Extend existing independent WatchOS app with iOS app and share data between them - ios

First of all, I'm a newby and I'm sorry if this question is already answered. I searched and I didn't found any similar.
I already have and independent WachOS app and works fine by itself. At firs I thought that with it alone will be enough but now I realized that with an equivalent iOS app I could reach more people. So now I'm wondering if it's possible to modify my Xcode project in order to add an iOS app with the same content and functionality as I have in the WatchOS app and both of them sharing the same data, that is, if I change a value in one of them, later I will see this value updated in the other one.
Thx in advance

If you already uploaded the app to the AppStore then I'm afraid it's not possible. Source: Reverting from an Independent Watch app, to one that is dependent on an iPhone app


Upload Application to app store with iPad support and later on iPhone Support

I have an application which is practically done and ready to be issued as an iPad version, but the problem is that later on i need to have an iPhone version of it to be submitted using the same bundle and the same app id. I know that i need to create a different storyboard or use the auto-layout, so coding and developing wise i already have it figured out, but for now i need to submit the iPad version of it and after on submit an update containing the iPhone version. Is there any pointer i should keep in mind or any special details to watch out from? Many thanks
Just upload your first version with configuration stated below screenshot
After when u want to upload with both then do config stated in belowed screenshot
It's simply possible to update your iPad app with your new universal app. nothing any importent changes for configuration at iTune but you must know well how to develop the Universal app

Same app name for iPhone and iPad,but different release dates

We are about the release app to the iPad store under the name appName. We don't want to add anything to that name (e.g. HD ) . the app is now only for iPad(not universal) .
Later we would like to release it to the iPhone under the same name .
But, for this to work we will have to later make that same app to be universal , and release an update to it.
Problem: On the release date to iPhone , we will not get the right attention , because its only an update, not a new app. (e.g. get to be in the first places/promption by Apple ,etc ).
How you usually solve this problem ,to get a full attention as a new release, when you only submit an update to include another iDevices ?
This is more of opinion question rather than a programming one. Still I will let you know my thoughts.
This statement is not entirely true.
"Problem: On the release date to iPhone , we will not get the right attention , because its only an update, not a new app. (e.g. get to be in the first places/promption by Apple ,etc )."
what exactly are you plans for advertising your release or update? If you hope that website that monitor new app releases automatically to advertise your app then yes, you get a shot at the new release and updates not so much.
You can release an iPad version and then with an update make the app universal as long as you advertise your app update like mad all over the social media and such. Hopefully your update will be received with just as interest as your initial app release.
The only other option, which you already know, is to create two different apps with different names "HD" and have two sets of code to maintain which I can tell from experience is a pain in the butt.
If I were you I would hold off on releasing an iPad version till I made it universal. Trust me Apple customers now expect all apps to work on every apple devices and not to buy the same app twice for iPhone vs iPad.
Just my two cents.
You can use the app same name, but launch the universal version of the app with a different bundle ID. No problem from the Apple side.

Programmatically detect which iOS application is visible to user

I found this and the problem is that the answers on that question didn't pan out (I also tested them first) and also that it is over a year old.
I've used the solution here to fetch the list of all running processes, but not of the struct kinfo_proc attributes seem to give any useful in detecting which app is currently visible to the user.
I am trying to find out which app is currently visible (and open) to the user on iOS devices.
It must work on stock devices (non-jailbroken) and no need to worry about the app store.
Edit: I am looking at the private APIs now, but cannot seem to determine how my app could be notified (or inquire) about a new application being brought to the front.
Thank you
Thanks to #JohnWoods in the comment section of the question, I was able to find the solution on a related question.
The solution I used and that worked for me was here.

Removing iPad support from app

I uploaded an app to the App Store a while ago, but I have to delete the iPad support for different reasons. I am not talking about removing the app from the iPad App Store, only removing the iPad support. The Developer website states the following:
Developers who wish to issue updates, but remove device support, have three choices:
Fix their app so that it can work on the devices they originally set out to support.
Target a newer version of iOS that requires a newer device.
Remove their app from the store, and upload the new app with a different bundle ID.
The problem is that if I remove the app from the app store and upload it again, I can not use the same app name. That is not an option.
Is there any way out of this mess?
Answering my own question - no, there is no other way! I ended up creating a decent looking iPad app to fix the problem.
Apple will not allow you to remove support for iPad if you ever offered it on a given app name. Further, the app has to be well enough designed for iPad that Apple likes it enough to allow it to pass. We had an app rejected for this reason.

Testing in a iOS 6.1 jailbroken device without Hackulo.us and Apple developer ID

first of all, I know there are many questions similar to this one, but, they are old and the answers in them unfortunately no longer work, since the game has changed without Hacklo.us to do part of the process.
Basically, I want to develop for iOS and test the apps I make, and later in the future I may want to submit them to the Apple Store, but for now I'm not willing to pay 99$ to join the Apple iOS developer program just to use my apps in my iPhone.
I have a jailbroken iPhone 4S with iOS 6.1.
The only posts I found about how to do this, either use Hackulo.us (that went down about 2 months ago) or something called Jailcoder that is also offline and they also seem to work with only old versions of XCode/iOS (not clear about that point).
Any new progresses on how to to this with the present conditions?
Simple. After building the app, just use some utility (SSH, iExplorer, etc.) to copy the app bundle to the /Applications directory on the device. After that, either run the uicache tool or respring the iPhone to make the application appear on the home screen.
