I have grails 2.5.5 applcation. Dependencies are configured in grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy. From grails documentation I see that I can authorize to private maven repo with username and password. But I need to connect gitlab package registry which is only accessible with header property. How can I do that?
we are working on ios project and we have kept our internal libraries in our private gitlab . Instead of directly pulling those libraries from gitlab we want to proxy it via nexus. I have created a proxy repository in nexus and added that nexus proxy url in podfile of cocoapods but it was not able to pickup. Any suggestions.
I tried to set up a private docker repository using Artifactory OSS (open source version) but could not find how to do it. The online documentation is about using the licensed Artifactory product as a docker repository.
Does anyone know how to set it up in Artifactory OSS?
I installed and started Artifactory OSS, but could not find docker package information. The Package View feature is disabled in OSS version.
According to the Artifactory Comparison Matrix, Artifactory OSS only supports Maven, Gradle and Ivy.
To use the Artifactory Docker package management you have to purchase Artifactory Pro, Artifactory Cloud or Artifactory Enterprise. Another solution is to use Nexus Repository OSS which include this feature in the open source version.
I'm trying to setup jenkins version 1.651.3 with manual installation of credentials plugin.
But failed to install the plugin.
Here is what I tried;
Download jenkins from http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian-stable/binary/jenkins_1.651.3_all.deb.
Install jenkins_1.651.3_all.deb on Ubuntu 16.04.
I can see the default credentials plugin version is 1.18.
Delete old files; rm -rf /var/lib/jenkins/plugins/credentials*.
Download latest credentials plugin from https://updates.jenkins-ci.org/download/plugins/credentials/2.1.13/credentials.hpi.
Restart jenkins; service jenkins restart.
Still the credentials version is 1.18 not 2.1.13.
How can I install the latest credentials plugin manually? I mean without accessing web UI (Manage Jenkins -> Manage plugins)?
Jenkins creates a directory named after the plugin for every .hpi file you have in your $JENKINS_HOME/plugins/.
Try to find that directory (name should be 'credentials') and delete it.
I found the doc describing this behavior; plugin pinning.
After creating xxx.jpi.pinned it worked.
When calling the 'grails' command for the first time in the console, it is trying to resolve additional dependencies via the internet. However due to our corporate firewall we can only access those via an internal Artifactory respository that is supposed to act as a mirror. The repository is protected by username and password.
According to the Grails Documentation you can force Grails in the %GRAILS_HOME%\settings.groovy file to look for dependencies at a specific URL. However at the moment it is not possible to add credentials to that (see: https://github.com/grails/grails-core/issues/10013).
Is there any other way to automatically resolve all initial Grails dependencies with an internal artifact repository and credentials?
Note: I'm talking about the general Grails level, not the grails.project level
Update: This issue has been fixed with Grails 3.2; It now works like a charm. No more workarounds needed.
Is there a Maven repo from where I can download grails plugin files.
I know I can do
install-plugin name
but I want to store it in my repo.
Grails Plugin Repo can be found here http://repo.grails.org/grails/plugins/org/grails/plugins/
or you can browse Artifactory and search for the plugin you need.