jenkins - plugin (credentials) install manually - jenkins

I'm trying to setup jenkins version 1.651.3 with manual installation of credentials plugin.
But failed to install the plugin.
Here is what I tried;
Download jenkins from
Install jenkins_1.651.3_all.deb on Ubuntu 16.04.
I can see the default credentials plugin version is 1.18.
Delete old files; rm -rf /var/lib/jenkins/plugins/credentials*.
Download latest credentials plugin from
Restart jenkins; service jenkins restart.
Still the credentials version is 1.18 not 2.1.13.
How can I install the latest credentials plugin manually? I mean without accessing web UI (Manage Jenkins -> Manage plugins)?

Jenkins creates a directory named after the plugin for every .hpi file you have in your $JENKINS_HOME/plugins/.
Try to find that directory (name should be 'credentials') and delete it.

I found the doc describing this behavior; plugin pinning.
After creating xxx.jpi.pinned it worked.


How to install TFS plugin on jenkins?

I want to install TFS plugin on jenkins but I cannot to do it through Manage jenkins section as my company's network is not allowing me to do it.
Can you please suggest on how I can manually download the plugin and add it on jenkins folder?
thanks in advance
If you are talking about :, then you can try to download the tfs.hpi file from Github (The latest release is currently 5.157.1) and then manually install the plugin in Jenkins:
Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Advanced > Upload Plugin and select the plugin file downloaded previously (Make sure to have git-plugin installed normally first so all additional dependencies are in place).

Update jenkins war on one machine and then move it to another one: possible?

I have a machine with blocked outgoing connections so it is not possible to update jenkins nor install the plugins I need for my work.
My idea is the following: I download the jenkins .war on my personal laptop and complete the installation + the plugin download.
Then I just move this .war to the machine where I need jenkins to be up and running.
Is it possible? Where are the plugins/updated data stored?
Also, would it be a problem the fact that my laptop has windows as os, while the destination machine is a linux RHEL?
Your solution sounds crazy :D
This could be help you:
Update Jenkins war
If you have shell access with root privilege, there is a manual way.
Download latest war file inside your linux, using wget , curl or just upload it using winscp from your windows.
Stop jenkins
Backup EVERYTHING: linux snapshot, jenkins workspace, jenkins war file, etc
Replace the old war with new war
Start jenkins
Detailed steps in this webs:
Jenkins has an option to install plugins called Manage Plugins
This offer two options :
(1) Install plugins using available option
For official and compatible plugins, suggested by Jenkins :
(2) Install plugins using upload option
For custom plugins or when is not available on official repositories:

How to install jenkins offline?

I could successfully install the jenkins online over my laptop. But while trying to install the jenkins offline (on my office workstation which cannot be connected to internet) the hell breaks loose.
After running the jenkins.war over command line although the jenkins was successfully installed yet some of the plugins were missing.I managed to get some help from the post How to install a plugin in Jenkins manually?
But then each of the plugins have to be individually downloaded and then copied over to my offline machine. So I had a trick.
I copied all the folders under .jenkins directory (in my online installation machine) and then copied them to my offline machine. Whoa!
It worked!
But I still get one single error:
Maven Integration Plugin V2.16 .javadoc 1.0 is missing. To fix, install v1.0 or later
So is there a way/website/pdf/repository which is a one stop solution/steps to smoothly install (read has all the required dependencies as a zip) Jenkins in offline mode. (If not, to the creators of Jenkins: Would it be a good idea to have one?)
I'm also searching for an easy way to manage the dependencies between the plugins but as far as I know there is no official tool for that.
Either you have a .zip file with all the plugins which you prepare one time or you fix the errors manually.
For your problem it should be enough to install the following .hpi file: (javadoc has no dependencies to other plugins)
You can download the .hpi version of plugins required and paste them in plugins folder at jenkins_home and then restart the jenkins,then you can able to use those plugins.

jenkins 2 dependency errors loading some plugins

I have a newly intalled jenkins v 2.36 on ubuntu 14.04 LTS. during the installation process jenkins installed all plugins except pipeline and got stuck on installation. After that i restarted jenkins with
service jenkins restart and was able to create new administrative user, Here is the screen shot of error on jenkins dashboard, the correct button doesnt fix this error.
what should i do to resolve this error ?
The error is
There are dependency errors loading some plugins:
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin v2.4
pipeline-rest-api v2.4 is missing. To fix, install v2.4 or later.
Pipeline v2.4
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin v2.4 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.
It is always good to install the plugin via "Manage Jenkins -> Plugin Manager" , so that the plugin will install its dependencies automatically.
But sometimes due to slow internet connection or other reasons, it fails to do automatically. In that case, we need to do it manually under the Manage Plugins -> Advances Option -> Upload plugin.
So, in your case, it is failing for the below two dependent plugins:
pipeline-rest-api v2.4 is missing. To fix, install v2.4 or later.
Please install the pipeline-rest-api plugin. Also, please install other dependent plugins too for safer side.
List of dependent plugins for any Jenkins plugin.:
Helpful link jenkins_dependency_error that helped me solve this issue
Download the plugin from here latest pipeline.
Go to jenkins dashboard > Manage jenkins> Manage Plugin > [select Advanced Tab]
select upload plugin file (select the option "restart after installation" )

Jenkins : Unable to uninstall Flexible Publish Plugin

I had installed the Flexible Publish Plugin through the Jenkins Web module by marking it for Install without restart option. The plugin installation went fine. The real trouble is when you want to uninstall the application.
Jenkins web module is not letting me uninstall or disable this plugin because of a dependency tree that has been created.
Flexible Publish Plugin
|_ Artifactory Plugin
AFAIK, the Artifactory Plugin was installed even before I installed Flexible Publish Plugin but still it is showing up as a dependency for Flexible Publish Plugin.
Is there any other workaround to uninstall the plugin?
NOTE : I couldn't find any .hpi or .jpi file corresponding to Flexible Publish Plugin so I am not able to disable the plugin manually from the folder as well.
tomcat/webapps/jenkins/WEB-INF/plugins contains just *.hpi.
~/.jenkins/plugins contains *.jpi.
See Jenkins – The Definitive Guide, The Jenkins Home Directory:
By default, the Jenkins home directory will be called .jenkins, and will be placed in your home directory.
