How to keep binder image from breaking for no reason and with no changes - mybinder

My binder repo stopped launching and appears to give some error when installing packages from apt.txt. Nothing fundamentally has changed with the repo and the repo works fine when I run it locally with repo2docker.
Remote (fails to launch):
Local (works fine): jupyter-repo2docker


Electron builder works on development but not on install

I'm trying to follow other people who had a similar issue like this one
Electron-Builder include external folder I wish i could be more specific on what my problem is, the reason is that i dont know whats wrong.
I am making a react app which has a server with an sqlite db and im trying to use electron.js to make it into an installable/executable
here is my dummy repo the master branch was just how to make electron work with react, the server branch is the one that i need help with
you can clone and just do npm i, npm run start to launch executable. npm run build to build
the code works fine in development mode and even after i make the build project with electron i can launch the executable and it works fine and it reads the data from the database, but as soon as i take the dist folder out of the project to send to someone or install the software, it stops working and it loads the app, but it does not read the data from the server/db, I am not sure if its missing node modules or the server folder, or maybe if im missing some kind of command in my scripts in the package.json?

GitHug Desktop error: Commiting into my own branch error, with the angular CLI?

I was working on a feature branch, but when I tried to commit my changes, this error appeared, I read it but the angular CLI is working perfectly on the project (it runs and everything is perfect), can someone help me?
Captura del error

finding lib directory during common test

My question is, how should my Erlang app reliably find a binary in the priv directory, not just in production; when installed properly, but during common test?
I realised today when I added a travis-ci configuration to an old Erlang app and pushed it to git-hub, that the process by which it works locally for me, is a little more fragile than I thought. The travis-ci build failed because it, not unreasonably, checked out my repo into a directory named after the repo, which is of the form erlang-APP. Locally my app is in a directory called APP-VSN though.
The result of this is that a call to code:lib_dir(APP) returns a correct result during the common test run locally, but if I rename my current directory to erlang-APP instead of APP-VSN (or just APP works too) my local build fails, just like it does for travis-ci, because code:lib_dir(APP) returns {error,bad_name}. The behaviour as though .. is added to the library path for rebar ct.
Renaming my github repo from erlang-APP to APP resolves the travis-ci build failure... but knowing the build tests only pass depending on the name of the directory the repo is checked out into doesn't sit right with me.
One way could be to use a soft link (either in the repo under version control, or created when initializing the tests), and make your Erlang code path go via the link. E.g., "./APP" -> ".", or "./lib/APP" -> "..".

Git clone error in Xcode

Up until now I've been using Xcode with Subversion for my code repositories with no problem. Now I'm working on a project that uses a Git repository stored at GitHub, so I figured I'd go clone that repository to my local machine and get started.
In Xcode, I add the repository then tell it to Clone -- The machine chews on this for a while, and if I use the Finder I can see the files being placed in the target directory (which is a newly-created, empty directory on my system). After a while though, I get an error message:
fatal: destination path '/Users/myname/Documents/ProjectName' already exists and is not an empty directory.
I have tried this three times now, each time starting with an empty target directory, and it gives the same error message each time, so I know it has to be something I am doing wrong, or have not set up properly.
Thinking that perhaps something was going wrong and the system was trying to do a second clone operation (to a now non-empty directory) I tried canceling and trying a build, but some files are missing from the project -- so not all of it made it down to my system.
My searches on this issue turn up several hits for people doing the clone via command line and showing this error message, but not through the Xcode interface.
Does anyone have any suggestions about what might be going wrong?

ZEND2 project not working after cloned to separate machine

I have cloned my office colleague's zend2 project from our server. He used zfcuser, zfcbase, and zfcadmin. But when I tried to run the project in my local machine its giving
<b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught exception 'Zend\ModuleManager\Exception\RuntimeException'
with message 'Module (ZfcBase) could not be initialized.' in C:\xampp\htdocs\coolshop
Everything is fine to me as the same project 100% working in my colleague's machine. I tried the composer as well. But no luck
This is a result of loading the ZfcBase module as a git submodule. If you fix this module you'll receive the same error for other modules or dependencies you're using in that manner. I've encountered this problem when someone tries to clone the project on a new machine or you delete the project locally and try to re-clone it.
The simple answer here is to use composer as your dependency manager, you'll have a better day. Head over to ZfcBase on Packagist and copy the require statement into your composer.json file (You'll need to run the composer script after saving your .json file). Most modules should have instructions on using composer to grab them in the README.
I should note that if you're using other modules that depend on ZfcBase, you'll likely just need to have a require statement for those, and not their dependencies (like ZfcBase).
Someone had a similar question regarding the ZfcUser module. Using composer solved his issue.
