Is it possible to dynamically specify the fileshare name , if we use aks dynamic provisioning using storageclass? - azure-aks

Is it possible to dynamically specify the fileshare name , if we use aks dynamic provisioning using storageclass ?
the exact requirement is having name of the pvc for dynamicly created file shares.


Is there a way to reference deploymentBucket in serverless?

I have a serverless project that created the deploymentBucket using the default naming with random characters. Now there are other solutions that depend on this name. I can't change the name because of this. However, now I need to create resources such as event notifications and related permissions. So as part of the serverless project itself, I need to know the name of the bucket. I've tried referencing
But this does not seem to be supported. How can I get the name of the deployment bucket as a variable within the same project? Thanks.

Any standard guidelines for choosing the USER ID and GROUP ID for Docker images in Dockerfile?

I normally used 1111 as user id and group id for my containers but when I deployed my application on OpenShift platform, I got error while scheduling of pods.
unable to validate against any security context constraint: [fsGroup: Invalid value: []int64{1111}: 1111 is not an allowed group spec.containers[0].securityContext.securityContext.runAsUser: Invalid value: 1111: must be in the ranges: [1000750000, 1000759999]]
I know that, this restriction has been imposed by some Security Context Constraint (SCC) on the cluster which is not being satisfied by my application Pods. I just wanted to understand, if there are some standard rules/guidelines around choosing these userId and GroupID.
Any help would be appreciated!
As per RedHat recommendations,your image should be build in such a way that it can run with an arbitrary user id.
So, if you follow that then you don't need to specify user id in Dockerfile or in your deployment yaml manifest.
Openshift will automatically choose an arbitrary user id (from the range) and will run the pod with that.
Check this link for more details.

Jenkins configuration with active directory and "userWorkstations"

I am creating a build envirnoment and freshly installed jenkins with ActiveDirectory/LDAP auth.
We will have external users which should not be able to login to our domain computers but they should have access to jenkins/jira/... in order to develop with us (perhaps vpn for accessing some dev backends).
So for these users in active directory I set a dummy host they are able to logon (which means no computer at all). Jira/Confluence and dav_svn have no problem with this but it seems jenkins checks this property and refuses the access.
Can anybody tell me what "host" I have to put in there so that jenkins accepts a logon of these users? Or if I have to set a hidden config value in jenkins?
The users to accept are all in a special developer group. If I could simply pass the name of the group but even this does not help (matrix based): the user cannot login.
Thanks ver much!

how to change TEMP environment variable of another account (windows 7)?

I have an issue. There is a user that was previously created to run IIS, as well as other things. The password for said user is unknown. It is not possible to change the password, as it will break various parts of the system.
I need to change the TEMP and TMP environment variables for this account, as it is pointing at C:\Windows\TEMP, which I am not allowing it to have read/write access to for security reasons. So, is it possible to change these environment variables from an admin account in Windows 7?
You can modify them using the registry editor.
Under HKEY_USERS\<user_sid> you will find TEMP and TMP keys, which you can modify to point to the folder you want for that user.

Jenkins custom email notifications

We run several environments within Amazon AWS and have a Jenkins server in each environment. Because we use the EC2 hostnames it's difficult to determine which environment the Jenkins is part of.
Therefore each Jenkins has a file called /etc/environment.txt which contains a environment name (e.g. "DEV4").
Question: How, in the email notifications, can I grab the contents of the file above and set it in the subject line of the email?
Would it be possible to overwrite the template? (I'm yet to find where the template file is..)
You have many options:
Use the EnvInject Plugin to load a properties file. You need to change the file to become a valid properties file (the contents needs to change to something like env=DEV4).
define a global parameter (manage Jenkins -> configure System)
define an environment variable on OS level
All three solutions will provide an additional environment variable that can be used within the plugin.
Alternatively, just change the default template of the email notification (needs email ext plugin) to contain the env name.
