How to prepare testdata setup for the integration testing while running with xpeditior with the sample code of production in mainframe - cobol

How to prepare testdata setup for the integration testing while running with xpeditior with the sample code of production


Rubymine: How to run single test via Rail5 test runner?

You can run single test using Rails 5 test runner by specifying the file and the linenumber like the following:
rails test path/to/test:55
In RubyMine, you can run single test from context menu on a test you want to run. However, since it is not via the above test runner, it does not use a spring preloader and takes long to launch a test.
I have tried to create new Run/Debug configuration to run test via spring, but I am still not sure how to do it.
Please let me know how to run single test via Rail5 test runner?

When To Use A Particular Rails Environment for Testing?

I am teaching myself Ruby On Rails with Michael Hartl's Book. When it uncovered the use of seeds.rb file, I tested within Development Environment, it Failed. When set to Test Environment, It Succeeded. Why? When will I need to change the environment again for successful tests?
When you say I tested within Development Environment, it Failed., you are not running automated tests. You ran the rake db:seed script against the development database. The same task can be run against the test environment with rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=test. Again, this is not an automated test.
There are many reasons why rake db:seed run against the development environment failed in your case. The specific reason could be identified based on the error message.
development environment is one where you work on a day to day basis, adding/changing functionality by making code changes. By default, most scripts assume that you are working with development environment.
test environment is the environment against which the automated tests are run. In the case of rails tutorial, the automated tests are written in the files under test folder. When automated tests are run on a rails application - with rake test or some other way - the test environment is used to run these tests against. The test database gets cleaned up before running the tests to ensure the tests are run starting with a blank state.
Hope this clarifies.

Grails change Environment from Development to Test

Is there any way to change current environment from DEVELOPMENT to TEST?
I have tried,
Environment.currentEnvironment = Environment.TEST
println("Current Environment : "+Environment.getCurrent())
But it is showing error like :
Error There was an error loading the BuildConfig: Cannot set readonly property: currentEnvironment for class: grails.util.Environment
How can I change this ENVIRONMENT property?
I need to change my development environment into TEST for some AES encryption algorithms, as it is not working in Development environment.
Now am using grails test run-app command for running app in test environment, How can I fix it in TEST environment permanently?

Change rake test environment

In my job we have a development, test and production environments. Development is the local environment use for development, test is a shared environment use for general purpose testing (QA) and production is well for production.
We are starting to development is Rails, in this framework the 'test' environment is use for running the specs. How do we specify the new environment to run the unit tests?
I have try to change the value of RAILS_ENV on "test_helper" but when running "rake test" it still try to connect to the test database.

Loading testing environment in rails

I am trying to load the test environment for unit testing and used several commands like
1. RAILS_ENV = test
2. rails console test
3. RAILS_ENV=test rails console
I am getting the same error each time(undefined method 'symbolize keys').
Can someone let me know what to do to load the test environment ?
If you are using automated testing, your test environment will be loaded automatically.
If you want to switch to the test environment in your console:
rails console test
The error you get is telling me there is something wrong in your code.
