Translate function: Error in match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) : 'match' requires vector arguments - alignment

I'm struggling with the translate function:
I have my DNA sequence uploaded:
mySequences_DNA= Biostrings::readDNAStringSet("file.fasta")
but can't get the translate function to work to convert the DNA sequence to an AA, so I can create a MSA for analysis.
what is wrong with this
mySequences_AA <- seqinr::translate(seq, 0,"F", "X",FALSE)
how do i fix this code to get the "Error in match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) : 'match' requires vector arguments" message?


Convert Table Elements to Integers

I'm trying to create a list of integers, similar to python where one would say
x = input("Enter String").split() # 1 2 3 5
x = list(map(int,x)) # Converts x = "1","2",3","5" to x = 1,2,3,5
Here's my code asking for the input, then splitting the input into a table, i need help converting the contents of the table to integers as they're being referenced later in a function, and i'm getting a string vs integer comparison error. I've tried changing the split for-loop to take a number but that doesn't work, I'm familiar with a python conversion but not with Lua so I'm looking for some guidance in converting my table or handling this better.
function main()
print("Hello Welcome the to Change Maker - LUA Edition")
print("Enter a series of change denominations, separated by spaces")
input =
deno = {}
for word in input:gmatch("%w+") do table.insert(deno,word) end
--Would This Work?:
--for num in input:gmatch("%d+") do table.insert(deno,num) end
Just convert your number-strings to numbers using tonumber
local number = tonumber("1")
for num in input:gmatch("%d+") do table.insert(deno,tonumber(num)) end
Should do the trick

Generating errors in FParsec's OperatorPrecedenceParser

I have the need to generate errors while parsing operators using FParsec's OperatorPrecedenceParsers, specifically during the mapping phase. Suppose I have the following code:
let pOperatorExpr : ExpressionParser =
let opp = new OperatorPrecedenceParser<MyType, unit, unit>()
let arithmeticOperator a b ->
if someOperation a b then
// Fatal error! Abort!
else foobar a b
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator("+", spaces, 1, Associativity.Left, arithmeticOperator)
What should I do to generate an error in that particular position?
There is no direct support for triggering an error in the mapping function of the operator.
In the "More uses of the after‐string‐parser" section of the OPP reference you can find an example for how to get hold of the precise text location of the binary operator. You could also have your term parser include the text position in its result value. Once you have the locations, you could construct an "error node" in your AST and then manually generate an error later.

Haskell *** Exception: no parse

Hi I am trying to complete CIS194 Spring 13 when I get the error message *** Exception: no parse on one of my functions. The file that the function is in is called LogAnalysis.hs and the function is parseMessage, but the file also imports from Log.hs. Why am I geting this error message and how can I fix it?
Here is my code:
read is a function with type read :: Read a => String -> a. This means that read takes String as input and returns a value for some type a provided that a implements the Read type class. read has to know what specific type to return, and it can know that in one of two ways: either the type is given to it explicitly (e.g. read "123" :: Int or read "True" :: Bool) or it infers it from the context. In your case, read infers that it must return an Int because LogMessage expects an Int as its second parameter. So in this case the expression read [y] means: take the Char y, convert it into an one-element string, and then try to convert that to an Int, by parsing it. Now if y happens to contain a character that is not a decimal digit, it will fail (by throwing an exception) because it will not know how to covert it into an integer.
Now how can you deal with that issue? You must check that the input to read is ok before calling it. For example, you can check that y is a digit (using the appropriate function):
parseMessage (x:y:z)
| x == 'I' && isDigit y = LogMessage Info (read [y]) (unwords [z])
Alternatively, you can use readMaybe from Text.Read that is like read but it does not throw an exception if it fails, instead it returns a nothing value:
parseMessage (x:y:z)
| x == 'I', Just n <- readMaybe [y] = LogMessage Info n (unwords [z])
The problem is your input message format. You're reading a line as a string, then matching on the characters in the string (since a string is type alias for [Char]).
In your sample.log the first line (I 6 Completed armadillo processing) would be passed in as a string to parseMessage, and the parameters will take the following values:
x = 'I'
y = ' ' --single white space character
z = "6 Completed armadillo processing"
read gets the white space character and throws *** Exception: no parse
In order to get the values, you could do the following:
parseMessage :: String -> LogMessage
parseMessage msg =
case words msg of
"I":y:z -> LogMessage Info (read y :: TimeStamp) (unwords z)
"W":y:z -> undefined
"E":y:z -> undefined
_ -> undefined
This way the first two valid words (MessageType and TimeStamp in this case) can be extracted easily.

confusion regarding erlang maps, lists and ascii

This code is an excerpt from this book.
count_characters(Str) ->
count_characters(Str, #{}).
count_characters([H|T], #{ H => N }=X) ->
count_characters(T, X#{ H := N+1 });
count_characters([H|T], X) ->
count_characters(T, X#{ H => 1 });
count_characters([], X) ->
1> count_characters("hello").
What I understand from this is that, count_characters() takes an argument hello, and place it to the first function, i.e count_characters(Str).
What I don't understand is, how the string characters are converted into ascii value without using $, and got incremented. I am very new to erlang, and would really appreciate if you could help me understand the above. Thank you.
In erlang the string literal "hello" is just a more convenient way of writing the list [104,101,108,108,111]. The string format is syntactic sugar and nothing erlang knows about internally. An ascii string is internally string is internally stored as a list of 32-bit integers.
This also becomes confusing when printing lists where the values happen to be within the ascii range:
io:format("~p~n", [[65,66]]).
will print
even if you didn't expect a string as a result.
As said previously, there is no string data type in Erlang, it uses the internal representation of an integer list, so
"hello" == [$h,$e,$l,$l,$o] == [104|[101|[108|[108|[111|[]]]]]]
Which are each a valid representation of an integer list.
To make the count of characters, the function use a new Erlang data type: a map. (available only since R17)
A map is a collection of key/value pairs, in your case the keys will be the characters, and the values the occurrence of each characters.
The function is called with an empty map:count_characters(Str, #{}).
Then it goes recursively through the list, and for each head H, 2 cases are posible:
The character H was already found, then the current map X will match with the pattern #{ H => N } telling us that we already found N times H, so we continue the recursion with the rest of the list and a new map where the value associated to H is now N+1: count_characters(T, X#{ H := N+1 }.
The character H is found for the first time, then we continue the recursion with the rest of the list and a new map where the key/value pair H/1 is added: count_characters(T, X#{ H => 1 }).
When the end of the list is reached, simply return the map: count_characters([], X) -> X.

Is it possible to use record name as a parameter?

Lets say I have a record:
-record(foo, {bar}).
What I would like to do is to be able to pass the record name to a function as a parameter, and get back a new record. The function should be generic so that it should be able to accept any record, something like this.
make_record(foo, [bar], ["xyz"])
When implementing such a function I've tried this:
make_record(RecordName, Fields, Values) ->
NewRecord = #RecordName{} %% this line gives me an error: syntax error before RecordName
Is it possible to use the record name as a parameter?
You can't use the record syntax if you don't have access to the record during compile time.
But because records are simply transformed into tuples during compilation it is really easy to construct them manually:
-record(some_rec, {a, b}).
make_record(Rec, Values) ->
list_to_tuple([Rec | Values]).
test() ->
R = make_record(some_rec, ["Hej", 5]), % Dynamically create record
#some_rec{a = A, b = B} = R, % Access it using record syntax
io:format("a = ~p, b = ~p~n", [A, B]).
Alternative solution
Or, if you at compile time make a list of all records that the function should be able to construct, you can use the field names also:
%% List of record info created with record_info macro during compile time
{some_rec, record_info(fields, some_rec)},
{some_other_rec, record_info(fields, some_other_rec)}
make_record_2(Rec, Fields, Values) ->
ValueDict = lists:zip(Fields, Values),
% Look up the record name and fields in record list
Body = lists:map(
fun(Field) -> proplists:get_value(Field, ValueDict, undefined) end,
proplists:get_value(Rec, ?recs)),
list_to_tuple([Rec | Body]).
test_2() ->
R = make_record_2(some_rec, [b, a], ["B value", "A value"]),
#some_rec{a = A, b = B} = R,
io:format("a = ~p, b = ~p~n", [A, B]).
With the second version you can also do some verification to make sure you are using the right fields etc.
Other tips
Other useful constructs to keep in mind when working with records dynamically is the #some_rec.a expression which evaluates to the index of the a field in some_recs, and the element(N, Tuple) function which given a tuple and an index returns the element in that index.
This is not possible, as records are compile-time only structures. At compilation they are converted into tuples. Thus the compiler needs to know the name of the record, so you cannot use a variable.
You could also use some parse-transform magic (see exprecs) to create record constructors and accessors, but this design seems to go in the wrong direction.
If you need to dynamically create record-like things, you can use some structures instead, like key-value lists, or dicts.
To cover all cases: If you have fields and values but don't necessarily have them in the correct order, you could make your function take in the result of record_info(fields, Record), with Record being the atom of the record you want to make. Then it'll have the ordered field names to work with. And a record is just a tuple with its atom name in the first slot, so you can build it that way. Here's how I build an arbitrary shallow record from a JSON string (not thoroughly tested and not optimized, but tested and working):
% Converts the given JSON string to a record
% WARNING: Only for shallow records. Won't work for nested ones!
% Record: The atom representing the type of record to be converted to
% RecordInfo: The result of calling record_info(fields, Record)
% JSON: The JSON string
jsonToRecord(Record, RecordInfo, JSON) ->
JiffyList = element(1, jiffy:decode(JSON)),
Struct = erlang:make_tuple(length(RecordInfo)+1, ""),
Struct2 = erlang:setelement(1, Struct, Record),
recordFromJsonList(RecordInfo, Struct2, JiffyList).
% private methods
recordFromJsonList(_RecordInfo, Struct, []) -> Struct;
recordFromJsonList(RecordInfo, Struct, [{Name, Val} | Rest]) ->
FieldNames = atomNames(RecordInfo),
Index = index_of(erlang:binary_to_list(Name), FieldNames),
recordFromJsonList(RecordInfo, erlang:setelement(Index+1, Struct, Val), Rest).
% Converts a list of atoms to a list of strings
% Atoms: The list of atoms
atomNames(Atoms) ->
F = fun(Field) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Field]))
lists:map(F, Atoms).
% Gets the index of an item in a list (one-indexed)
% Item: The item to search for
% List: The list
index_of(Item, List) -> index_of(Item, List, 1).
% private helper
index_of(_, [], _) -> not_found;
index_of(Item, [Item|_], Index) -> Index;
index_of(Item, [_|Tl], Index) -> index_of(Item, Tl, Index+1).
Brief explanation: The JSON represents some key:value pairs corresponding to field:value pairs in the record we're trying to build. We might not get the key:value pairs in the correct order, so we need the list of record fields passed in so we can insert the values into their correct positions in the tuple.
