MPLAB8.92 HOT Key profile not following assigned keys - mplab

I am using MPLAB8.92 Win7 system ICD3. I created and saved a for all my projects. I have 3 win7 systems and 2 of the systems with MPLAB8.92 are working fine. The 3rd system doe not follow the hot key profile I loaded. I uninstalled MPLAB8.92 and deleted all files and started with fresh copy of MPLAB8.92 and get the same issue. I checked the file to be sure there were no duplicate key assignments. MPLAB appears to follow the default HOT key file even when I have imported new file and verified the key assignments. Im lost on where to go next.


Radstudio and Interbase license issue?

I had my RadStudio setup all working and have created a very simple mobile app for android that uses IBLite to grab some data. For business reasons I had to leave the project and move on to other things. So I come back to Radstudio thinking I can just pick up where I left off.
I notice there is an update for the product so I apply the changes and then open up my previous project. From there things get very strange. I can build and deploy to android and the project still works. If I deploy to IOS simulator again no problem and everything works fine. As soon as I try to deploy to a device I get the following compiler error:-
[DCC Error] E2597 ld: library not found for -libtogo
(This is an outstanding question on Embarcadero Developer Forum)
Which looks to me like a problem with the licence file. So I try to manually add it to the deployment but still get the error. So I decided to park my project and go back to the IOS IBLite tutorial from the Embarcadero website. I get to the stage where I want to drop an sqlconnection to the form and connect to the database... No joy it comes up with unavailable database which I thought might be a licensing issue or the fact the IB Server was not running. So I double checked the latter and sure enough it is running as a windows service and I can use IBConsole to connect to it.
So I drop trying to create a mobile application and try to create a desktop app that connects to the dbdemos database. No luck, the ide still states unavailable database...
So to my question?
How do I get radstudio to pick up the license for Interbase and particulary IBLIte for IOS?
I have searched online and on the EDF and have been unable to find a solution.
Take a look to this link.
IBREDISTDIR environment variable should be properly configurated with the directory containing library folders and licenses.
RAD Studio links statically libibtogo.a probably this file is missing. This file usually is into ($BDS)/lib/iosDevice/debug path

Can't get rid of old folder in application bundle

Seems to be similar to this question:
Xcode won't let go a resource file
But for Xamarin. I have a xamarin solution I'm working on in Visual Studio for iOS. I added some resources in one place and then later decided to move them somewhere else. But when I build the project and look at the application bundle on our build Mac the originals are still there. Even though I scrubbed every instance of them from my Windows machine it somehow still ending up in the application bundle!
How do I complete scrub any cached traces? I've reset the simulator, cleaned and rebuilt from visual studio, even deleted the bin and obj but I can't get rid of the damn things.
I had a similar problem with files I've deleted from VS still being included in the bundle when running the app.
I followed the output from The Mac Server log and you can see from there where the files are being copied from, in my case
Delete your application folder in that cache and it will fix the issues.

XNA 4.0 ClickOnce game does not run after installation

Okay, I have been looking all over to solve this problem before I actually broke down and decided to finally ask for my psecific problem. I am using ClickOnce installation and when I use the setup.exe to install nothing runs, not even on my personal computer that I know has all of the proper libraries and such. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong so it is difficult to explain the problem.
I have included dotNetFramework4.0 client x86 x64 , xna redistributable 4.0 and windows installer 3.1 along with my game and I have it set to install all of that with setup , also I have it set to download prereqs from same location as application. I've tried it on three separate computers , one that does not have XNA or VS C# installed and the same problem occurs.
Here is the problem , after I install the game nothing runs, I try clicking on the ClickOnce application file (the one with my game's icon image) and again nothing happens. The thing that really bugs me is that there isn't any errors or crashes or anything , it's almost like clicking on the desktop screen. (I looked at the properties of the "shortcut" that was installed with the game and the file size of the shortcut is like 300 bytes. Isn't that really small? I was thinking maybe there is a problem with a startup executable? I'm not sure though.)
I've tried tweaking some stuff in the Publish section of my project , such as un-checking the box that says "use .deploy extension files" (I don't know why, I've been grasping at straws here) I've been looking into some other installers such as NSIS but I don't know how to compile a list of files to include in other installers and I feel like that won't solve the problem anyway because I've gotten ClickOnce to work with me before.
On one computer there was an error report that said something about 'deployment and application do not have matching security zones.'
Game.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ Deployment and application do not have matching security zones.
It's getting late so if I need to provide more information let me know.
ClickOnce can be a fickle thing. There are times that I've had errors occur that could only be solved by recreating an entire Windows user profile. Because there are so many different options for ClickOnce, it's going to be hard for me to diagnose your exact issue, so I can only offer what options I used to successfully install via ClickOnce.
Publishing Folder: local folder
Installation Folder URL: blank
Install Mode: offline
Application Files
Make sure the Publish Status of your game files is set to Include (Auto)
Make sure the Publish Status of the XNA libraries is set to Prerequisite (Auto)
Click Prerequisites
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile
Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0
Windows Installer 3.1
Do not check for updates
Everything else default under Options (publisher/suite name shouldn't affect anything)
Specify the version number
Publish Now
Install the game through the setup.exe provided in the publish location. I always distribute every file that is publishes. However, you can clean up old versions in the "Application Files" folder if you don't want the history to be distributed.
You can double check the "Application Files" folder to see if your version got published correctly (look at the files that were deployed and see if they match your project contents).

Service installed on Windows 7 machine is not reading from its config file

I have a .Net 3.5 web service that installs perfectly on my old XP box. I recently got a beautiful new Windows 7 box and everything has been working wonderfully. Yesterday I remembered that I need to instal this service on my new box and attempted to perform the install.
After the install I did a quick test and it seemed to be working correctly. Later in the day, I went into the config file and made a small change. After restarting the service I was dismayed to discover that the change was NOT being picked up by the service and it continued to use the old values.
Can someone explain how this is possible? I am totally befuddled here.
You've most likely been a "victim" of Windows Backward Compatibility (aka UAC Data Redirection).
When a program running as non-admin tries to write to config files located in Program Files, Windows redirects the write to another (user local) directory. That means, a user can seemingly write the file, but another user will see the original, Program Files, version.

IDAPI , BdeAdmin and Windows 7

After many months of postponing it, this week, I finally started using a new Windows 7 Professional PC for actual development (which is 90% still done in Delphi 7 with some of these programs still using the Borland IDAPI to access Paradox files). The previous development pc was still an XP-one.
Every thing works except for one thing: somehow the settings of the IDAPI and BdeAdmin configuration files are messed up or they are read/written in different locations. To be more precise, it looks like two configuration files are active.
It must have something to do with rights or settings being read/written in the wrong folder or registry setting, but after searching for it for a couple of hours, I give up.
Anyone had any problems with this, before ? And if so, hopefully, has any one solved this problem ?
Thx for any thoughts/solutions ...
My guess is it has something to do with the fact that Vista and Windows 7 don't allow programs to change files under the C:\Program Files folder. They create a copy of those changed files in a virtual store, the process is known as virtualization. The copies end up in the hidden appdata folder of the user account and can be found in the Local\VirtualStore\Program Files folder. The structure in that folder reflects the one in the actual Program Files folder.
Programs that access their files in the Program Files folder using a "hardcoded" path, will always get the original - unchanged - file contents.
Solution: running the apps in a virtual XP system or upgrading the apps is probably your best bet.
You could try to run the apps elevated. That is: right click them and choose Run as Administrator. Please note that it isn't enough to be logged in as an administrator. Even administrators run all processes unelevated by default. Instead of right-clicking, you can also create a shortcut and set the Run as administrator for the shortcut - the checkbox for this is on the compatibility tab of the properties dialog. No guarantees though that this will alleviate the problem.
Since IIRC D7 setup allows you to configure paths in multiple ways, maybe simply do a reinstall outside "program files"?
Afaik this solves several vista/w7 problems.
