Searchable select in Bootstrap 5 - bootstrap-5

In Bootstrap 3 you had the option to add the attribute
data-live-search="true" to enable live search.
How can I implement this feature in Bootstrap 5?

You can use what is known as a Datalist in Bootstrap5 to achieve that. It works almost exactly like the Live Search that you mentioned


JQuery autocomplete with multiple category

How can I add a search form with autocomplete option which gives results from multiple areas of a website. Added a sample image below. I want to list the search results like this. Am using Drupal 9 with JQuery UI auto complete.

jQuery Mobile Default Swatches

Let me start off by saying I'm new to jQuery mobile. I've been asked to change to theme of a website and from looking at the jQuery mobile website here there is 5 default swatches that come with it. The only problem is that when I look at the theme file it only has 2 swatches, labeled A and B, but which look more like A and C. Can someone tell me where I can find the additional default swatches?
Thanks for your help.
The guys from jQuery mobile also created the classic theme for 1.4 although they don't actually support it.
You can find it here:
And view the demo here:
jQuery Mobile 1.4 has two themes "a" and "b", unlike previous versions.
To upgrade custom themes previously created by ThemeRoller, at the page's top, click on import to upload old themes and then choose 1.4.0 from drop-down Upgrade to version list.

can we use combination of kendoUI web and kendoUI dataviz

In my application,I have used all widgets in "KendoUI web",now i want to implement bar chart,so can i use both "kendo dataviz" in my application,I have implemented this ,I am able to load either "bar chart" or other "web" widgets at a can u tell me is it possible to use both.
Yes you can, there was an issue in the previous versions, did you try with the latest version (Q2 sp - 913)?
Also there is a script called kendo.all.min.js which contains the dataviz/mobile/web frameworks into single file which you can use.
Here is is the CDN :
<script src=""></script>

Zurb Foundation radio buttons and checkboxes not working in Rails

I've installed foundation into my Rails project using their gem and running the following 2 commands:
rails g foundation:install
rails g foundation:layout
Everything seems to be working great, the nice CSS markup and grid layout. However, my radio buttons and checkboxes don't look any different. The page that describes radio buttons and checkboxes says, "Once initialized (they're referring to which was automatically included in every Rails page) it will look for any checkbox, radio button, or select element and replace it with custom markup that Foundation provides styles for."
But my radio buttons and checkboxes look standard, not like the beautiful ones on the above example page. They suggest to set display: none; on the inputs with some custom markup to avoid the flash from normal to foundation buttons/checkboxes. That doesn't help. I even did a copy-and-paste from their example webpage to my webpage! Still no luck! Am I missing something?
I'm using Rails 3.2.8
The problem was I needed to add the class custom to the form element. Apparently all other Foundation elements work without that class, except radio buttons and checkboxes.

Dropdown menu on rails

I need to make a simple dropdown menu to my rails app, but all i can find is dropdown selects.
does any1 know a good guide on making dropdown menus? just a simple menus, nothing fancy
Dropdown menu is not something that is built in rails and you need a javascript plugin to achieve that.
If you are using prototype as your javascript framework in your rails app, here are some of prototype+scriptaculous based dropdown menu plugin . If you are using jQuery as your javascript framework in your rails framework, here are some of jQuery based dropdown menu plugin.
Hope that helps.
