xtext list in dependency of string contains - xtext

I want to make the number of parameters dependent on the #INTs in the string. I want the code editor to show me that it is necessary to define parameters when #s occur in the string.
text: "Hello World #1 #2"
parameters {
1: enum1 [test]
2: enum2 [test2]
"parameters" "{"
id=INT ":" parametertype=TYPE "[" parameterinfo?=STRING "]" WS
enum TYPE:
e1='enum1' | e2='enum2'


Peg parser - support for escape characters

I'm working on a Peg parser. Among other structures, it needs to parse a tag directive. A tag can contain any character. If you want the tag to include a curly brace } you can escape it with a backslash. If you need a literal backslash, that should also be escaped. I tried to implement this inspired by the Peg grammer for JSON: https://github.com/pegjs/pegjs/blob/master/examples/json.pegjs
There are two problems:
an escaped backslash results in two backslash characters instead of one. Example input:
{ some characters but escape with a \\ }
the parser breaks on an escaped curly \}. Example input:
{ some characters but escape \} with a \\ }
The relevant grammer is:
= "{" _ tagContent:$(TagChar+) _ "}" {
return { type: "tag", content: tagContent }
= [^\}\r\n]
/ Escape
"\\" { return {type: "char", char: "\\"}; }
/ "}" { return {type: "char", char: "\x7d"}; }
{ return sequence; }
_ "whitespace"
= [ \t\n\r]*
= "\\"
You can easily test grammar and test input with the online PegJS sandbox: https://pegjs.org/online
I hope somebody has an idea to resolve this.
These errors are both basically typos.
The first problem is the character class in your regular expression for tag characters. In a character class, \ continues to be an escape character, so [^\}\r\n] matches any character other than } (written with an unnecessary backslash escape), carriage return or newline. \ is such a character, so it's matched by the character class, and Escape is never tried.
Since your pattern for tag characters doesn't succeed in recognising \ as an Escape, the tag { \\ } is parsed as four characters (space, backslash, backslash, space) and the tag { \} } is parsed as terminating on the first }, creating a syntax error.
So you should fix the character class to [^}\\\r\n] (I put the closing brace first in order to make it easier to read the falling timber. The order is irrelevant.)
Once you do that, you'll find that the parser still returns the string with the backslashes intact. That's because of the $ in your Tag pattern: "{" _ tagContent:$(TagChar+) _ "}". According to the documentation, the meaning of the $ operator is: (emphasis added)
$ expression
Try to match the expression. If the match succeeds, return the matched text instead of the match result.
For reference, the correct grammer is as follows:
= "{" _ tagContent:TagChar+ _ "}" {
return { type: "tag", content: tagContent.map(c => c.char || c).join('') }
= [^}\\\r\n]
/ Escape
"\\" { return {type: "char", char: "\\"}; }
/ "}" { return {type: "char", char: "\x7d"}; }
{ return sequence; }
_ "whitespace"
= [ \t\n\r]*
= "\\"
When using the following input:
{ some characters but escape \} with a \\ }
it will return:
"type": "tag",
"content": "some characters but escape } with a \ "

Parse XML in Lua (Freeswitch)

How to parse an xml file in lua while using it in Freeswitch?
I tried these projects:
Here is the sample xml called back from the ASR module:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<result grammar="pvn_accept">
<interpretation grammar="pvn_accept" confidence="100">
<input mode="speech">accept</input>
They are all failing due to anonymous functions.
'<name>' expected near anonymous function lua
Is there an inbuilt support on Freeswitch to parse xml?
Note: The lua file stored as .m4
We figured out what's happening. It was due to storing the lua file with .m4 extension and format is an m4 keyword.
For example in https://github.com/Cluain/Lua-Simple-XML-Parser, we had to make this change:
function XmlParser:ToXmlString(value)
value = string.gsub(value, "&", "&"); -- '&' -> "&"
value = string.gsub(value, "<", "<"); -- '<' -> "<"
value = string.gsub(value, ">", ">"); -- '>' -> ">"
value = string.gsub(value, "\"", """); -- '"' -> """
value = string.gsub(value, "([^%w%&%;%p%\t% ])",
return string.`format'("&#x%X;", string.byte(c))
return value;

Using regex in StandardTokenParsers

I'm trying to use regex in my StandardTokenParsers based parser. For that, I've subclassed StdLexical as follows:
class CustomLexical extends StdLexical{
def regex(r: Regex): Parser[String] = new Parser[String] {
def apply(in:Input) = r.findPrefixMatchOf(in.source.subSequence(in.offset, in.source.length)) match {
case Some(matched) => Success(in.source.subSequence(in.offset, in.offset + matched.end).toString,
case None => Failure("string matching regex `" + r + "' expected but " + in.first + " found", in)
override def token: Parser[Token] =
( regex("[a-zA-Z]:\\\\[\\w\\\\?]* | /[\\w/]*".r) ^^ { StringLit(_) }
| identChar ~ rep( identChar | digit ) ^^ { case first ~ rest => processIdent(first :: rest mkString "") }
| ...
But I'm a little confused on how I would define a Parser that takes advantage of this. I have a parser defined as:
def mTargetFolder: Parser[String] = "TargetFolder" ~> "=" ~> mFilePath
which should be used to identify valid file paths. I tried then:
def mFilePath: Parser[String] = "[a-zA-Z]:\\\\[\\w\\\\?]* | /[\\w/]*".r
But this is obviously not right. I get an error:
scala: type mismatch;
found : scala.util.matching.Regex
required: McfpDSL.this.Parser[String]
def mFilePath: Parser[String] = "[a-zA-Z]:\\\\[\\w\\\\?]* | /[\\w/]*".r
What is the proper way of using the extension made on my StdLexical subclass?
If you really want to use token based parsing, and reuse StdLexical, I would advise to update the syntax for "TargetFolder" so that the value after the equal sign is a proper string literal. Or in other words, make it so the path should be enclosed with quotes. From that point you don't need to extends StdLexical anymore.
Then comes the problem of converting a regexp to a parser. Scala already has RegexParsers for this (which implicitly converts a regexp to a Parser[String]), but unfortunately that's not what you want here because it works on streams of Char (type Elem = Char in RegexParsers) while you are working on a sttream of tokens.
So we will indeed have to define our own conversion from Regex to Parser[String] (but at the syntactic level rather than lexical level, or in other words in the token parser).
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical._
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.util.parsing.input._
object MyParser extends StandardTokenParsers {
import lexical.StringLit
def regexStringLit(r: Regex): Parser[String] = acceptMatch(
"string literal matching regex " + r,
{ case StringLit( s ) if r.unapplySeq(s).isDefined => s }
lexical.delimiters += "="
lexical.reserved += "TargetFolder"
lazy val mTargetFolder: Parser[String] = "TargetFolder" ~> "=" ~> mFilePath
lazy val mFilePath: Parser[String] = regexStringLit("([a-zA-Z]:\\\\[\\w\\\\?]*)|(/[\\w/]*)".r)
def parseTargetFolder( s: String ) = { mTargetFolder( new lexical.Scanner( s ) ) }
scala> MyParser.parseTargetFolder("""TargetFolder = "c:\Dir1\Dir2" """)
res12: MyParser.ParseResult[String] = [1.31] parsed: c:\Dir1\Dir2
scala> MyParser.parseTargetFolder("""TargetFolder = "/Dir1/Dir2" """)
res13: MyParser.ParseResult[String] = [1.29] parsed: /Dir1/Dir2
scala> MyParser.parseTargetFolder("""TargetFolder = "Hello world" """)
res14: MyParser.ParseResult[String] =
[1.16] failure: identifier matching regex ([a-zA-Z]:\\[\w\\?]*)|(/[\w/]*) expected
TargetFolder = "Hello world"
Note that also fixed your "target folder" regexp here, you had missing parens around the two alternative, plus unneeded spaces.
Just call your function regex when you want to get a Parser[String] from a Regex:
def p: Parser[String] = regex("".r)
Or make regex implicit to let the compiler call it automatically for you:
implicit def regex(r: Regex): Parser[String] = ...
// =>
def p: Parser[String] = "".r

ANTLR Grammar to Preprocess Source Files While Preserving WhiteSpace Formatting

I am trying to preprocess my C++ source files by ANTLR. I would like to output an input file preserving all the whitespace formatting of the original source file while inserting some new source codes of my own at the appropriate locations.
I know preserving WS requires this lexer rule:
WS: (' '|'\n'| '\r'|'\t'|'\f' )+ {$channel=HIDDEN;};
With this my parser rules would have a $text attribute containing all the hidden WS. But the problem is, for any parser rule, its $text attribute only include those input text starting from the position that matches the first token of the rule. For example, if this is my input (note the formatting WS before and in between the tokens):
line 1; line 2;
And, if I have 2 separate parser rules matching
"line 1;"
"line 2;"
above separately but not the whole line:
" line 1; line 2;"
, then the leading WS and those WS in between "line 1" and "line 2" are lost (not accessible by any of my rules).
What should I do to preserve ALL THE WHITESPACEs while allowing my parser rules to determine when to add new codes at the appropriate locations?
Let's say whenever my code contains a call to function(1) using 1 as the parameter but not something else, it adds an extraFunction() before it:
void myFunction() {
void myFunction() {
This preprocessed output should remain human readable as people would continue coding on it. For this simple example, text editor can handle it. But there are more complicated cases that justify the use of ANTLR.
Another solution, but maybe also not very practical (?): You can collect all Whitespaces backwards, something like this untested pseudocode:
grammar T;
#members {
public printWhitespaceBetweenRules(Token start) {
int index = start.getTokenIndex() - 1;
while(index >= 0) {
Token token = input.get(index);
if(token.getChannel() != Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL) break;
line1: 'line' '1' {printWhitespaceBetweenRules($start); };
line2: 'line' '2' {printWhitespaceBetweenRules($start); };
WS: (' '|'\n'| '\r'|'\t'|'\f' )+ {$channel=HIDDEN;};
But you would still need to change every rule.
I guess one solution is to keep the WS tokens in the same channel by removing the $channel = HIDDEN;. This will allow you to get access to the information of a WS token in your parser.
Here's another way to solve it (at least the example you posted).
So you want to replace ...function(1) with ...extraFunction();\nfunction(1), where the dots are indents, and \n a line break.
What you could do is match:
: Spaces 'function' Spaces '(' Spaces '1' Spaces ')'
fragment Spaces
: (' ' | '\t')*
and replace that with the text it matches, but pre-pended with your extra method. However, the lexer will now complain when it stumbles upon input like:
(without the 1 as a parameter)
' x...'
(indents not followed by the f from function)
So, you'll need to "branch out" in your Function1 rule and make sure you only replace the proper occurrence.
You also must take care of occurrences of function(1) inside string literals and comments, assuming you don't want them to be pre-pended with extraFunction();\n.
A little demo:
grammar T;
: (t=. {System.out.print($t.text);})* EOF
: indent=Spaces
( 'function' Spaces '(' Spaces ( '1' Spaces ')' {setText($indent.text + "extraFunction();\n" + $text);}
| ~'1' // do nothing if something other than `1` occurs
| '"' ~('"' | '\r' | '\n')* '"' // do nothing in case of a string literal
| '/*' .* '*/' // do nothing in case of a multi-line comment
| '//' ~('\r' | '\n')* // do nothing in case of a single-line comment
| ~'f' // do nothing in case of a char other than 'f' is seen
: . // a "fall-through" rule: it will match anything if none of the above matched
fragment Spaces
: (' ' | '\t')* // fragment rules are only used inside other lexer rules
You can test it with the following class:
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String source =
"/* \n" +
" function(1) \n" +
"*/ \n" +
"void myFunction() { \n" +
" s = \"function(1)\"; \n" +
" function(); \n" +
" function(1); \n" +
"} \n";
TLexer lexer = new TLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(source));
TParser parser = new TParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
And if you run this Main class, you will see the following being printed to the console:
bart#hades:~/Programming/ANTLR/Demos/T$ java -cp antlr-3.3.jar org.antlr.Tool T.g
bart#hades:~/Programming/ANTLR/Demos/T$ javac -cp antlr-3.3.jar *.java
bart#hades:~/Programming/ANTLR/Demos/T$ java -cp .:antlr-3.3.jar Main
void myFunction() {
s = "function(1)";
void myFunction() {
s = "function(1)";
I'm sure it's not fool-proof (I did't account for char-literals, for one), but this could be a start to solve this, IMO.

Having some simple problems with Scala combinator parsers

First, the code:
package com.digitaldoodles.markup
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.{Parsers, RegexParsers}
import com.digitaldoodles.rex._
class MarkupParser extends RegexParsers {
val stopTokens = (Lit("{{") | "}}" | ";;" | ",,").lookahead
val name: Parser[String] = """[##!$]?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*""".r
val content: Parser[String] = (patterns.CharAny ** 0 & stopTokens).regex
val function: Parser[Any] = name ~ repsep(content, "::") <~ ";;"
val block1: Parser[Any] = "{{" ~> function
val block2: Parser[Any] = "{{" ~> function <~ "}}"
val lst: Parser[Any] = repsep("[a-z]", ",")
object ParseExpr extends MarkupParser {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Content regex is ", (patterns.CharAny ** 0 & stopTokens).regex)
println(parseAll(block1, "{{#name 3:4:foo;;"))
println(parseAll(block2, "{{#name 3:4:foo;; stuff}}"))
println(parseAll(lst, "a,b,c"))
then, the run results:
[info] == run ==
[info] Running com.digitaldoodles.markup.ParseExpr
(Content regex is ,(?:[\s\S]{0,})(?=(?:(?:\{\{|\}\})|;;)|\,\,))
[1.18] parsed: (#name~List(3:4:foo))
[1.24] failure: `;;' expected but `}' found
{{#name 3:4:foo;; stuff}}
[1.1] failure: string matching regex `\z' expected but `a' found
I use a custom library to assemble some of my regexes, so I've printed out the "content" regex; its supposed to be basically any text up to but not including certain token patterns, enforced using a positive lookahead assertion.
Finally, the problems:
1) The first run on "block1" succeeds, but shouldn't, because the separator in the "repsep" function is "::", yet ":" are parsed as separators.
2) The run on "block2" fails, presumably because the lookahead clause isn't working--but I can't figure out why this should be. The lookahead clause was already exercised in the "repsep" on the run on "block1" and seemed to work there, so why should it fail on block 2?
3) The simple repsep exercise on "lst" fails because internally, the parser engine seems to be looking for a boundary--is this something I need to work around somehow?
1) No, "::" are not parsed as separators. If it did, the output would be (#name~List(3, 4, foo)).
2) It happens because "}}" is also a delimiter, so it takes the longest match it can -- the one that includes ";;" as well. If you make the preceding expression non-eager, it will then fail at "s" on "stuff", which I presume is what you expected.
3) You passed a literal, not a regex. Modify "[a-z]" to "[a-z]".r and it will work.
