Downloading files by jspdf and exceljs doesn't work in Edge for iOS.
I implemented downloading by link.
At first name and size of file define and downloading is starting, but after appeare 'Can't download'.
Maybe I don't have anything in http response header. Look at it, please:
Response Headers
I tried downloading by adding Blob file to url using createObjectByUrl, but it's not supported by Edge for iOS.
Could you help me, please.
PS: Downloading works fine in Edge for Android and in Safari, Chrome for iOS, but doesn't work in Edge for iOS.
You can compress your file from backend and send the stream to frontend, download it as a zip file.
It works for me.
I don't know why but my image on S3 doesn't show on all iPhone devices.
I tried installing permissions, configuring CORS on S3... but it still doesn't work!
Small image showing perfectly
But large image not showing (I tried both on Chrome and Safari)
Thanks for any support.
There is something wrong with the 2nd image file.
While, yes, it does appear correctly in my web browser, I downloaded it to my computer. The downloaded file could not be opened by several of my graphics programs.
On my Mac, it worked in Chrome and Firefox, but not Safari.
So, it's not a problem with iOS. It's a problem with the image file.
When I click the button I will get a download url is "blob:". This should be able to download a word File, but I tried to use AFNetworking to download, but it failed, so how should I use object-c to download such a linked file in the iOS environment?
this is the downloadurl: blob:
We found a relevant solution. Our Html5 developers transcoded this blob-containing URL using the js method to base64, so that the iOS side can process the transcoded string and finally write it locally Docx documentation
I am having problems on my local server when trying to serve files to an iPhone running ios13. The problems only occur with file types that cannot be rendered in the browser, by that I mean files such as epub, mobi and zip that require me to manually click on download.
Files such as text and pdf have no issue in any browser.
Safari is able to download Mobi, Epub and Zip files, but Chrome, Firefox and Edge all fail giving vague messages like “Couldn’t Download” or “Download Failed”. Try Again.
Originally I was serving the files using Nginx, X-Accel-Redirect and PHP, but I found that using a direct url had the same problem. The server is running HTTPS and HTTP2. Mime types are properly configured in Nginx.
In each case, regardless of whether the file was successfully downloaded or not, the access logs showed status code 200.
My questions are:
What could be causing the failed downloads and how can I fix it?
What other things should I investigate to shed more light on this
It seems that the SSL certificate on the local server was causing the download issues. It was a self signed certificate and it often causes warnings to be displayed in the browser.
I uploaded the epub/mobi/zip files to a server that didn’t use HTTPS and found that mobi, epub and zip files successfully downloaded regardless of the mobile browser used.
I did the same with another server using a properly signed HTTPS certificate (letsencrypt) and again found that the mobi, epub and zip files successfully downloaded regardless of the mobile browser used.
Confirmed: This has been fixed on the iOS 8.0.2 update.
Using PUT/POST to upload file(s) over HTTP seems to get stuck on Sending Request Headers on mobile Safari on iOS 8 GM build.
I have an example here:
Open an HTTP monitor on your desktop and route your iOS 8 device
through it
Add a file
Hit Upload
It gets stuck on Initializing (which is sending request headers)
This is the case even on
- Try to add a photo to your status and it fails.
This only happens when the request contains a file. This is reproducible irrespective of having multiple enabled/disabled in the file input. Uploads work fine on Chrome on iOS 8.
Did anyone else experience this too? Is there a way to successfully send files over HTTP on iOS 8 Safari?
This was a bug in iOS 8.0.0 and was fixed in 8.0.2. The file body is not included in the request payload, but Content-Length is set as if it is.
See blog post File uploads appear to be broken in Safari on iOS 8.
Update: Apple released iOS 8.0.2 yesterday and has fixed the upload bug.
File upload are broken in iOS 8.0. All files uploaded in Mobile Safari return 0-sized [1].
Hopefully this gets fixed by Apple in the next release. It seems like it is not affecting home screen webapps though:
File uploads are broken!! Every file upload is not working, you can select a file or take a picture and after that JavaScript will not get any data, as well as the server on a POST upload through HTML or XMLHttpRequest upload. The problem doesn’t seem to apply for home screen webapps.
We're seeing similar issues in WordPress. All iOS8 GM uploads lead to 408 (http status, timeouts). Strangely enough, iOS8b5 was leading to error-500. Uploads are peachy under 7.1.*.
Actually the file upload works fine on IOS 8 (safari) if the image comes from screen shot and not from the iphone camera. For example, if you take a photo from you camera on iphone and try to upload the file via browser ( input type=file), it will send an empty data
src: "data:,"
while if you send the same image to your email and download it from your email and upload it again it works or if you take a screen shot photo it works as below
Any idea or hint please us know.
Angluar JS is being used for file upload and NodeJS on the server
Alan Mehio
I have a web app designed for use on an iOS device. The web app includes file uploaders, which are meant to allow the user to upload an image from their iOS device or take an image from their camera.
The issue I'm running into is that I want the user to be able to upload PNG images through this interface, as well.
What is happening, though, is that it seems iOS renames the file image.jpg before it is sent to the web app, not honoring the original file extension. This is only an issue because I am trying to preserve transparency in the .png files, and this is lost in the extension renaming.
Any thoughts on how to handle this? Thanks, in advance, for any assistance on this front.
Mobile Safari only allows the uploads of jpeg's at this time. If you try to upload a png it will be (heavily) compressed into the jpeg format and then uploaded to the server.
The only way we have been about to get around this is by creating a native app for iOS and uploading the image through the Cocoa-Touch API's.
I've filed a Bug report with apple for this issue. Bug ID: 14494395