Git Tf installation on Mac Osx 10.8 - ios

I have tried to integrate Git Tf with Xcode 4.5.1 and Mac OSx 10.8. I have followed the steps which are written at : " " . But at 5. step terminal has given error " 'tf' is not a git command." Then I have looked at the html files that are given with the git-tf installation folder. It has written that it is for MacOsX version 10.5 to 10.6.
Is it possible to use git tf with Mac OsX 10.8? If yes, is there any good tutorial about how to integrate git-tf with Mac osx 10.8?
Thanks a lot in advance.

I made the mistake of setting my PATH in .bash_profile to:
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/<username>/git-tf
following the instructions here
When the archive utility extracts the files it places them in a folder named git-tf-x.x.x.xxxxxx. Because I extracted into a directory named git-tf/ I adjusted my PATH variable in .bash_profile to
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/<username>/git-tf/git-tf-x.x.x.xxxxxx
and the command was found.

Not sure if you figured this out already but I had the same problem. I eventually figured it out by moving my git-tf install to my /Users/{useraccount} directory as per the instructions example. I originally installed my git-tf to my /Users/{useraccount}/Desktop directory and thats what gave me the error. I'm on OSX 10.8 so it definitely works. If you haven't figured it out let me know.

Did you install the java?
Did you add the environment variable to your bash?
Here's the link for step by step in GIT TF installation:


How compile this fork of WebRTC for iOS

I need to compile this fork of WebRTC for iOS
I have followed the steps indicated here:
but when i try to build the framework using python --bitcode
it shows and error find_depot_tools file not found
I have cloned the repo to my computer with this command line;
gh repo clone pixiv/webrtc
please help am i doing right or missing something??
You need google depot tools
git clone
and set the path to the tools
export PATH=$PATH:pwd/depot_tools/

'openssl/conf.h' file not found error on on MacOS Big Sur

I am currently attempting to run an xcode project that creates a Vapor server for the ios application, however, I get an error complaining that 'openssl/conf.h' file is not found. I also get Could not build Objective-C module 'CNIOOpenSSL' on the import package, but I suspect that this is linked to the file not being found by the compiler. I have already brew installed vapor using these instructions[enter image description here]1stions/43070534/openssl-ctls-trouble-with-vapor-2, but no luck. I also installed openssl and libressl, but same results. Any suggestions on what I may be missing? I've linked screenshots of the error below.enter image description here
For me it was installing old version of openssl - openssl 1.1 and setting
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl#1.1/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Dot cannot be run in Pycharm with Sphinx and Graphviz

I am trying to create a class diagram with sphinx. For this I created a virtual environment in Pycharm and added this to
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc','sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram']
In my spamfilter.rst file I added the following lines:
.. inheritance-diagram:: spamfilter
The output is not a diagram and looks like this.
The following warning is displayed:
WARNING: dot command 'dot' cannot be run (needed for graphviz output), check the graphviz_dot setting
When I look into the folder C:\Users\Name\PycharmProjects\documentation\venv\Lib\site-packages\graphviz, there is a file, so I do not understand what is wrong. A similar question for Mac OS has been asked here. I tried the solution but it seems like it only works for Mac, because when I paste export PATH=$PATH:~/opt/bin to the Pycharm Terminal, it tells me that the command export could not be found. Honestly I have problems understanding why sometimes you can just use packages and other times they cannot be found even when they are installed, I am self-taught and a beginner.
The "pip install graphviz" command installs a Python package that provides an interface to Graphviz ( This package is not required by Sphinx.
In order to create inheritance diagrams with Sphinx, the actual Graphviz toolkit (including dot.exe) must be installed. See
If dot.exe is not in the PATH, you can use the graphviz_dot configuration option.
I had the same problem where rendering a C4 model with PlantUML didn't work in the IDE (PyCharm 2022.2.1 Pro) on a newer M1 MacOS Monterey. I had it working on a Big Sur intel Mac prior to the upgrade with no extra effort, so the chip change caused me to go down a lot of paths with Rosetta and so on that were all unsuccessful.
The error was:
Dot Executable: /opt/local/bin/dot
File does not exist
Cannot find Graphviz.
Graphviz was installed correctly, and dot was on my path, but it wasn't in /opt/local/bin/dot. Since it was in /opt/homebrew/bin/dot, all I needed to do was link the actual file with the path it was searching for:
cd /opt
sudo ln -s homebrew local
et voilĂ , PyCharm is now correctly rendering the puml in the IDE.

Running pub install. Please ensure Git is correctly installed. Mac OSX

When putting git: dependency in the pubspec. I get the following error:
'Running pub install' has encountered a problem.
Please ensure Git is correctly installed.
My git is installed at version 1.8.0 that I can access via the terminal on my Mac OS X 10.7.5.
Thank you in advance for any help.
I think the problem is that git's path is loaded to PATH only on terminal start up. Terminal does this by running a file ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile that often exports the paths to commonly used programs. As a consequence, a GUI app such as the Dart Editor can't 'see' git as it doesn't run this start up file.
There is a way to make certain paths visible to all applications though.
Try creating a file:
With the following contents:
If your Git installation is located somewhere else, then use the path accordingly.
I decided to just navigate to the dart project folder and run pub install on the terminal.

-bash: git: command not found in Xcode 4 in lion osx

Through Xcode 4.3 ->file -> source control -> repositories -> clone repository, I've cloned a repository from but when I go a git init or git add, the error -bash: git: command not found shows up. Now, Xcode 4.3 comes with the git installed, so what should I do to get this working?
Any help on this would be great.
Thanks in advance.
There is another option if you're not experienced with UNIX or you just don't want to mess with the system variables from the terminal. I had the same problem, and after some reading on SO and apple developer pages I've decided to install the Command Line Tools for Xcode. That solved the problem.
As the Xcode IDE from some 4.x version is an .app package and everything is stored inside that package, they have added the possibility to separately install the command line tools so that you have the command line tools inside the usr/bin/ path.
You can install the command line tools (as well as some other tools and documentation) from the Downloads tab of the Preferences window in Xcode (I have version 4.3), or from the apple developer website.
It's a path issue. See this question for the answer:
How to move GCC in osx from xcode to /usr/bin
(P.S. The question is different, but the answer the same.)
