Can't connect Appium Inspector and emulator - appium

I have added JAVA_HOME, ANDROID_HOME and other environment variables but still, it complains.

Before starting the appium server, click on the Edit Configurations and setup the Android_Home and JAVA_HOME


How do I solve Appium-desktop could not find my adb

I was trying to set a win10 Appium environment to do some Android automation test.
My adb environment var and Android devices are all set down (seen in attach screenshots).
However when I run the python or java test code, the appium server always tells me that my adb.exe and build tools folder could not be found. I spent aloooooooooot of time on finding the solution on google but nothing works.
adb devices
could not find adb.exe
could not find build-tools
sdk root
adb.exe root
From the screenshot you attached it seems like you have updated multiple paths separated by semi colon all under ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
Set the environment variables properly for ANDROID_HOME and Path as described below,
ANDROID_HOME: SDK root path only
PATH: %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools
Don't forget to restart your appium server after the above changes are made.

Appium installation on Windows 7

I have tried to install Appium on Windows 7 for automated testing of Android mobile apps. but it failed.
Can you please let me know, if Appium could be installed on Windows 7 ?
If yes, can you please give any link or reference where I can find and follow the installation steps on Windows 7.
Yes, You can install Appium on Windows 7.
All you need is to install Appium for Windows along with android-sdk and Genymotion(for running your tests on simulators). You however wont be run your tests on ios as it requires xcode which is not present on Windows.
After you have installed Appium(via .exe or GUI) you'll have a folder created via name Appium (by default in Program Files(x86).
To start your appium server, simple type appium &.
In order to initialize Node/Grid, go to the path where the Appium folder is created and traverse to Appium\node_modules\appium\bin. Initialize your json config using node appium --nodeconfig commands.
You can download Appium for Windows directly from Appium's of cial website (, or you can clone Appium from appium/appium.git.
Just to ensure that we are ready to start with the Appium server, enter the following command on the Command Prompt:
node Appium-doctor
You don't need to download Node; you can get it from the Appium bundle. To run the Node commands, you need to set the path for Node (for example, C:\ AppiumForWindows). Before running the command, set the directory as C:\ AppiumForWindows\node_modules\appium\bin.

APPIUM is not Recognizing the Emulator

While Running the Script I am not getting any result in the Emulator. But in the APPIUM Server getting the logs as below.
I Searched the warning getting in the APPIUM server. They said Set the Android sdk path in Environment Variables. I set the ANDROID_HOME in user variables and platform-tools and the tools in the system variables. But still getting this Error.
How can I resolve this?

ADB could not be found, while trying to run appium on windows 10 64bit

Adb could not be found, while trying to run appium server, how can I solve it?
Check if ADB is present in the below location -
C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools
If it's available, then you have to add the above location to the PATH variable in Environment properties. This should resolve the issue.
Also, to double check after you add the location to the path, just open command prompt and run the command - adb version
If the location is set properly, you will see the adb version on running the command -
C:\Users\anish>adb version
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.36
Revision 84e3321d5db3-android
I Suspect adb.exe file doesn't exist in the platform-tools folder. Check it once again.

How to set Environment variables with OS X 10.10

I must be a little slow. I found an answer on here that worked temporarily until I restarted my computer. Now my environment variables are gone. All the answers I've found are for different versions of OS X (which are conveniently all a little different) and none seem to be up to date with OS X 10.10. All I want to do is set my ANDROID_HOME variable for Eclipse. Who would have thought this would be so difficult. What is THE way to permanently set ANDROID_HOME and other environment variables for my Mac.
I had a similar issue like yours. I am not sure how to permanently set an environment variable in Mac OS X 10.10, but I found a workaround that may solve your issue.
Please try to set ANDROID_HOME as an environment variable in eclipse.
This is how it's done:
select the class you wanna run
right click on it
go to: run as -> run configurations -> environment
here you can add the variable ANDROID_HOME with the path to your android sdk
