VS 2019 - quick action menu items missing - visual-studio-2019

I have two Win10 PC, both with the same installation VS2019 Enterpsrise(Version 16.11.15). Almost the same extensions. But in one VS installation, quick action menu and it's options look like on the picture below.
add missing param nodes
make method synchronous
The other installation is missing every single item above "Change signature.." item.
What am I missing? Can someone help me with this? I'm the most interested in "Add missing param nodes".
I've tried to find over what could be the extension that is incorporating this feature but with no luck.

As we can see in the first screenshot that CS1573 means have no matching param tag in the XML comment.
So you should generate an XML file that contains the documentation comments.
You can refer to the following step to enable this option:
Go to project>Properties>Build>Output
select Generate a file containing API documentation
Now you can check the quick action menu, you will see “Add missing param nodes” in it.


pass multiple parameters in wso2 apimanager 2.1.0

need to pass multiple parameters in wso2 api-manager, i looked into this blog, http://vvratha.blogspot.in/2015/01/adding-url-parameters-in-wso2-apimanager.html.
the author has mentioned how to do it,but she has mentioned to create a new sequence, not getting where(i mean, need the path to create a file) and name of the file.
NOTE: i m only using api-manager and not developer tooling.
You can create sequence file and upload it in publisher UI.
See https://docs.wso2.com/display/AM210/Adding+Mediation+Extensions#AddingMediationExtensions-CreateanduploadmanuallyintheAPIPublisher
docs.wso2.com/display/AM210/… if anybody faces the problem in future go through this link also addition to the above link mentioned by #Bee. Well this link was directly referred by the author of yenlo.com #RobBrouwers.

Change help link in the Visual Editor of MediaWiki

Is there a way to change the help link in the toolbar dropdown in the new visual editor of MediaWiki?
I tried setting
"visualeditor-help-link":"mw:Help:VisualEditor/User guide/de"
as proposed here, but then my MediaWiki could not parse the JSON file. My goal is to link to the MediaWiki help page, that can be found here. The normal version:
did not work, neither did this:
You should never ever change the source code of MediaWiki core or any extension. It makes an upgrade process much more hard and complicated. There are other ways to achieve a high customization of the user interface language :)
For your problem, it should be enough to create the following page in your wiki (like any other page, but you need the editinterface user right, which is assigned to sysops by default):
Put the link you want to use into the textarea (without any wikitext, e.g. "Help:VisualEditor" (without any ")) and save the page.
After reloading the VisualEditor (maybe you need to clear your browser's cache using Ctrl + F5) the link should point to the new target you specified in the message above. If you use a message cache, it is maybe needed to rebuilt it.

redmine-my-widgets-plugin not working on redmine 2.3.0

The following is the repository for redmine.
And the following is the repository for redmine-my-widgets-plugin
if we look at the file structure app/views/my
there is a folder blocks which contains the partial which are widgets and displayed when added from select list.
similarly for redmine-my-widgets-plugin there is similar file directory structure
when i install this plugin the partials mentioned in this /my/block gets added in the my page -> select list so as to be added
When we add one of the plugins select list value then it displays 404 error
By looking at the structure the plugin, it looks like the plugin is overrided.
Also there are no others config files, or lib files present in the plugin(except en.yml)
So, what can be done that the plugin will be able to atleast find those partials.
Basically, redmine is able to find the partial files as the names are displayed in the my page -> select list but when added it throws 404 error
I know, I'm rather late to the party, but maybe this answer helps somebody else in the future.
The underlying problem was already covered at this question on SO. The plugin directory needs to have the exact same name as the symbol that is passed to Redmine::Plugin.register. In the case of this plugin: redmine_my_widgets. Changing the directory name will fix the 404.
On the other hand, the plugin was not updated for a long time and it is very likely, that most, if not all of the widgets, will no longer work because of changes to Redmine's internals.

How do I link to an article on another web in TWiki?

I've got an article in Main.
I want to link to it from another Web, call it Acme.
I've tried
but can't get it to work.
What do I do now?
The general syntax for that is
so you should be fine with
if you want to link to a topic MyLink in a web named Main. If your web Acme (or your whole wiki) has disabled auto-linking in the preference settings, you need to use the square brackets notation, e.g.
[[Main.MyLink][my link]]

Grails using a package to hold domain classes

Grails question: Confused about using a package to hold domain classes.
I'm using Netbeans on Mac to check out Grails.
When I create domain classes without using a package holding it, I can just go to localhost:8080/gTunes and the expected .gsp page is rendered properly.
However when I use a package (com.g2one.gtunes) to hold a domain class (Song), I don't see the .gsp page when I go to localhost:8080/gTunes. Instead I see a Directory view of folders/files such as META-INF, WEB-INF, etc. In order to see the expected .gsp page, I have to type in the specific URL localhost:8080/gTunes/index.gsp
In my research I've seen people talk about adding the following line but I can't figure out where to add it.
<%#page import="path.to.domains.*"%>
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
You need to add that import to the top of your GSP pages that use the domain class that you put in a package. Don't forget you'll also need an import in your controllers unless that are in the same package.
Add the specified line as the very first line in the GSP you are trying to render (show).
Figured out why I way I was having this issue. I'm going through Definitive Guide to Grails 2nd Edt on mac with NetBeans. I ran into this problem when I
created 'gtunes' project at /Users/name/NetBeans/gtunes
deleted 'gtunes' project and /Users/name/NetBeans/gtunes
created another project with same name at /Users/name/NetBeans/gtunes. I type in some code and run it and I run into the error I posted.
To get around this error,
I create 'gtunes' project located at /Users/name/NetBeans/gtunes
I right click on 'gtunes' project in NetBeans, issue 'Clean' command. Than I see some files are removed from ~/.grails/... in Output window
I right click on Album.groovy (possibly Song.groovy also) and issue 'Generate Views', NOT 'Generate All'
Run the project and it works!
Thanks all for comments and hopefully my mistake will help others avoid same mistake.
