Cannot use my iphone as adb in vscode on my windows machine - ios

I have a windows pc and having vs code installed, but I have a IOS phone iPhone 11
I am a flutter developer(App developer) I want to test my created app on my iPhone, My laptop has a type 3.0 cable I used to connect with my iPhone
My iPhone is connected to my laptop using wire, i can control my ios from windows explorer but i cannot see connected device available in my vscode
In explorer
But only 3 devices is connected in vscode

You can't run an app on an iPhone in windows OS. you have to use Mac OS to run or test the IOS app. Apple limited environment of IOS and iPhone.

Unfortunately you can't run flutter apps from a Windows environment to ios the only way is you have a Mac device.
you can check the following question and see the suggestions there it might help you understand why it's not possible to this.
Developing for iOS device in Windows environment with Flutter


Debugging an iOS app on an M1 Mac from Visual Studio for Mac?

With the new M1 Mac:s, it is possible to run iOS apps, even apps distributed via AppCenter.
But, is it possible to deploy and debug a Xamarin iOS app directly to an M1 Mac from Visual Studio for Mac?
Apparently, XCode supports debugging iOS apps directly on the M1 Mac, see here.
In Visual Studio for Mac, looking in the list of devices for iPhone deployment, I can see my USB connected iPhone/iPad devices, but the M1 Mac is not listed. Nor is it listed among the iPhone Simulator devices.
Is there any way to get the Mac listed among the devices so that I can deploy my iOS app directly to the Mac?

How I add iOS simulators in android Studio Linux

I am writing a simple flutter app on Linux(ubuntu 20.04) using Android Studio(4.1.1). I am able to test my app on android emulators well. Could I know there is any feasibility to test my flutter application in an iOS simulator without moving to mac or connect an iOS device?
You need the mac to compile on IOS devices or use emulators, the project even running on android stuido uses the xcode compiler.

How to build iOS app using Flutter with Windows 10

How can I build iOS app using Flutter with Windows 10?
I clicked in (build - Flutter - iOS app) from the tab bar, but it responds:
Building for iOS is only supported on the Mac.
It is not possible... You have to have a Mac to build an app for iOS.. That is Apple rules!!
It is not possible on a Windows 10. This way Apple can force developers to buy Apple hardware to develop for both platforms. You can try Hackintosh on a PC which will let you create IOS apps on non apple hardware.
It's not possible directly with Windows. You can achieve it though by using external services that provide Mac build machines. One of these services is Appollo.
Once you have Appollo installed and set up you can run the following command in your console to build your app
appollo build start --build-type publication
this will pre-publish your app on Apple Connect. You then have to add your screenshots etc...
You need to have xcode to create IOS app which is available only on OSX. Not on Windows. Not on Linux or anything. But using Hackintosh (Mac OS on normal desktop or laptop hardware) you can build IOS app on that PC or laptop though.
Apple only allows iOS emulator which is running on macOS, so we need to run macOS on your non-mac computer
Two ways:
Hackintosh (macOS running on non-mac device)
Virtual Machine (VM)
The first way can give you a high-performance environment (compare to VM) to run iOS simulator. But it's strict to your hardware. The best way is to use hardware as close to the original mac as possible.
The second way has better compatibility. You just need to download macOS's image and install system in VMware or other VM software.
But VM will degrade performance, and in my case neither of my graphics cards seem to work, so I'm guessing my CPU was rendering the GUI. Also, modern macOS (meaning better visuals but more rendering pressure) is slower than old macOS.

Can ios simulator can be run in Windows

I m working on appium scripting for mobile application automation testing.
I m able to simulate android device using the emulator and run the script in the emulator.
Now my next task is to run in ios. Please let me know it is possible to do it in ios emulator in Windows machine. If so some headsup on it.
You can not. There are platforms like React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, etc which enables you develop iOS applications; but when it comes to debugging and deployment, you have to have a macOS, which in turn requires a Macintosh machine.
Yess you can use Remote simulator to windows by enabling it under
Tools >> Option >> Xamarin >> IOS setting >> Remote simulator to windows.
But you still need active mac agent connection to build your app
You can use Appium studio free community edition for testing iOS physical device from windows machine.
note:- I have tested appium studio personally and think it will be useful for others.

Deploy/testing Apache Cordova apps to ios devices without Mac

I have an ipad Mini 2 and I need to test my JavaScript Cordova applications in it. So far, I can only run in a simulator.
I don't have a Mac nor an Apple developer account. I don't want to publish my app.
Is it possible to deploy to my physical ios device without Mac, similar to USB Debugging with Android devices?
I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Community.
