Upgrade Angular Material from 13 to 14 - angular-material

I am trying to upgrade my Angular application that uses material from Angular 13 (13.1.0) to 14 (14.0.1). I am using steps provided at https://update.angular.io/?v=13.0-14.0.
My Angular and CLI versions upgraded successfully but getting following error while upgrading Material:

As of today, flex-layout was not updated to support Angular 14 (see this git issue). So either you can wait until it does, or try updating with the --force flag and hope that everything works.


I've problem with electrron-vue and I need a solution

I've installed electron-vue to use vue with electron-app. When I wrote the following command npm run dev an error was shown to me, I found listing directory instead of the LandingPage.
The electron-vue is not being updated at this time. (currently, electronic version 2.x)
There's a boilerplate that I forked the electron-vue and updated all the modules with the latest modules. The use method is the same and we have added the ui framework and css-precessor.
Electron 5
Vue-CLI 3
Babel 7
Vue 2.6
UI Framework
Quasar 1.x
Vuteify 2.x
We recommend you try it.

Which version of flex-layout is supported is Angular v2.x?

I am using Angular v2.4.10. I want to install flex-layout for Angular v2. But the latest version (2.0.0-beta.8) of #angular/flex-layout will require Angular v4.x and will not be compatible with Angular v2.x from this link https://github.com/angular/flex-layout-builds/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md. And it says that flex-layout is supported in Angular(v2.4.3 and higher)from this link https://github.com/angular/flex-layout/wiki.I tried to install previous beta version, but it doesn,t work.Which version of flex-layout is compatible with Angular v2?
I used "#angular/flex-layout": "2.0.0-beta.5" version and it worked with angular 2.4.10 version

How to update a phone gap-app (iOS)

I have a working app, which I created a year ago - because its always difficult to update the app I waited for almost a year (bad idea)
Now that a lot has changed over the last few months I don't know where to start. And the Cordova-Website isn't very precise about that as well
I have xcode 5.1.1 and I guess Cordova 2.9 (I don't know exactly, so maybe you could tell me, how I get Info about my version)
Do I have to update my project from 2.9 to 3.0 to 3.1.0 to ...3.4.0
or is there a way to update it from 2.9.0 to 3.4.0 in one step?
After upgrading to 3.0 it's easy to upgrade to 3.4 using the cli. Simply use the command:
"cordova platform update ios".
See here for getting to 3.0: http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/3.4.0/guide_platforms_ios_upgrading.md.html#Upgrading%20iOS
You could also simply create a new project with 3.4 and copy your relevant files from /www/ into it.

Can't build angular-dart to js

By following Angular-Dart tutorial Chapter 07 I get:
'Scope' doesn't implement 'containsValue'.
It dosin't build...
For the record I did :
dart -c bin/generator.dart
It may have to do with Dart update, but I am not sure.
I am using a Windows 7 x64, Dart 1.1.1, Angular-Dart 0.9.4.
Chapter 7 is currently broken. Track https://github.com/angular/angular.dart.tutorial/issues/35

Upgrading Cordova 1.9 to 2.0 version

I need to upgrade my application which is using Cordova 1.8 version to Cordova 2.0 version. I followed the steps mentioned in the http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/2.8.0/guide_upgrading_ios_index.md.html. My application's running for 1.9 but when am trying to upgrade it to 2.0 version am not able to find 'Preprocessor Macro' in build setting.
Also I am not able to find 'CordovaLib' folder, but in the 10th step they have mentioned related to PreprocessorMacro which am not able to find.
As you main motivation seems to be up to date with the last version of Cordova, I would recommend to create a new clean project with Cordova 2.8 and import your html files in the www folder.
Upgrading version by version is painful and you will not get any benefits from it. However, you might not get any performance improvement but you will get a better support from the community.
