Quasar Q-Table getting value of selected column data - quasar-framework

I'm trying to get the selected column data of an array from a Q-Table. I'm using the example from https://quasar.dev/vue-components/table#selection from its codepen, I'd like to Display only the "Name" column value under it. I tried using {{ selected.name }} but nothing is being displayed
here's the codepen link https://codepen.io/jake-stewart-go/pen/yLvojLW?editors=101

Please refer to this codepen.
You need to check the length and then display the name property.
It's single select you can directly take 0 index and then name


Google Sheets: Add URL from one column and wrap it in text (automatically)

I have a column of URLs that is created automatically when a Google Form is submitted using the "Add Form Edit Response URLs" script. What I would like to do is copy that link to another sheet and wrap it in text. Like this [EDIT] , but automatically with every link in the column. I know I can do it with =HYPERLINK("https://urllink", "Edit"), but I want it to happen automatically down the entire column as new entries are added.
I figured it out: =ArrayFormula(IF(N2:N="","",(hyperlink(N2:N,"EDIT"))))

Keep all row checkboxes & header row checkbox selected or checked by default in Angular-Slickgrid

I am using Angular SLickgrid and want to show all the checkboxes for all rows & also header row checkbox as selected by default (when grid loads). I am able to achieve it partly by using this.angularGrid.gridService.setSelectedRows(this.allDataId)
but I am getting errors in console and all data rows are not visible. I cannot use preset because I want to show all rows selected & till the time angular grid is loaded, I don't have all row IDs. Below is the error that I am getting. I have added null checks before passing data to setSelectedRows() but no use.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'children' of null
at ensureCellNodesInRowsCache (dist/data.bundle.js.gz:2692)
at getCellNode (dist/data.bundle.js.gz:2692)
at updateCellCssStylesOnRenderedRows (dist/data.bundle.js.gz:2692)
at setCellCssStyles (/dist/data.bundle.js.gz:2692)
at Event.handleSelectedRangesChanged (/dist/data.bundle.js.gz:2692)
at Event.notify (/dist/data.bundle.js.gz:2674)
at RowSelectionModel.p [as setSelectedRanges] (/dist/data.bundle.js.gz:2692)
at SlickGrid.setSelectedRows (/dist/data.bundle.js.gz:2692)
at SlickGrid.m (/dist/data.bundle.js.gz:2692)
at Event.notify (/dist/data.bundle.js.gz:2674)
Please suggest how to achieve it. Thanks.
The answer, if that is an acceptable one, is in your question. The SlickGrid Row Selection plugin is not meant to be all selected at first so you have to stick with using setSelectedRows and if you don't have all Ids at hand then call it when you do... and in case you're pushing data in chunk, then call setSelectedRows on each chunk. There's no magic here, you need to call it when you have the correct Ids

Form with rows, trying to get the values as a array object

I am trying to create row based form with ant design form component. It will look like the screenshot.
Getting the submitted value as a single object as shown in the screenshot(console).
Is there any simple way/solution to archive it by an array object with each row values like below.
receiver_name0: "Jaison 1",
receiver_email0: "jaison1#gmail.com",
receiver_phone0: "05555555"
receiver_name1: "Jaison 2",
receiver_email1: "jaison2#gmail.com",
receiver_phone1: "06666666"
Thanks in advance.
Assuming you are using getFieldDecorator provided by antd Form, the first argument the getFieldDecorator is a string that is a path to where the value should be set. It works pretty much like lodash _.set().
Check out this: https://github.com/react-component/form/pull/48
To set form values in an array you can try something like this from the example in the PR:
{getFieldDecorator('row[0].receiverName', {})(<input/>)}
{getFieldDecorator('row[1].receiverName', {})(<input/>)}

How to get a specific URL of Google Sheet automatically

I would like to get Google Sheet's URL automatically when there is a specific no. in row A and a sheet name provided as prerequisites.
If there is 15106 in row A and a sheet name --> See this
I would like to display it somewhere on the same line with the number.
You can try writing an onEdit() function that gets the URL when the sheet is edited - you can tell the function to look for specific ranges and values as you desire. You will have to assemble the url yourself using spreadsheet ID, which you can get using SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getId(). See Google's guide to triggers for more information on onEdit().

how to set a fields from a url sharepoint 2010

I have a list called Case,in the Case form i have the folowing hyper link
if you can see at the end of the url I have the item Case Number,what I want is to make the Hearing add new form to have the value of 10000 at the Case Number
so the user don't need to re-enter the value.
but when I click that link it open the new form thing but the field corresponding to that value is blank.
Note : from the share point it self the Case Number of the Hearing is lookup from the Case Number.
is there away to accomplish this?
You say
but when I click that link it open the new form thing but the field corresponding to that value is blank.
This happens when you click the hyperlink directly from the list view?
If you want your "Case number" field to populate dynamically you should create a calculated column, and use a formula to take the current "Case number" for the selected item. After that you can create a Hyperlink in InfoPath and navigate from the item's edit screen...
The formula for the calculated column should be something like this:
