Loop count with conditiions - neoload

I have a scenarios in Neoload scripting.
Based on the request response variable count, need to loop the next request.
ex: If the respose variable count is 21, then i should the run the next request 3 times with page1,2,3 and if it 20 then 2 times. How to acheive this? Its actually a pagination with 10.


Cognos 11 Analytics

First time posting.
Our fire response agency just moved to Cognos 11 after qRep. I know little to nothing about SQL, modules, cubes, or data analytics, but I'm one of the few in our agency that can write an excel function so I guess I am considered the in-house data expert.
With that in mind, I need some help.
I want to compare a calculated result (time interval) to a static goal. For instance, if the calculated result is 01:00, how do I express a static goal of 01:20 as a time interval to make the calculation work?
Here is the formula I used for my "Static Goal" column:
IF([Inc Cat]='EMS') then ('60')) else
IF([Inc Cat]='FIRE') then ('80')) else
I need to convert the 60 and 80 above as seconds so I can compare a calculated time interval to these values.
I appreciate any help, but please review the second sentence of this post prior to replying.
Solved. I removed the single quotes and wrote out the complete time.
IF([Inc Cat]='EMS') then (0 00:01:10.000) else
IF([Inc Cat]='FIRE') then (0 00:01:20.000) else

How to select data with minimum time interval between results

I am not sure how to best ask this question.. I am looking to select data but with a minimum time interval between the results. For example:
This measurement:
time field
2015-08-18T00:00:00Z 12
2015-08-18T00:00:00Z 1
2015-08-18T00:06:00Z 11
2015-08-18T00:06:00Z 3
2015-08-18T05:54:00Z 2
2015-08-18T06:00:00Z 1
2015-08-18T06:06:00Z 8
2015-08-18T06:12:00Z 7
This Query:
select sum(*) from measurement where field > 0 would return the sum of all of the rows. I would like to be able to specify a minimum interval between results and only match on the first row in a set of closely timed rows. Ex. 8 minute minimum interval would only match these rows (and result in a sum of 22):
time field
2015-08-18T00:00:00Z 12
2015-08-18T05:54:00Z 2
2015-08-18T06:06:00Z 8
Is there a way to get my expected output from influxdb?
The only alternative I can think of is to just return all of the rows without the sum() aggregate function then loop through the results and do lots of time comparisons or date math in my application.
Probably not with InfluxQL.
InfluxQL has a function elapsed which returns the time elapsed between consecutive datapoints https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.7/query_language/functions/#elapsed
That's possibly the only function that has something to do with time but I can't think of a way to apply it for what you need.
You may have better luck with the window function of Flux https://v2.docs.influxdata.com/v2.0/query-data/guides/window-aggregate/
I'm not familiar enough to say how, if at all possible.
Doing it in your application may be the way to go.

Ruby on Rails, How to reset a counter every day?

I need to save a reference number every time I save a record of a certain model, the reference should be composed of 10 numbers, the first 8 numbers are related to the creator id and date, but the last 2 digits should be an incremental number starting at 00 and ending at 99, this count should be reset every single day.
For example:
Records created the same day:
Records created the next day:
Where the first 2 letters are the initials of a name, the next 2 are the current day, next 2 current month, next 2 current year, next 2 incremental number (from 0 to 99, reset daily)
Also every reference HAS TO be unique.
I'm missing the last two digits part, any idea on how to grant this ?
Thanks for reading.
Where the first 2 letters are the initials of a name, the next 2 are the current day, next 2 current month, next 2 current year, next 2 incremental number (from 0 to 99, reset daily).
As folks in the comments have pointed out, this assumes there is a maximum of 100 entries per day, and it will have problems in 2100. One is more pressing than the other. Maybe if you go over 100 you can start using letters?
Also every reference HAS TO be unique.
For globally unique identifiers UUIDs, Universally Unique IDentifiers, are generally the way to go. If you can change this requirement it would be both simpler (databases already support UUIDs), more robust (UUIDs aren't limited to 100 per day), and more secure (they don't leak information about the thing being identified).
Assuming you can't change the requirement, the next number can be gotten by adding up the number of existing rows that day.
select count(id)
from stuff
where date(created_at) == date(NOW());
However there is a problem if two processes both insert a new record at the same time and get the same next number. Probably highly unlikely if you're expecting only 100 a day, but still possible.
Process 1 Process 2 Time
select count(id) ... 1
select count(id) ... 2
insert into stuff ... 3
insert into stuff... 4
A transaction won't save you. You could get an exclusive lock on the whole table, but that's dangerous and slow. Instead you can use an advisory lock for this one operation. Just make sure all code which writes new records uses this same advisory lock.
Stuff.with_advisory_lock(:new_stuff_record) do
Alternatively, store the daily ID in a column. Add a database trigger to add 1 on insert. Set it back to 0 with a scheduled job at midnight.
I will assume your class is named Record and it has an attribute called reference_number.
If that is the case, you can use the following method to fetch the two last digits.
def fetch_following_two_last_digits
if Record.last.created_at < Time.current.beginning_of_day
(Record.last.reference_number.last(2).to_i + 1).to_s
Also assuming you never reach 100 records a day. Otherwise, you'd end up having three last digits.

Search word by word to API

I have textfield has .editedChanged event.
when user type "Boy" it will send :
"B" send to API for search and waiting for responding.
"Bo" send to API for search and waiting for responding.
"Boy" send to API for search and waiting for responding.
The problem is , it will request 3 times to server and get 3 times of responding from server.
****How can i send only 1 time "Boy" send to API for search and waiting responding ??
An effective way to do this is to monitor how long of a delay there is between user input, and only request to the server after the user has stopped typing for x amount of time.
For instance, the user types 'B' and waits 0.05 seconds then types 'o' and waits 0.08 seconds then types 'y' and stops typing.
If your code only submits to the server after there has been at least 0.5 seconds between character input, it will only request to the server once, after "Boy" has been entered.

Rails get equal segments in between a date range

I have a product model and orders associated to the product. I wanted to analyze all orders from creation of product to current time. I was thinking to optimize, I would take products created at day, and current time as start and end points. The next step would be to automatically pull 10 equally spaced times between start and current time and place them in an array. For each one of these dates, query orders for the 10 dates provided.
Question is, is this the best approach to analyzing order data / performance on the query? If so, how do you pull the 10 dates in between the created at and current time range in Rails.
I have the following pseudocode --
Products.where(event_id: event)[Products.where(event_id: event).first.created_at.to_i..Time.now.to_i)].each_slide(10) do |p|
# Loop through orders of the 10 pulled days
Orders.where(product_id: p.id).each do |o|
# Add products to one of the 10 pulled days
Example Pseudocode:
1st Getting the last Product's created_at value
require 'date'
prod_date = Products.where(event_id: event).last.created_at
prod_date = prod_date.to_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
2nd Getting last 10 records in products table based on prod_date & date_today.
date_today = DateTime.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
Products.where('event_id ? AND (created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?)', event, prod_date, date_today).limit(10)
You can also arrange it if you want by adding e.g. .order("created_at DESC")
3rd Start to iterate with you orders data from the result above.
Orders.where(product_id: p.id).each do |o|
# Add products to one of the 10 pulled days
I understand want you plan to do. Honestly I haven't tried that.
But, my idea for that is, for ex. you have 10 data & you want to get 3 equally spaced values.
Why not try to iterate it by 3 (but get the first value).
Imagine this is your data: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
get the first = 1
iterate the next by (3) = 4, 7, 10
Result = 1, 4, 7, 10
You may need to get the first & last data, depends on how many
3 equally spaced values
you want to get from total result count.
