Why wont my AR model load with my image own marker? - augmented-reality

I'm having a issue with loading my own gltf model with an image marker.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I can only use my own model with the preset Hiro marker or the AR.JS example pinball marker/NFT data found in AR.js/data/dataNFT/
Not sure what I'm missing. The model doesn't want to load when I try to apply my models descriptor files.
I've tried to use both the NFT Marker Creator in its Web version and the node version but its still nothing.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

lately the ar version of aframe has given problems, even the official github demo doesn't work, in my case now I use this library based on aframe https://hiukim.github.io/mind-ar-js-doc/examples/events -handling/ is even easier to use than aframe and is compatible with all aframe libraries because it is based on it, I recommend it!

Judging by the logs:
A-Frame Version: 0.9.2 (Date 2019-12-09, Commit #c4432e7c)
index.js:93 three Version (https://github.com/supermedium/three.js): ^0.111.3
index.js:95 WebVR Polyfill Version: ^0.10.10
WebXR session support error: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'hasLoaded')
The webxr session won't start because of an outdated library version (a-frame 0.9.2) - try the latest one (1.3.0).


Design Check with Design Automation for Revit - Live Example Does not work

I set up the live example of the Revit Design Check on my Autodesk Hub.
Link Here: https://revitdesigncheck.herokuapp.com/
After uploading the example model, it never created an issue.
does the live example still work? Or has the older api used in the live example been deprecated? Thanks.
That was indeed a problem, wrong Activity name (probably from old deploy), thanks for bringing this up. It's now fixed, and it created the issue as expected (see image)

neo4j 3.4 - Can't add spatial point in node creation (Current record format does not support POINT_PROPERTIES.)

I just upgraded a docker container to Neo4j 3.4, excited to start using some of its new features, most importantly their native support for spatial data.
I tried running a test query to create an example node with a point like so:
CREATE (n:LocationNode { name: 'New York', location: point({latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0}) })
The result was an exception thrown which reads as follows:
Neo.DatabaseError.General.UnknownError: Current record format does not support POINT_PROPERTIES. Please upgrade your store to the format that support requested capability.
I am unaware of any configuration required to add support for spatial data. Is there anything I need to configure or enable to support point properties?
Thanks in advance.
I think it would also have worked if you set allow_store_upgrade=true before starting Neo4j 3.4 on an older store. Neo4j can run with older store formats without requiring an upgrade, but in that case you will also not get the features of the new formats (like support for Point and DateTime as property types).
Note that this does not also cover index formats, so even if you allow_store_upgrade=true, pre-existing indexes might not support the newer features (like native indexes for strings, datetime and point). If you also want to upgrade the indexes to get the newer features, drop and recreate them.
I solved the issue by creating a new store by backing up the old data, deleting the old graph.db store from the previous version and creating a new one.
Classic me, trying to fix something for hours, finally deciding to place a question here, only to find a solution minutes later.

VLC 3.0 not working with input-repeat=-1

This is my first post, not sure this is the correct place for it, if not please let me know.
I have C++ code running using VLCLib (from 0.x to 2.2.8) which works the way I intended.
Background info: I simply do a loadlibrary on libvlc.dll and then do a GetProcAddress on the entry points. (This works fine on both 2.2.x and 3.0)
Here is my new issue/question.
Using 2.2.8 I can play a file and it loops infinitely as requested, running the exact same code with VLC 3.0 plays the file only once, and does not loop/repeat.
// This is the line of code responsible for the looping.
pfnlibvlc_media_add_option(m_pVLCMedia, "input-repeat=-1");
In VLC 3.0 I set the libvlc_MediaPlayerEndReached event, but it never hits, I tried other events as sanity checks such as libvlc_MediaPlayerPlaying and this triggered.
Does anyone know if VLC 3.0 functionality has changed? I searched both the VLC wiki and StackOverflow and I can't find anything on this.
Thanks for the advice,
So, for the VLC >3.0 you can't add the negative value of "input-repeat" to the parameter. Your string must look like input-repeat=65545 References to the issue - https://github.com/ZeBobo5/Vlc.DotNet/issues/96

Pure Data windows:not supported, couldn't create

I am new to Pure Data and have no idea why the following are displayed after I clicked help:
I am using Windows 7 and pd-extended 0.43.4.
This error (xy ...could not crate) means that this abstraction or external failed to instantiate. It could be that you don't have it installed, or it is not in Pd's search path so it can't find it. In the patch you are opening those objects seem to be used. In your case that might be the help file.
This is an answer on the pd forum by user whale-av already,
[midiin] and [sysexin] are not supported in windows. Some people have written patches to get around the lack of sysex, and instead of midiin you can use [ctrlin] [notein] etc.
[powtorms~] [mstopow~] do not exist as far as I know even in vanilla for windows, and in the windows extended 0.43.4 release they do not. I remember seeing that they were in a Linux vanilla build, and in a very old Pd build for XP.... so you might be able to find them......... someone might have built them as an external that you could add to your pd/extra folder and then use them like any other object. If you have opened someone elses patch then it is possible that they used those objects in that patch, but you do not have them so they will not "create" and will just show the name in a red dotted box instead of a solid black outline.
[scalar] does not exist, but [scalar-help] does and that explains how to use scalars....... which use other objects but not [scalar]
So, basically, not all objects exist in all versions of Pd, and certainly not under all operating systems.

Media Garden (MediaGarden Module) Error in Orchard CMS 1.5

I'm running Orchard 1.5. I installed Media Garden module and I get this error:
The assembly reference 'Downplay.Mechanics' could not be loaded for module 'MediaGarden'.
I did check to install dependent modules when I installed Media Garden, so it actually installed Origami. Then I went and found Mechanics 0.9.0 (it installed Origami 0.9.0) and I installed that manually as well.
I'm still getting the error that Mechanics can't be found though. Can somebody advise as to how I can fix this or recommend another method for a video gallery? Ideally, I'd like to use flowplayer for a video gallery.
If there's a way you've set up individual pages for videos without a module that would be helpful to know too.
