what does "Error: one input ui-file must be specified" in pyqt5 mean? How can I solve it? - pyuic

In pycharm settting, I add "external Tool" which name is pyUIC, argument is "
$FileNameWithoutExtension$.py" ,programm is "G:\m_anaconda\envs\Mogcn\python.exe",
working directory is "$FileDir$"

after I change my file name from "Dailuge - mainPage.ui" to "mainPage.ui".
everything become success !


Why Zerobranestudio Configuration error occurs?

Error while loading configuration file: 'cannot open C:\Users\안진형\Desktop\ZeroBraneStudio.zbstudio\user.lua: Invalid argument'.
Error while loading configuration file: cannot open C:\Users\안진형\Desktop\ZEROBR~1\cfg\tomorrow.lua: Invalid argument
What is "ZEROBR~1" in directory? and Why this message occurs?
I'm setting this program for code debugging and changeing color scheme of zerobranestudio, but I don't know how to open code file and how to change color scheme.
I've tried to do this and succeed to open tommorow.lua. Then Why this error message occurs?
How can i change color scheme?
I've tried this manual and succeed to open scheme-picker.lua. In that link's statement, If i choose color like "Tommorownightblue", Zerobranestudio's color changed to that color. But when i clicked "TommorownightBlue", Error while loading configuration file: cannot open C:\Users\안진형\Desktop\ZEROBR~1\cfg\tomorrow.lua: Invalid argument message occurs.
I'm not absolutely sure, but I'd try loading the configuration files from a different location. Can you move ZeroBrane Studio installation to a location that doesn't have your username in it, as I suspect it may be some encoding issue, which doesn't allow the file name to be properly passed to the open function.

Error reading resource.. access to path is denied(CS1566)

I have created a binding library in iOS and when I try to rebuild the solution the build fails with the error message as " Error CS1566: Error reading resource 'SampleFramework' -- 'Access to the path '/Users/leonrodrigues/Projects/SampleFramework' is denied.' (CS1566) (SampleFramework.Binding).
anyone with any inputs on this as to how can we fix it ??
You are trying to add wrong path as native reference, may be parent folder. add the framework exact location

LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'opencv_calib3d2411d.obj'

I am using opencv-2.4.11 with microsoft visual studio 12 express edition with fake key and windows 8.1.
I have no problem in compiling my code but when I build my project it is showing following error
" LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'opencv_calib3d2411d.obj' ".
I have added all the librarys,paths and input correctly, I am still facing the problem. Please help me resolve the problem.
Thank You
I found the answer
The input files are correct but you need to give the full path in Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies. i will show you how.
Also in Linker->General->Use Library Dependency Input, Click on yes
This should certainly help.

lua lxp The specified module could not be found

I'm putting together an application that uses the moon soap, but when you run it reports the following error :
C:\Lua\5.1\lua.exe: error loading module 'lxp' from file 'C:\Lua\5.1\clibs\lxp.dll':
The specified module could not be found.
How do I fix this ?
This is not a "file not found" error. Note that the message stated that it tried to load the module "lxp" from a file ('C:\Lua\5.1\clibs\lxp.dll') but it didn't work. Maybe the file doesn't have a luaopen_lxp C function (which might be called by loadlib)... Or maybe you are not loading it with require...

Vim: How do I tell where a function is defined? (

I just installed macvim yesterday and I installed vim latex today.
One of the menu items is calling a broken function (TeX-Suite -> view).
When I click on the menu-time it makes this call:
:silent! call Tex_ViewLatex()
Question: Where can I find that function? Is there some way to figure out where it is defined?
Just for curiosity sake I removed the silent part and ran this:
:call Tex_ViewLatex()
Which produces:
Error detected while processing function Tex_ViewLaTeX:
line 34:
E121: Undefined variable: s:viewer
E116: Invalid arguments for function strlen(s:viewer)
E15: Invalid expression: strlen(s:viewer)
line 39:
E121: Undefined variable: appOpt
E15: Invalid expression: 'open '.appOpt.s:viewer.' $*.'.s:target
line 79:
E121: Undefined variable: execString
E116: Invalid arguments for function substitute(execString, '\V$*', mainfname, 'g'
E15: Invalid expression: substitute(execString, '\V$*', mainfname, 'g')
line 80:
E121: Undefined variable: execString
E116: Invalid arguments for function Tex_Debug
line 82:
E121: Undefined variable: execString
E15: Invalid expression: 'silent! !'.execString
Press ENTER or type command to continue
I suspect that if I could see the source function I could figure out what inputs are bad or what it is looking for.
Use the :verbose prefix command:
:verbose function Tex_ViewLaTeX
In the second line of output (just above the function's body) is the location of where the function was defined.
I installed gVim 7.2 on windows and latex-suite, and miktex too
I tried what you said, after compile and view, I can view the dvi files
The error message seemed like to indicate it's the view's problem
The document for latex-suite said the viewer for Macintosh is not set, maybe it's where the problem lies
I think you can try to set a few variables in your .vimrc file, to set up the proper viewing app for PDF files
And the source code for Tex_ViewLaTeX is here:
By the way, I also installed MacVim on my Macbook Pro, however I never used vim for LaTeXing, because I find TextMate and its latex bundle is much superior than MacVim, you'll definately like it
One way to search would be to do a grep or vimgrep on directory tree where you thought the source file was located. Search for 'function Tex_ViewLatex' or 'function! Tex_ViewLatex'.
I believe in the usual install it would be in a .../ftplugin/latex-suite/compiler.vim file, as part of the latex-suite plugin. There are a couple ftplugin directories, so make sure you get right one (one is in tree of main vim install and other may be off your home .vim directory.
It seems there is a bug with the Tex_ViewLatex function on OS X. Check here for some info:
Put this in your .vimrc, solved the problem for me.
let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'open -a Preview.app'
