Media Garden (MediaGarden Module) Error in Orchard CMS 1.5 -

I'm running Orchard 1.5. I installed Media Garden module and I get this error:
The assembly reference 'Downplay.Mechanics' could not be loaded for module 'MediaGarden'.
I did check to install dependent modules when I installed Media Garden, so it actually installed Origami. Then I went and found Mechanics 0.9.0 (it installed Origami 0.9.0) and I installed that manually as well.
I'm still getting the error that Mechanics can't be found though. Can somebody advise as to how I can fix this or recommend another method for a video gallery? Ideally, I'd like to use flowplayer for a video gallery.
If there's a way you've set up individual pages for videos without a module that would be helpful to know too.


Why wont my AR model load with my image own marker?

I'm having a issue with loading my own gltf model with an image marker.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I can only use my own model with the preset Hiro marker or the AR.JS example pinball marker/NFT data found in AR.js/data/dataNFT/
Not sure what I'm missing. The model doesn't want to load when I try to apply my models descriptor files.
I've tried to use both the NFT Marker Creator in its Web version and the node version but its still nothing.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
lately the ar version of aframe has given problems, even the official github demo doesn't work, in my case now I use this library based on aframe -handling/ is even easier to use than aframe and is compatible with all aframe libraries because it is based on it, I recommend it!
Judging by the logs:
A-Frame Version: 0.9.2 (Date 2019-12-09, Commit #c4432e7c)
index.js:93 three Version ( ^0.111.3
index.js:95 WebVR Polyfill Version: ^0.10.10
WebXR session support error: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'hasLoaded')
The webxr session won't start because of an outdated library version (a-frame 0.9.2) - try the latest one (1.3.0).

mgt-spfx web part error: Manifest not found for component id and version "2.3.0"

I have a SharePoint web part where I'm using the MGT Person component.
gulp serve is working just fine.
However, when I bundle/package/deploy the app and add my web part to the page, I get the following error:
Manifest not found for component id "78b11c7d-7ca8-47cb-a93c-d3beabb519a1" and version "2.3.0".
Looking at the packaged files shows me that 78b11c7d-7ca8-47cb-a93c-d3beabb519a1 represents mgt-spfx library and it is indeed version 2.3.0. I have no idea how to proceed at this point. Any ideas on how to debug?
Late answer but I had this problem this week and I solved it by uploading the corresponding mgt-spfx sppkg to the app catalog in tenant level.
This error occurs if you don't have the sppkg of the version used in your webpart installed in your site.
I got the same issue, I resolved it by changing the id in the webpart manifest.json with the product id present in the app catalog.

how to implement implement deferred deep linking in electron

Trying to find information on how to implement deferred deep linking in electron app but can't find it in the official electron documentation.
We have an electronic application. I need the following behavior: when a user tries to open a link of this type -> custom-protocol: // some-data in the browser, if the application is not installed, then automatically download the application and, after installation, pass the parameters contained in the link (some-data) to the application. Can anyone suggest how to implement this in electronic or a link to the documentation or show some abstract example of implementation
On Windows, custom protocols are stored in the registry. This is a chicken and egg problem because your application already has to be installed on the system for the registry entry to exist.
If you rewrite your application as a UWP app (lol) you might be able to check with getInstalledRelatedApps to see if the app is already installed.
If you want to streamline how your application is installed from the web, consider using ClickOnce.
So basically you just want a way to pass some query params to your application when installed from your website.
You can do this if you package your electron application as an MSIX. Check out the article below from Microsoft, that documents the process:
Passing query params to an MSIX packaged app

Android-eye example Couldn't load Mp3Encoder error

Hi i am trying to stream video to http webpage, I have tried the following applications source code Android-eye project and im getting the following error.
03-23 17:12:47.672: E/AndroidRuntime(27063): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn't load mp3encoder from loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[dexPath=/data/app/teaonly.droideye-1.apk,libraryPath=/data/app-lib/teaonly.droideye-1]: findLibrary returned null
Any help would be gratefully appreciated..
If anyone can suggest a tutorial for streaming live camera android video to VLC or webpage that would be great .
I resolved this issue by rebuild the JNI code for all those beginners like me who are not NDK friendly,
All you need to install the NDK from below URL:
Please make sure that you have set the environment variables like
NDK_HOME -- \android-ndk-r9 {directory must contain `ndk-build` file}
Path -- %NDK_HOME%
open the command prompt go to the directory where JNI code exist, mine under the below path
cd C:{rootpath}\android-eye-master\jni
Then refresh your android project in eclipse and run as Android Application.
Fixed the problem, I didn't have the NDK installed .

ZF2 Fatal error: Class 'Locale' not found in /home/...../Zend/I18n/Translator/Translator.php on line 228

I have a project in my localhost, already running, after modifying the php.ini of my XAMPP server [running on Windows 7] (adding: extension=php-intl.dll).
But when i upload this project to my GoDaddy hosting, it doesn´t works and get the following error:
Fatal error: Class 'Locale' not found in /home/content/41/9674641/html/library/zend.2.0.4/Zend/I18n/Translator/Translator.php on line 228
GoDaddy hosting details:
Php version 5.3
Operating system: Linux
Zend Framework details:
Zend Library: 2.0.4
I´ve tried what they say on the following links:
Also, i´ve called to 24/7 goDaddy support and they suggested me to create a php5.ini file in the root directory, then, they told me to stop all web services (Cpanel/Stats & Monitors/System Processes/end web), but they didn´t told me what do i need to include in the php5.ini file.
I was reading some links and, as my localhost is a windows one, adding the extension=php-intl.dll to the php.ini file worked. So i´ve tried to include in my godaddy linux server: but doesn´t works (neither extension=php-intl.dll).
The problem with the goDaddy hosting began when i started using ZF2 FORMs.
1) I´ve got access to the php5.ini of the goDaddy server (i have made a copy on the root of my hosting) using PUTTY: cp /web/conf/php5.ini /var/chroot/home/content/41/9674641/html
Then i have read it and i could not find the "intl" extension, instead of this, i only could find:
; Windows Extensions
; Note that ODBC support is built in, so no dll is needed for it.
; Note that many DLL files are located in the extensions/ (PHP 4) ext/ (PHP 5)
; extension folders as well as the separate PECL DLL download (PHP 5).
; Be sure to appropriately set the extension_dir directive.
2) goDaddy response to my formal support request (ticket):
Thank you for contacting Online Support
I understand you are wanting to get Internationalization extension on
to your hosting account. At this time these are not supported in our
systems at this time. We are going to review this with our developers
to more information. You may receive an email us down the road with
addition information about this.
Please let us know if we can assist you in any other way.
Now i'm thinking that i have two problems:
A) Include the line to enable the extension (i don't know how):
Maybe could be:
B) Include the extension in some location inside my hosting (but i don´t know how):
Maybe i could put the extension files inside: /var/chroot/home/content/41/9674641/html/library/extensions/php-intl
Also, i don't know where to acquire the extension files
C) Is there any known update on ZF2 (skeleton, library ..) that solve this issue ?
Please, i need help as soon as possible.
You can manage PHP modules by using the "Change PHP version" feature of the cPanel interface. Select any version other than "native" and a list of checkboxes will appear.
Of course, their support might not immediately mention this solution, which should have been in their knowledge base in the first place.
