How compile this fork of WebRTC for iOS - ios

I need to compile this fork of WebRTC for iOS
I have followed the steps indicated here:
but when i try to build the framework using python --bitcode
it shows and error find_depot_tools file not found
I have cloned the repo to my computer with this command line;
gh repo clone pixiv/webrtc
please help am i doing right or missing something??

You need google depot tools
git clone
and set the path to the tools
export PATH=$PATH:pwd/depot_tools/


How to run examples : No such module AudioKit

Steps to reproduce:
git clone AudioKit (master branch)
In xCode, open an example project. e.g Examples/iOS/SequencerDemo/SequencerDemo.xcodeproj
build (try to run, with a Simulator target)
I get a: No such module AudioKit in ViewController.Swift:9
In the SequencerDemo Target, under Linked Frameworks and Libraries I DO see the AudioKit.framework and it has the correct path.
I am using xCode 10.3 (on OSX Catalina, 10.15 Beta)
master branch commit: 3e6945ad6820f6103e95ca18ec6607ee64e5bed3
P.S: I am a Swift/xCode noob, so I might be missing something trivial here.
If you clone the repo, you still need to build the framework:
From the terminal in the directory you cloned AUdioKit:
cd Frameworks
Check out the Frameworks README for more information.

AWS iOS SDK crashing with carthage update for version 2.5.8

I have been working on a project that requires access to the github repository aws/aws-sdk-ios for some time now and make use of many of its features.
Recently, when trying to build the project in Swift, I have been getting the following build failure:
Use of unresolved identifier AWSBasicCredentialsProvider
The code has remain unchanged from when it was working previously, save a few completely unrelated changes for the Mapbox features I also use for the project. Deciding it was most probably an issue with my version of the aws sdk for ios, I typed the following commands in the terminal:
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/org.*.CarthageKit
rm -rf Carthage
carthage update --platform ios
The resulting output is:
A shell task (/usr/bin/env git checkout --quiet --force 2.5.8) failed with exit code 1:
error: pathspec '2.5.8' did not match any file(s) known to git
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? All help is greatly appreciated!
For reference, my Cartfile is as follows:
github "SwiftyBeaver/SwiftyBeaver"
github "Mapbox/mapbox-navigation-ios"
github "Mapbox/MapboxDirections.swift"
github "Mapbox/MapboxGeocoder.swift"
github "aws/aws-sdk-ios"
The Cartfile.resolved file has the content as follows:
github "52inc/Pulley" "1.4"
github "Mapbox/MapboxDirections.swift" "v0.9.1"
github "Mapbox/MapboxGeocoder.swift" "v0.6.2"
github "Mapbox/mapbox-navigation-ios" "v0.4.0"
github "Project-OSRM/osrm-text-instructions.swift" "v0.1.2"
github "SwiftyBeaver/SwiftyBeaver" "1.2.2"
github "aws/aws-sdk-ios" "2.4.3"
github "frederoni/aws-sdk-ios" "1a8432b03c22326fb7ed86fac978212106e2d465"
github "raphaelmor/Polyline" "v4.1.1"
github "rs/SDWebImage" "4.0.0"
One of your dependencies
depends on a different version of aws-sdk-ios
Look here:
Clearly, this is a namespace issue which causes carthage update failures.

Getting Error while trying to Link host strings to simulator SDK (Linphone)

I am trying to compile linphone source code downloaded from here.
I am following the steps defined here..
The problem is I am getting error while trying to Link host strings to simulator SDK on terminal. Its showing following error
"No Such file or directory."
What should I do to solve this problem? Is there any alternate to Link host strings to simulator SDK ?
Any help/suggestion will be appreciated!
This tutorial is obsolete. You don't need the string symlink anymore, so you should follow the README instead from the git repository and it should work. Basically:
git clone --recursive
cd linphone-iphone
./ # this might raise some errors "Please install XXX program. Do that."
open linphone.xcodeproj

linphone compile issue (just downloaded from git)

I followed the instruction from here
I open terminal and entered git clone git:// --recursive
(I included --recursive)
But after that I can't compile, because some files are missing:
You can try and repeat the command which is done the "--recursive" part of a git clone (that actually calls git submodule):
cd /path/to/linphone # your main parent repo
git submodule update --init --recursive
And see if there are any error message, or if the missing files show up.
Did you follow the instructions in the README file to compile the sdk first? Linphone for iPhone depends on liblinphone sdk.
The README is quite detailed but is focused on Macports, if you want to use Homebrew have a look here:
And for Macports a blog with some more details and some discussion:

Git Tf installation on Mac Osx 10.8

I have tried to integrate Git Tf with Xcode 4.5.1 and Mac OSx 10.8. I have followed the steps which are written at : " " . But at 5. step terminal has given error " 'tf' is not a git command." Then I have looked at the html files that are given with the git-tf installation folder. It has written that it is for MacOsX version 10.5 to 10.6.
Is it possible to use git tf with Mac OsX 10.8? If yes, is there any good tutorial about how to integrate git-tf with Mac osx 10.8?
Thanks a lot in advance.
I made the mistake of setting my PATH in .bash_profile to:
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/<username>/git-tf
following the instructions here
When the archive utility extracts the files it places them in a folder named git-tf-x.x.x.xxxxxx. Because I extracted into a directory named git-tf/ I adjusted my PATH variable in .bash_profile to
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/<username>/git-tf/git-tf-x.x.x.xxxxxx
and the command was found.
Not sure if you figured this out already but I had the same problem. I eventually figured it out by moving my git-tf install to my /Users/{useraccount} directory as per the instructions example. I originally installed my git-tf to my /Users/{useraccount}/Desktop directory and thats what gave me the error. I'm on OSX 10.8 so it definitely works. If you haven't figured it out let me know.
Did you install the java?
Did you add the environment variable to your bash?
Here's the link for step by step in GIT TF installation:
