JQuery autocomplete with multiple category - jquery-ui

How can I add a search form with autocomplete option which gives results from multiple areas of a website. Added a sample image below. I want to list the search results like this. Am using Drupal 9 with JQuery UI auto complete.


Searchable select in Bootstrap 5

In Bootstrap 3 you had the option to add the attribute
data-live-search="true" to enable live search.
How can I implement this feature in Bootstrap 5?
You can use what is known as a Datalist in Bootstrap5 to achieve that. It works almost exactly like the Live Search that you mentioned

how to use the global search in watson explorer application builder

I am new to IBM Watson Explorer's Application Builder component.
I able to create some widgets and place them on a page, but I am not able to figure out how to use the global search bar in the page header.
I want to search for something using the global search and the data in the widgets on the page should be updated.
Tried reading the knowledge center docs, but not able to get much info.
For making use of the global search, you may want to understand, where the data for that resides.
The Watson Explorer Engine is where you ingest your documents by creating a search collection and by adding them as seeds and then once that is all set up and you are able to see your data there, you can now switch over to the AppBuilder.
Link (Creating a search collection): https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SS8NLW_9.0.0/com.ibm.swg.im.infosphere.dataexpl.engine.tut.auth.doc/t_vse-auth-tut-create-display.html
Tabs on admin page of AppBuilder look like this: Image Link: AppBuilder tab header
Once on AppBuilder admin dashboard, you might want to create a new entity by going to the entity tab, located at the top of the page.
Then you can name it whatever you like and from the dropdown select the collection name you had created on Watson Explorer Engine, toggle the searchable button on in the entity page and once done click on save at the bottom of the page.
Link (adding backend and entity creation): https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SS8NLW_9.0.0/com.ibm.swg.im.infosphere.dataexpl.appbuilder.doc/c_de-ab-devapp-tutorial-integrate.html
Then you may want to head over to the layouts tab and then go to the search page there, then drag the search results widget to the pane below and save it.
Layout tab - search page, looks like this: Image Link: Layout tab - search page
Layout tab - search result widget on search page, looks like this: Image Link: Search result Widget
Finally after all this, when you search for the document from the search page "/AppBuilder/search", it should show up there.
Tutorial WEX AppBuilder Resource: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SS8NLW_9.0.0/com.ibm.swg.im.infosphere.dataexpl.appbuilder.doc/c_de-ab-devapp-tutorial.html
Hope this helps.

Selecting components for jquery mobile

I am trying to optimize jquery mobile and select only those components I need with the jquery mobile download builder http://jquerymobile.com/download-builder/.
However, I have troubles deciding which components I actually need. The features I need are these:
Navigation from a page to another
Basic form elements
Theming related to the aforementioned features
Form element components I can probably pick up myself but do I for example need 'Global initialization of the library' listed in core components in the download builder page?

Problem when using JQuery Autocomplete as a Google Maps Api v3 map contro

I'm building a map control for Google Maps API v3. The map control contains the JQuery UI Autocomplete widget.
The map control is coded as a JQuery UI widget.The code works fine when used standalone and has a glitch when used as a Map Control via:
The glitch is that when autocomplete retrieves the data and shows the dropdown list with available options, the list seems to be perfectly built except for the values not being showed. If I click on an item the textbox of the autocomplete widget perfectly show the value selected.
So, wrapping up, the autocomplete widget seems to fail to SHOW the values of the dropdown list when used with google maps api v3 as a map control.
Any clue what's happening? work arounds?
This is a partial answer to the question:
My widget uses another some custom widgets (all under the same .js file) whose only responsibility is styling some elements of the control with JQuery UI CSS classes.
If I perform this styling on my map control widget AND remove the reference to the other .js file in the html.... everything works fine. In fact, if I do not use the styling widgets from my map control widget WHEREAS maintaining the reference to the .js file, the problem persists.
So it seems it must be something about how the styling widgets library file is formatted.
If anyone has still something to point out about the issue, help is welcome!

Dropdown menu on rails

I need to make a simple dropdown menu to my rails app, but all i can find is dropdown selects.
does any1 know a good guide on making dropdown menus? just a simple menus, nothing fancy
Dropdown menu is not something that is built in rails and you need a javascript plugin to achieve that.
If you are using prototype as your javascript framework in your rails app, here are some of prototype+scriptaculous based dropdown menu plugin . If you are using jQuery as your javascript framework in your rails framework, here are some of jQuery based dropdown menu plugin.
Hope that helps.
