Decision Tree Depth? - machine-learning

I am trying to implement a Decision Tree model with depth equal 10. I am using the comand "max_depth=10" on the list of arguments (SciKitLearn), but when I print the max_depth of my model, the result is 34. My code follows:
AD5 = tree.DecisionTreeRegressor( max_depth=10)
AD5 =, Y_train)
Does anyone how to fix it?


Scikit-Learn issues error for RandomForestClassifier for multilabel classification - Jagged arrays

Scikit-Learn RandomForestClassifier throws an error for a multilabel classification problem.
This code creates a RandomForestClassifier multilabel object, given predictors C and multi-labels out with no error.
C = np.array([[2,4,6],[4,2,1],[8,3,1]])
out = np.array([[0,1],[0,1],[1,0]])
rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, oob_score=True),out)
If I modify the multilabels, so that all the elements at a certain index are the same, say (where all the first components of the multilabels equals zero)
out = np.array([[0,1],[0,1],[0,0]])
I get an error and traceback:
VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a
list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated.
If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.
y_pred = np.array(y_pred, copy=False)
raise ValueError(
507 "The type of target cannot be used to compute OOB "
508 f"estimates. Got {y_type} while only the following are "
509 "supported: continuous, continuous-multioutput, binary, "
510 "multiclass, multilabel-indicator."
511 )
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (2,1) into shape (2,)
Not requesting OOB predictions does not result in an error:
rf_err = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, oob_score=False)
I cannot figure out why keeping the OOB predictions would trigger such an error, when all the n-component of a multilabel are equal.
In your setup out_err = np.array([[0,1],[0,1],[0,0]]) you do not have any examples of the second class, so you only have elements of 1 class.
That means that there is no 'class label' dimension and it can be omitted. That's why you see (2,) shape.
Please, describe your initial intent: why would you need to set a particular position in labels to 0. If you try to go with N-1 classes instead of N classes I suggest removing the position itself and the elements of the class from the dataset, not putting all zeros:
out=[[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1],[1,0,0]] # 3 classes
# remove the second class:
out=[[1,0],[0,1],[1,0]] # 2 classes

grid of mtry values while training random forests with ranger

I am working with a subset of the 'Ames Housing' dataset and have originally 17 features. Using the 'recipes' package, I have engineered the original set of features and created dummy variables for nominal predictors with the following code. That has resulted in 35 features in the 'baked_train' dataset below.
blueprint <- recipe(Sale_Price ~ ., data = _train) %>%
step_nzv(Street, Utilities, Pool_Area, Screen_Porch, Misc_Val) %>%
step_impute_knn(Gr_Liv_Area) %>%
step_integer(Overall_Qual) %>%
step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) %>%
step_other(Neighborhood, threshold = 0.01, other = "other") %>%
step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors(), one_hot = FALSE)
prepare <- prep(blueprint, data = ames_train)
baked_train <- bake(prepare, new_data = ames_train)
baked_test <- bake(prepare, new_data = ames_test)
Now, I am trying to train random forests with the 'ranger' package using the following code.
cv_specs <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 5, repeats = 5)
param_grid_rf <- expand.grid(mtry = seq(1, 35, 1),
splitrule = "variance",
min.node.size = 2)
rf_cv <- train(blueprint,
data = ames_train,
method = "ranger",
trControl = cv_specs,
tuneGrid = param_grid_rf,
metric = "RMSE")
I have set the grid of 'mtry' values based on the number of features in the 'baked_train' data. It is my understanding that 'caret' will apply the blueprint within each resample of 'ames_train' creating a baked version at each CV step.
The text Hands-On Machine Learning with R by Boehmke & Greenwell says on section 3.8.3,
Consequently, the goal is to develop our blueprint, then within each resample iteration we want to apply prep() and bake() to our resample training and validation data. Luckily, the caret package simplifies this process. We only need to specify the blueprint and caret will automatically prepare and bake within each resample.
However, when I run the code above I get an error,
mtry can not be larger than number of variables in data. Ranger will EXIT now.
I get the same error when I specify 'tuneLength = 20' instead of the 'tuneGrid'. Although the code works fine when the grid of 'mtry' values is specified to be from 1 to 17 (the number of features in the original training data 'ames_train').
When I specify a grid of 'mtry' values from 1 to 17, info about the final model after CV is shown below. Notice that it mentions Number of independent variables: 35 which corresponds to the 'baked_train' data, although specifying a grid from 1 to 35 throws an error.
Type: Regression
Number of trees: 500
Sample size: 618
Number of independent variables: 35
Mtry: 15
Target node size: 2
Variable importance mode: impurity
Splitrule: variance
OOB prediction error (MSE): 995351989
R squared (OOB): 0.8412147
What am I missing here? Specifically, why do I have to specify the number of features in 'ames_train' instead of 'baked_train' when essentially 'caret' is supposed to create a baked version before fitting and evaluating the model for each resample?

Add Bias to a Matrix in Torch

In Torch, how do I add a bias vector to each input to when i have a batch input? Suppose I have an input 3*2 matrix (where 2 = number of classes)
0.8191 0.2630
0.5344 0.4537
0.7380 0.5885
and I want to add the bias value to each element in the output matrix:
0.6588 0.6525
My final output should look like:
1.4779 0.9155
1.1931 1.1063
1.3967 1.2410
I am new to Torch and just figuring out the Syntax.
You can expand the bias to have the same dimensions as your input:
th> expandedBias
0.6588 0.6525
0.6588 0.6525
0.6588 0.6525
After that you can simply add them:
to give:
th> A+expandedBias
1.4779 0.9155
1.1931 1.1063
1.3967 1.2410
If you are using one of the latest versions of the torch, you do not even need to expand the bias.
you can directly write.
output = A + bias
The bias matrix will be broadcasted automatically. Check the documentation for the details of broadcasting.

What is the meaning of the GridSearchCV best_score_ attribute? (the value is different from the mean of the cross validation array)

I'm confused with the results, probably I'm not getting the concept of cross validation and GridSearch right. I had followed the logic behind this post:
argd = CommandLineParser(argv)
df = pd.read_csv('../../'+folder+'/Results/'+fname, sep=";")
explanatory_variable_columns = set(df.columns.values)
response_variable_column = df['A']
y = np.array([1 if e else 0 for e in response_variable_column])
X =df[list(explanatory_variable_columns)].as_matrix()
kf_total = KFold(len(X), n_folds=5, indices=True, shuffle=True, random_state=4)
min_samples_split_range=[x for x in range(1,20)]
dtgs=GridSearchCV(estimator=dt, param_grid=dict(min_samples_split=min_samples_split_range), n_jobs=1)
scores=[[train],y[train]).score(X[test],y[test]) for train, test in kf_total]
# SAME AS DOING: cross_validation.cross_val_score(dtgs, X, y, cv=kf_total, n_jobs = 1)
print scores
print np.mean(scores)
print dtgs.best_score_
# score [0.81818181818181823, 0.78181818181818186, 0.7592592592592593, 0.7592592592592593, 0.72222222222222221]
# mean score 0.768
# .best_score_ 0.683486238532
I ran it using another combination of the explanatory variables (using only some of them) and I got the inverse problem. Now the .best_score_ is higher than all the values in the cross validation array.
# score [0.74545454545454548, 0.70909090909090911, 0.79629629629629628, 0.7407407407407407, 0.64814814814814814]
# mean score 0.728
# .best_score_ 0.802752293578
The code is confusing several things.[train_],y[train_]) does internal 3-fold cross-validation for every parameter combination from param_grid, producing a grid of 20 results, which you can open by calling dtgs.grid_scores_.
[[train_],y[train_]).score(X[test],y[test]) for train_, test in kf_total] Therefore this line fits grid search five times and then takes its score using 5-Fold cross validation. The result is the array of scores of 5-Fold validation.
And when you call dtgs.best_score_ you get the best score in the grid of the results of 3-fold validation of hyperparameters for the last fit (of 5).

Glm with caret package producing "missing values in resampled performance measures"

I obtained the following code from this Stack Overflow question. caret train() predicts very different then predict.glm()
The following code is producing an error.
I am using caret 6.0-52.
library(car); library(caret); library(e1071)
#data import and preparation
chile <- na.omit(Chile) #remove "na's"
chile <- chile[chile$vote == "Y" | chile$vote == "N" , ] #only "Y" and "N" required
chile$vote <- factor(chile$vote) #required to remove unwanted levels
chile$income <- factor(chile$income) # treat income as a factor
tc <- trainControl("cv", 2, savePredictions=T, classProbs=TRUE,
summaryFunction=twoClassSummary) #"cv" = cross-validation, 10-fold
fit <- train(chile$vote ~ chile$sex +
chile$education +
chile$statusquo ,
data = chile ,
method = "glm" ,
family = binomial ,
metric = "ROC",
trControl = tc)
Running this code produces the following error.
Something is wrong; all the ROC metric values are missing:
ROC Sens Spec
Min. : NA Min. :0.9354 Min. :0.9187
1st Qu.: NA 1st Qu.:0.9354 1st Qu.:0.9187
Median : NA Median :0.9354 Median :0.9187
Mean :NaN Mean :0.9354 Mean :0.9187
3rd Qu.: NA 3rd Qu.:0.9354 3rd Qu.:0.9187
Max. : NA Max. :0.9354 Max. :0.9187
NA's :1
Error in train.default(x, y, weights = w, ...) : Stopping
In addition: Warning message:
In nominalTrainWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, :
There were missing values in resampled performance measures.
Would anyone know what the issue is or can reproduce/ not reproduce this error. I've seen other answers to this error message that says this has to do with not having representation of classes in each cross validation fold but this isn't the issue as the number of folds is set to 2.
Looks like I needed to install and load the pROC package.
You should install using
install.packages("caret", dependencies = c("Imports", "Depends", "Suggests"))
That gets most of the default packages. If there are specific modeling packages that are missing, the code usually prompts you to install them.
I know I'm late to the party, but I think you need to set classProbs = TRUE in train control.
You are using logistic regression when using the parameters method = "glm", family = binomial.
In this case, you must make sure that the target variable (chile$vote) has only 2 factor levels, because logistic regression only performs binary classification.
If the target has more than two labels, then you must set family = "multinomial"
