How to 'count' only when header matches value? - google-sheets

I have a Google Form that collects a bunch of data from dropdown questions on a Sheet with each question going to one column (as normal). On separate sheets, I want to be able to count how many times each option is selected.
Here is an example of what the response sheet might look like. A, B, and C are all questions.
I would then have separate sheets for 'Person?', 'Place?', and 'Thing?'. The 'Person?' sheet would look something like this:
I want to be able to add in the count of each time the option appears for that question. In the example, notice that 'Napoleon" is in both Col A and Col C. If I just count the number of times 'Napoleon' appears, I will get '2' even though he only appears once in the "Person?" responses.
I originally used a QUERY function like =QUERY('Input Data'!1:1000, "select count(A) where A contains '"&$A2&"'",0). BUT, I need it to be dynamic. So the "Person?" question may not always be Col A. I want the Query (or whatever formula) to search the headers and only return the count of that option for that question even if the column location changes.

Okay, I figured it out! In case someone else is curious, I used this formula:
=QUERY({'Input Data'!A1:L}, "SELECT COUNT(Col"&MATCH("Person?", 'Input Data'!1:1,0)&") WHERE Col"&MATCH("Person?", 'Input Data'!1:1,0)&" CONTAINS '"&$A2&"' label COUNT(Col"&MATCH("Person?", 'Input Data'!1:1,0)&") ''",0)

Lee, I sent you a PM about your most recent post, but in the process, I came across this one. There is no need for multiple formulas or manual entry references. One formula can produce the entire report with headers, listing and counts:
=IFERROR(QUERY(FILTER(FILTER(A:L,A:A<>""),A1:L1="Person?"),"Select Col1, COUNT(Col1) GROUP BY Col1 ORDER BY Col1 LABEL COUNT(Col1) 'Count'",1),"No Matches")
Just fill in the header your looking for between the quotes where Person? is now.
The double FILTERs mean "Start with only rows where Col A is not null and Row 1 reads 'Person?'"
Then QUERY simply returns the unique names in the left column and their counts in the right column. Because the QUERY had a final parameter of 1, any existing header will be kept (in this case, the one you were searching for); and the created column will receive a header (i.e., LABEL) of Count.
IFERROR will give a friendly error message if no matches are found (in which case check that what you entered for the search in the formula exactly matches a column header in the range).


Calculate sum and average treating blank values with specific values based on other column condition without adding helper column

I would like to calculate the sum and average in Google Spreadsheet of a range based on conditions from another column, but treat blanks with a specified value. It can be accomplished using a helper column, but I would like to do it without it. Here is the sample data:
I would like to sum values in column B based on value on Column A, but replacing blanks values with the value specified on E2 and E3 respectivelly.
Here is a sample in google sheet:
I was trying to use the following formulas for the sum of team A but I am not getting the expected result:
=sumif(A2:A,"A", if(B2:B<>"",B2:B,E2)) returns 6 instead of 19
=sum(if(A2:A="A",if(B2:B<>"", B2:B, E2),)) return 27 instead of 19
I cannot use a combintation of sumif and arrayformula like this because it expects a range in the third input argument:
=sumif(A2:A,"A", ARRAYFORMULA(if(B2:B<>"", B2:B,E2)))
I wasn't going to jump in on this one, since it's after midnight and I didn't feel I had the energy to both write and explain such a formula. But I see that you yourself have helped others on this forum. So I'll soldier through for you.
Delete everything from columns G:I (i.e., leave those columns entirely blank); and I suggest removing all of the formatting that you currently have in place in those columns, since it won't make sense after what I propose below.
Place the following formula in G1:
=ArrayFormula(QUERY(FILTER({A2:A,IF(B2:B="",IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2:A&"*",D:E,2,FALSE),0),B2:B)},A2:A<>""),"Select Col1, SUM(Col2), AVG(Col2) GROUP BY Col1 LABEL Col1 'Team', SUM(Col2) 'Sum', AVG(Col2) 'Average'"))
This one formula will generate all headers, team names and results for all teams' sums and averages.
The virtual array between the curly brackets pairs every element of A2:A with the results of the IF function. That IF function checks to see if B2:B is blank. If so, a VLOOKUP with wildcard is performed to find the Col-A team name at the start of any value in Col D and, if found, returns the corresponding filler value from Col E. (If not found, IFERROR returns 0 as the filler value. It's important to have a numerical value because of the way QUERY works.)
FILTER filters in all of the above results only for those rows where A2:A contains a non-null value.
QUERY then pulls the team names, sums and averages; the LABEL portion of the QUERY assigns your desired column headers to the results.
This formula is not restricted to only two teams. You can add as many teams as you like in A:B and assign as many filler values as necessary in D:E.
It's important to note, however, that the formula relies on the FULL team name found in A:A being found at the beginning of the Col-D values. So if your team name is "Bears," just make sure the corresponding entry in Col-D starts with "Bears" as well (e.g., "Bears blanks" or even just "Bears").
You'll need to format the entire Col H as whole numbers and the entire Col I as 0.00 to match the results you shown in your sample.
ADDENDUM (after further comments from OP):
It seems that what you're saying is that the D:E values in your sample spreadsheet were something you wanted included within the formula itself and that you did not intend for them to be used as a reference list. I think your post's reference to "without a helper column" may have been your attempt to say this; but it was not clear, as with or without that D:E list as a live reference range, the main formula may have relied on its own helper column in addition to that list.
If you want a formula that contains the list:
=ArrayFormula(QUERY(FILTER({A2:A,IF(B2:B="",IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2:A,{"A",2;"B",4},2,FALSE),0),B2:B)},A2:A<>""),"Select Col1, SUM(Col2), AVG(Col2) GROUP BY Col1 LABEL Col1 'Team', SUM(Col2) 'Sum', AVG(Col2) 'Average'"))
To add further blank-values, just keep adding to this section...
... being sure to follow the pattern of team-comma-value-semi for all but the last entry which will not need the closing semi.
You can use a combination of sumifs and countifs
to add up the non-blanks
to add up the blanks (and multiply by the default value)
all together
Average (use countifs to work out how many items):

Only apply complex arrayformula() to rows with certain value in dataset

I have a quite complext formula (i mean that is complex to me) that Tom Sharpe helped me building to aggregate values and ordering them by months in a row(you can find the details in the original post but i think you'll only need the final formula which is:
=ArrayFormula(mmult(sequence(1,counta(A2:A),1,0), if((C2:index(C:C,counta(C:C))<=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0)))* (D2:index(D:D,counta(D:D))>=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0))),E2:index(E:E,counta(E:E)),0)))
and here is the result -> [J1:U1]
Now, what i would need to do as the final step is to be able to group data by a certain label (John or Jane in the example) on separate rows, but mantaining the order/aggregate by month on the row. On the example, this would mean having one row with only 'John' data and below, one with 'Jane' values.
I am struggling to understand how to adapt the formula to do so.
I have tried:
Using another array to first return a list of these labels with query(unique()) or something like that, but then i struggle looping in it with the other formula.
A bit more simplistic but it could work after all: on the 1st row (the cell next to where the data will be returned) writing 'John', on row 2 'Jane' and then using filter() to only pull data that matches. The 'John, Jane' value is for the example but the real labels won't be that many, the list of labels don't need to be dynamic.
The thing with these solutions is that they work when used separately, but i can't figure out how to nest this in the first arrayformula() that Tom helped me with...As i am just beginning with the google sheets queries.
I don't really need necessarily the complete formula/code but maybe just directions or tips to visualize the way i could solve this.
Thanks to all who might contribute
With hindsight I might have done better to go down the route of using a query to calculate the sums on my previous answer rather than Mmult.
This uses the same method as before to create a 2d array of amounts vs dates (going across) and individuals (going down). Then it uses Textjoin to generate a query to group by name with the required number of columns.
=ArrayFormula(query({A2:A,if((C2:C<=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0)))* (D2:D>=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0))),E2:E,0)},
"select Col1,sum(Col"&textjoin("),sum(Col",,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,2))&") where Col1 is not null group by Col1"))
This is the generated query
select Col1,sum(Col2),sum(Col3),sum(Col4),sum(Col5),sum(Col6),sum(Col7),sum(Col8),sum(Col9),sum(Col10),sum(Col11),sum(Col12),sum(Col13) where Col1 is not null group by Col1
Ideally there should be an extra section saying label sum(Col2) '' etc. to suppress the 'Sum' headers.
=ArrayFormula(query({A2:A,if((C2:C<=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0)))* (D2:D>=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0))),E2:E,0)},
"select Col1,sum(Col"&textjoin("),sum(Col",,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,2))&") where Col1 is not null group by Col1 label sum(Col" & textjoin(") '', sum(Col",,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,2)) & ") ''"))

Extract values from a range with 2 columns only if the value in column 1 contains a specific word in the column 2

I need to extract each individual person from a list that doesn't contain a certain activity (Project). Sounds easy but I can't quite get to the end of it.
Please check the example here on Sheet 2:
Here's the logic.
First I attempted to see if the individual only occurs once and if the Activity is not "Project"
Then I just extract the name that satisfies this criteria:
=query(ARRAYFORMULA(iF(I2:I=0,A2:A,"")), "where Col1 <>'' ")
This works, except there might be multiple assignments for the same person that does not contain the activity "Project" which my formula doesn't account for nor is it a simple dynamic arrayformula.
=UNIQUE(FILTER(A2:A, B2:B<>"Project"))
=UNIQUE(QUERY(A2:B, "select A where B <>'Project'", 0))
=UNIQUE(FILTER(A2:A, B2:B<>"Project",
NOT(REGEXMATCH(A2:A, "^"&TEXTJOIN("$|^", 1, FILTER(A:A, B:B="Project"))&"$"))))
While #player0's answer solves the question, it took a big performance hit on a sheet with >1000 rows.
Instead, I extracted all names that contained "Project" and then all names that did not contain "Project", then subtracted all the names from the first array to eliminate names that were in both.
=UNIQUE(FILTER(UNIQUE(FILTER(A2:A, B2:B<>"Project")), ISNA(MATCH(UNIQUE(FILTER(A2:A, B2:B<>"Project")), UNIQUE(FILTER(A2:A, B2:B="Project")),0))))
You may try this also:
{=IFERROR(INDEX($A$2:A$25,MATCH(0,IF($C$1<>$B$2:$B$25,COUNTIF($F$1:$F1,$A$2:$A$25), ""), 0)),"")}
Cell C1 has criteria Project, using cell reference makes the formula
dynamic rather than hard coded.
Enter this formula in cell F2, finish with Ctrl+Shift+Enter,
and fill down.

Google Sheets - Query - Running Total below dynamic results

Testing Sheet:
Wondering if there is a witty way to add a Total to the last row +1 of
a Query result.
See Sheet 'Lookup' for a static example of what I am asking for.
I don't know if there is a way to have a hidden column that calculates
transposed only under the last row of a query, or if there is a smart
way to work Query for this answer.
All great answers. Each on very useful in its use case.
Макс Махров gets the answer with using a query statement.
Now I was not keen on having an extra sheet to hold the totals so I added a row at the top which I can simply hide and used this formula:
query({Orders!A:E;A1:E1},"select Col1, Col3, Col4 where Col2 = '"&C3&"' order by Col4",1)
Only problem I have is trying to figure out how to add TEXT to the bottom row, it seems to only want numerical input.
How do I fix this? What am I glitching?
Thanks !
The trick is to make second query and count totals for selected product.
Plan of actions:
add new sheet with query on it, something like this: =QUERY(Orders!A:E,"select B, 0, sum(D) where B like '"&Lookup!C2&"' Group by B",0)
Prepare arrayformula which combines data in Lookup sheet: = ArrayFormula({Importrange(1),Importrange(2)}) Note that number of columns must retain the same.
Edit query so it takes Col1, Col2, Col3... instead of A, B, C...
Make word 'total' visible instead of zero. Set number format: 0;0;total Set it for range B9:B on Lookup sheet
Make Conditional Formatting with formula =and($B4 =0,isnumber($B4)) for range A4:C on Lookup sheet.
That's seems have to complete the task.
Hope it Helps!
Your Example
Working example.
Here is one way:
Put TOTAL way down in row 1000
Select the range A3:C999. Select data > filter to create filters
Select C3, set the filter to hide all blanks
A second way is to limit the query result to show only the top 8 results:
Change your query to =query(Orders!A:E, "select A, C, D where B = '"&C2&"' order by D desc limit 8",1) It will reverse-order column D (largest first), and set row limit to 8.
Change the formula of your TOTAL to =sumif(Orders!B:B,C2,Orders!D:D)
Try this formula in the column adjacent to your query:
It duplicates your column of values (I haven't figured out a way around that yet) and then adds a total to the bottom of that column, and changes dynamically with the range from your query.
Here's a working version.
Interesting challenge! It got the old grey matter turning... ;)

Google sheets conditional formatting based on =QUERY result

I am trying to conditionally format a row in Google Sheets based on the result of a QUERY operation. I can get the QUERY to return the value I want (either 0 or non-zero), however QUERY insists on returning a header row.
Since the QUERY now takes up 2 rows for every row of data, changing the format of the row based off the QUERY result starts to get weird after just a few rows.
The problem I am ultimately trying to solve in the case where I enter a list of names, and I want to compare each name to a list of "NSF Names". If a name is entered, and it exists on the NSF list, I would like to flag the entry by highlighting the row red.
Help is greatly appreciated.
Edit: Formula, as requested:
=query(A:D,"select count(A) where C contains '"&E1&"' and D contains '"&E2&"'")
A:D is the data set (A is a numeric ID, B is full name, C and D are first and last names respectively).
E1 and E2 are placeholders for the person's first and last name, but would eventually be replaced with parsing the person's name, as it's inputted on the sheet (TRIM(LEFT(" ", A2) etc...)
I can get the QUERY to return the value I want (either 0 or non-zero),
however QUERY insists on returning a header row.
There might be better ways to achieve what you want to do, but in answer to this quote:
=QUERY(A:D,"select count(A) where C contains '"&E1&"' and D contains '"&E2&"' label count(A) ''")
A query seems a long-winded approach (=countifs(C1:C7,E$1,D1:D7,E$2) might be adequate) but the label might be trimmed off it by wrapping the query in:
