'
leader_only: 'true'
