I'm trying to set somethin like:
'My question: How old are you' answer=Answer
Answer: value=ID;
But its not possible to se a quuoted text with whitespaces, there is any way to do it?
You can use STRING on your question
'My question: ' declare=STRING answer=Answer
Here you'll always add "My question " following your declared question and answer. The DSL could then look like this:
My question: "How old are you?" "I'm old enough"
Since a recent swift version, multi line string literals are available that allow to format the appearance of a multi line string easily.
I'm looking for a way, though, to localise such a string.
Here is an example of the text of a pre-configured mail, that users can send:
I would like to share the following feedback:
isHTML: false)
It seems there is no way to properly transform this into the localisable .strings file.
As a workaround, I came up with the solution to individually localise each part of the message and use interpolation:
let localisedGreeting = NSLocalizedString("Hi", comment: "")
let localisedMessage = NSLocalizedString("I would like to share the following feedback: ", comment: "")
isHTML: false)
The .strings file looks like this:
"Hi" = "Hallo";
"I would like to share the following feedback: " = "ich möchte folgendes Feedback geben: ";
Is there a better/more concise way to do this?
Both keys and values in the Localizable.strings file can be multi-line.
I would like to share the following feedback:
" = "Hallo,
ich möchte folgendes Feedback geben:
the call
let localizedMessage = NSLocalizedString("""
I would like to share the following feedback:
""", comment: "")
expands as intended.
This might however not work with localization tools, and also does not
display with the correct syntax coloring in the Localizable.strings, which
might be confusing.
I would use a short (single-line) key instead, and localize that for all
languages (including the default language english).
For me this layout of text and quotes worked (Swift 5.3, Xcode 12)
"First Line
Second Line" = "Erste Linie
Zweite Linie";
let lines = NSLocalizedString("""
First Line
Second Line
""", comment: "")
lets say we have some grammar like this.
'Hello' name=ID '!';
I would like to check whether the text written text in name is a valid text.
All the valid words are saved in an array.
Also the array should be filled with words from a given file.
So is it possible to check this at runtime and maybe also use this words as suggestions.
For this purpose you can use a validator.
A simple video tutorial about it can be found here
In your case the function in the validator could look like this:
public static val INVALID_NAME = "greeting_InvalidName"
def nameIsValid(Greeting grt) {
val name = grt.getName() //or just grt.Name
val validNames = NewArrayList
//add all valid names to this list
if (!validNames.contains(name)) {
val errorMsg = "Name is not valid"
error(errorMsg, GreetingsPackage.eINSTANCE.Greeting_name, INVALID_NAME)
You might have to replace the "GreetingsPackage" if your DSL isn't named Greetings.
The static String passed to the error-method serves for identification of the error. This gets important when you want to implement Quickfixes which is the second thing you have asked for as they provide the possibility to give the programmer a few ideas how to actually fix this particular problem.
Because I don't have any experience with implementing quickfixes myself I can just give you this as a reference.
I'm writing a site with a custom tweet button that uses the www.twitter.com/share function, however the problem I am having is including hash '#' characters within the tweet text.
For example:
The tweet text comes out as 'I am eating' and omits the hash and everything after.
I had a quick look on the Twitter forums and learnt the hash '#' character cannot be part of the share url. On https://dev.twitter.com/discussions/512#comment-877 it was said that:
Hashes are special characters in the URL (they identify document fragments) so they, and anything following, does not get sent the server.
you need to URLEncode it, so use %23
When I tried the 2nd point in my test link:
The tweet text came out as 'I am eating %23branstonpickel right now' literally including %23 instead of converting it to a hash.
Sorry for the waffely question, but does anyone know what it is I'm doing wrong?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)
It looks like this is the basic setup:
url=<url to tweet>
text=<text to tweet>
hashtags=<comma separated list of hashtags, with no # on them>
This would pre-built a tweet of: <text> <url> <hashtags>
The above example would be:
There used to be a bug with the hashtags parameter... it only showed the first n-1 hashtags. Currently this is fixed.
you can use %23 instead of hash (#) in url eg
I may be wrong but i think the hashtag has to be passed as a separate variable that will appear at the end of your tweet ie:
will result in "I am eating branston pickel right now #branstonpickle"
On a separate note, I think pickel should be pickle!
use encodeURIComponent to encode the url
If you're using PHP, you can use the following:
<?php echo 'http://www.twitter.com/share?' . http_build_query(array(
'url' => 'http://www.example.com',
'text' => 'I am eating #branstonpickel right now'
)); ?>
This will do all the URL encoding for you, and it's easy to read.
For more information on the http_build_query, see the PHP manual:
For url with line jump, # , # and special unicode in it, the following works :
var lineJump = encodeURI(String.fromCharCode(10)),
hash = "%23", arobase="%40",
tweetText = 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Le signe chinois '+hans+' '+item.pinyin+': '+item.definition.replace(";",",")+'.'
+lineJump+'Merci '+arobase+'Inalco_Officiel '+arobase+'CRIparis ❤️🇨🇳 '
+lineJump+hash+'Chinois '+hash+'MOOC'
tweetTxtUrlEncoded = tweetText+ "" +encodeURIComponent('#'+lesson+encodeURIComponent(hans));
https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=<?= urlencode("I am eating #branstonpickel right now"); ?>"
You can just use this code and modify it
20% means space
23% means hashtag
In JS you can easily encode the special characters using encoreURIComponent.
(Warning: don't use encodeURI as "#" and "#" are not escaped.)
Here's an example with mention and hashtag:
const text = "Hello #world ! Go follow #StackOverflow";
const tweetUrl = `https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=${ encodeURIComponent(text) }`;
I'm implementing a search in my website, and would like to support searching for exact phrases. I want to end up with an array of terms to search for; here are some examples:
"foobar \"your mom\" bar foo" => ["foobar", "your mom", "bar", "foo"]
"ruby rails'test course''test lesson'asdf" => ["ruby", "rails", "test course", "test lesson", "asdf"]
Notice that there doesn't necessarily have to be a space before or after the quotes.
I'm not well versed in regular expressions, and it seems unnecessary to try to split it repeatedly on single characters. Can anybody help me out? Thanks.'
You want to use this regular expression (see on rubular.com):
This regex matches the tokens instead of the delimiters, so you'd want to use scan instead of split.
The […] construct is called a character class. [^"] is "anything but the double quote".
There are essentially 3 alternates:
"[^"]*" - double quoted token (may include spaces and single quotes)
'[^']*' - single quoted token (may include spaces and double quotes)
[^"'\s]+ - a token consisting of one or more of anything but quotes and whitespaces
regular-expressions.info/Character Class
Here's a Ruby implementation:
s = %_foobar "your mom"bar'test course''test lesson'asdf_
puts s
puts s.scan(/"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^"'\s]+/)
The above prints (as seen on ideone.com):
foobar "your mom"bar'test course''test lesson'asdf
"your mom"
'test course'
'test lesson'
See also
Which style of Ruby string quoting do you favour?
I am trying to do a syntax text corrector for my compilers' class. The idea is: I have some rules, which are inherent to the language (in my case, Portuguese), like "A valid phrase is SUBJECT VERB ADJECTIVE", as in "Ruby is great".
Ok, so first I have to tokenize the input "Ruby is great". So I have a text file "verbs", with a lot of verbs, one by line. Then I have one text "adjectives", one "pronouns", etc.
I am trying to use Ragel to create a parser, but I don't know how I could do something like:
machine test;
subject = <open-the-subjects-file-and-accept-each-one-of-them>;
verb = <open-the-verbs-file-and-accept-each-one-of-them>;
adjective = <open-the-adjective-file-and-accept-each-one-of-them>;
main = subject verb adjective # { print "Valid phrase!" } ;
I looked at ANTLR, Lex/Yacc, Ragel, etc. But couldn't find one that seemed to solve this problem. The only way to do this that I could think of was to preprocess Ragel's input file, so that my program reads the file and writes its contents at the right place. But I don't like this solution either.
Does anyone knows how I could do this? There's no problem if it isn't with Ragel, I just want to solve this problem. I would like to use Ruby or Python, but that's not really necessary either.
If you want to read the files at compile time .. make them be of the format:
subject = \
then use ragel's 'include' or 'import' statement (I forget which .. must check the manual) to import it.
If you want to check the list of subjects at run time, maybe just make ragel read 3 words, then have an action associated with each word. The action can read the file and lookup if the word is good or not at runtime.
The action reads the text file and compares the word's contents.
machine test
action startWord {
lastWordStart = p;
action checkSubject {
word = input[lastWordStart:p+1]
for possible in open('subjects.txt'):
if possible == word:
fgoto verb
# If we get here do whatever ragel does to go to an error or just raise a python exception
raise Exception("Invalid subject '%s'" % word)
action checkVerb { .. exercise for reader .. ;) }
action checkAdjective { .. put adjective checking code here .. }
subject = ws*.(alnum*)>startWord%checkSubject
verb := : ws*.(alnum*)>startWord%checkVerb
adjective := ws*.)alnum*)>startWord%checkAdjective
main := subject;
With bison I would write the lexer by hand, which lookup the words in the predefined dictionary.