ASP.Net 6 Core CSOM ExecuteQuery when getting a non-available user in SPO - csom

In core 6 and CSOM library, I'm trying add a permission to a SPO file as following code.
public async Task<IActionResult> AddPermission(Guid guid, String[] emailList)
using (var authenticationManager = new AuthenticationManager())
using (var context = authenticationManager.GetContext(_site, _user, _securePwd))
File file= context.Web.GetFileById(guid);
SetFilePermission(context, file, emailList);
await context.ExecuteQueryAsync();
return NoContent();
private static void SetFilePermission(ClientContext context, File file, string[] emailList)
if (emailList != null)
file.ListItemAllFields.BreakRoleInheritance(true, false);
var role = new RoleDefinitionBindingCollection(context);
foreach (string email in emailList)
User user = context.Web.SiteUsers.GetByEmail(email);
file.ListItemAllFields.RoleAssignments.Add(user, role);
This work successfully if only the user is available in SPO, or exception occurs. To avoid non-available user exception, I tried to move Load() and ExecuteQuery() to SetFilePermission method.
public async Task<IActionResult> AddPermission(Guid guid, String[] emailList)
using (var authenticationManager = new AuthenticationManager())
using (var context = authenticationManager.GetContext(_site, _user, _securePwd))
File file= context.Web.GetFileById(guid);
SetFilePermission(context, file, emailList);
// file.ListItemAllFields.SystemUpdate();
// context.Load(file.ListItemAllFields);
// await context.ExecuteQueryAsync();
return NoContent();
private static void SetFilePermission(ClientContext context, File file, string[] emailList)
if (emailList != null)
file.ListItemAllFields.BreakRoleInheritance(true, false);
var role = new RoleDefinitionBindingCollection(context);
foreach (string email in emailList)
User user = context.Web.SiteUsers.GetByEmail(email);
file.ListItemAllFields.RoleAssignments.Add(user, role);
// Move load and executequery method to here.
Suddenly, exception disappear even though the user is not available in SPO!
But other available emails in emailList also fail to add permission, just result in return NoContent eventually. Does anyone know the myth behind the process and explain it to me?


skipped queue in MassTransit with RabbitMQ in dot net core application

I have three projects. One is Dot net core MVC, two are API projects. MVC is calling one API for user details. When user details are asked, I am sending message to queue through MassTransit. I am seeing skipped queue. There's consumer in third project which is API project.
I tried to make another solution for a demo with same configuration. It's running fine.
Below is MVC Razor page code..
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string returnUrl = null)
ReturnUrl = returnUrl;
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var user = await AuthenticateUser(Input.Email);
if (user == null)
ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Invalid login attempt.");
return Page();
#region snippet1
var claims = new List<Claim>
new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.Email),
new Claim("FullName", user.FullName),
new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Administrator"),
var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(
claims, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
var authProperties = new AuthenticationProperties
ExpiresUtc = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(15),
IsPersistent = true,
await HttpContext.SignInAsync(
new ClaimsPrincipal(claimsIdentity),
_logger.LogInformation("User {Email} logged in at {Time}.",
user.Email, DateTime.UtcNow);
return LocalRedirect(Url.GetLocalUrl(returnUrl));
return Page();
private async Task<ApplicationUser> AuthenticateUser(string email)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
using (var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
var request = new System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage();
request.RequestUri = new Uri("http://localhost:52043/api/user?uName=" + email); // ASP.NET 3 (VS 2019 only)
var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
var customer = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Customers>(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
return new ApplicationUser()
Email = email,
FullName = customer.FullName
return null;
MVC Startup:
services.AddMassTransit(x =>
x.AddBus(provider => Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
// configure health checks for this bus instance
User API Code - 52043:
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(string uName)
var customer = _userRepository.GetCustomerByUserName(uName);
Uri uri = new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost/loginqueue");
var endpoint = await _bus.GetSendEndpoint(uri);
await endpoint.Send(new LoginObj() { NoteString = customer.FullName + " has logged in at " + DateTime.Now.ToString() });
return Json(customer);
Logging API - Consumer Code:
public class LoginConsumer : IConsumer<LoginObj>
private readonly ILogger<object> _logger;
public LoginConsumer(ILogger<object> logger)
_logger = logger;
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<LoginObj> context)
var data = context.Message;
Login API Startup:
services.AddMassTransit(x =>
x.AddBus(provider => Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
// configure health checks for this bus instance
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint("loginqueue", ep =>
ep.PrefetchCount = 16;
ep.UseMessageRetry(r => r.Interval(2, 100));
As per the documentation:
MassTransit uses the full type name, including the namespace, for message contracts. When creating the same message type in two separate projects, the namespaces must match or the message will not be consumed.
Make sure that your message type has the same namespace/type in each project.

I am trying to seed users and user roles in but only the roles succeed

Hey This is probably a newbie question but I honestly can't find the problem after hours of searching for answers.
I am trying to create two roles and an admin user by seeding the database. I get no compilation errors but after running the application I couldn't login so I checked the database and noticed that the roles were created successfully but not the admin user.
Here is the class that I use for seeding:
public class Initialize
public static async Task InitializeAsync(ApplicationDbContext context, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
var RoleManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService < RoleManager<IdentityRole>>();
UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>();
string[] rolenames = { "Admin","Member"};
IdentityResult roleResult;
foreach (var roleName in rolenames) {
var roleExist = await RoleManager.RoleExistsAsync(roleName);
if (!roleExist)
roleResult = await RoleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(roleName));
string username = "admin";
string email = "";
string password = "Secret123";
string role = "Admin";
if (await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(username) == null)
ApplicationUser user = new ApplicationUser
UserName = username,
Email = email
IdentityResult result = await userManager
.CreateAsync(user, password);
if (result.Succeeded)
await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, role);
My ConfigureServices :
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>()
// Add application services.
services.AddTransient<IEmailSender, EmailSender>();
And Here is my Program.cs :
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var host = BuildWebHost(args);
using (var scope = host.Services.CreateScope())
var services = scope.ServiceProvider;
var context = services.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();
Initialize.InitializeAsync(context, services).Wait();
catch(Exception ex)
var logger = services.GetRequiredService<ILogger<Program>>();
logger.LogError(ex, "Error seeding");
Any help is appreciated :)
Try look at userManager -> Store -> Users -> Results Views -> Message after access via serviceProvider.GetRequiredService. You can have some error message about it here.
If it contains a message:
"Cannot create a DbSet for 'ApplicationUser' because this type is not
included in the model for the context."
you must changed ApplicationContext class inherit from IdentityDbContext and it should be works fine.

Asp.Net core MVC6 How to initially add roles in Identity 3

I've looked for this in Stackoverflow and so far it appears there are plenty of questions on adding roles in Identity 1 & 2 but its different in Identity 3.
I want to seed roles in the database. I have just two. I intended to use _roleManager which I have injected into the class. Thats fine. My problem is.. there doesnt appear to be any method to actually add a role.. Using CreateAsync is for adding the user to the role.. how do you code to add a role using "_userManager" or do you have to do it another way?
In Identity RoleManager is for creating roles and UserManager is for adding users to roles.
This is an example to point you in the right direction. The code below is for creating a new role Administrator
if (!roleManager.RoleExists("Administrator"))
MyIdentityRole newRole = new MyIdentityRole("Administrator", "Administrators can do something with data");
Further, this is for adding a user to a role and this also an example:
\\assuming you test if the user has been assigned to the role "Administrator" before adding them to that role
if(RoleAdministrator == true){
userManager.AddToRole(User.Id, "Administrator");
public class SeedData
private const string _adminRoleName = "admin";
private string _adminEmail = "";
private string _adminPassword = "P#ssw0rd!PK";
private string[] _roles = new string[] { _adminRoleName, "supervisor" };
private readonly RoleManager<IdentityRole<Guid>> _roleManager;
private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager;
public static async Task Run(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
using (var serviceScope =serviceProvider
var instance = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService<SeedData>();
await instance.Initialize();
var context = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService<AppDbContext>();
if (!context.Products.Any())
// Seed Other entities Here
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public SeedData(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager,
RoleManager<IdentityRole<Guid>> roleManager)
_roleManager = roleManager;
_userManager = userManager;
public async Task Initialize()
foreach (var role in _roles)
if (!await _roleManager.RoleExistsAsync(role))
await _roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole<Guid>(role));
var adminUsers = await _userManager.GetUsersInRoleAsync(_adminRoleName);
if (!adminUsers.Any())
var adminUser = new ApplicationUser()
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
Email = _adminEmail,
UserName = _adminEmail
var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(adminUser, _adminPassword);
await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(adminUser, _adminRoleName);
In your Program.cs
public static void Main(string[] args)
var host = BuildWebHost(args);
using (var scope = host.Services.CreateScope())
var services = scope.ServiceProvider;
catch (Exception ex)
var logger = services.GetRequiredService<ILogger<Program>>();
logger.LogError(ex, "Error while seeding database.");
Might be helpful to someone :)

ASP.NET MVC 5 how to delete a user and its related data in Identity 2.0

I'm following this article to delete a user in Identity 2.0
However, I need to delete all related records in AspNetUserRoles first and then delete the user.
I found an example which is written in Identity 1.0 and some of methods used inside this example don't exist.
// POST: /Users/Delete/5
[HttpPost, ActionName("Delete")]
public async Task<ActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(string id)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (id == null)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
var user = await context.Users.FindAsync(id);
var logins = user.Logins;
foreach (var login in logins)
var rolesForUser = await IdentityManager.Roles.GetRolesForUserAsync(id, CancellationToken.None);
if (rolesForUser.Count() > 0)
foreach (var item in rolesForUser)
var result = await IdentityManager.Roles.RemoveUserFromRoleAsync(user.Id, item.Id, CancellationToken.None);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
I cannot find IdentityManager from anywhere, and context.Users doesn't have FindAsync() method either.
How can I properly delete a User and its related records in Identity 2.0?
I think the classes you're looking for are the UserManager and the RoleManager. In my opinion they are the better way instead of going against the context directly.
The UserManager defines a method RemoveFromRoleAsync which gives you the ability to remove the user (identified by his key) from a given role. It also defines several Find methods, such as FindAsync, FindByIdAsync, FindByNameAsync, or FindByEmailAsync. They all can be used to retrieve a user. To delete a user you should use the DeleteAsync method which accepts a user object as a parameter. To get the roles a user is member of Identity gives you the GetRolesAsync method where you pass in the ID of the user. Also I see that you're trying to remove a login from a user. For this purpose you should use the RemoveLoginAsync method.
All in all your code would look similar to the following one:
// POST: /Users/Delete/5
[HttpPost, ActionName("Delete")]
public async Task<ActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(string id)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (id == null)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(id);
var logins = user.Logins;
var rolesForUser = await _userManager.GetRolesAsync(id);
using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
foreach (var login in logins.ToList())
await _userManager.RemoveLoginAsync(login.UserId, new UserLoginInfo(login.LoginProvider, login.ProviderKey));
if (rolesForUser.Count() > 0)
foreach (var item in rolesForUser.ToList())
// item should be the name of the role
var result = await _userManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user.Id, item);
await _userManager.DeleteAsync(user);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
You'll need to adjust this snippet to your needs, because I don't have an idea how your IdentityUser implementation looks like. Remember to declare the UserManager as needed. An example how you could do this can be found when you create a new project in Visual Studio using Individual Accounts.
Update for ASP.NET Core 2.0 - hope this saves someone a bit of time
ApplicationDbContext context,
UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager,
ApplicationUser user
var logins = await userManager.GetLoginsAsync(user);
var rolesForUser = await userManager.GetRolesAsync(user);
using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
IdentityResult result = IdentityResult.Success;
foreach (var login in logins)
result = await userManager.RemoveLoginAsync(user, login.LoginProvider, login.ProviderKey);
if (result != IdentityResult.Success)
if (result == IdentityResult.Success)
foreach (var item in rolesForUser)
result = await userManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user, item);
if (result != IdentityResult.Success)
if (result == IdentityResult.Success)
result = await userManager.DeleteAsync(user);
if (result == IdentityResult.Success)
transaction.Commit(); //only commit if user and all his logins/roles have been deleted
Brad's point about requiring #Html.AntiForgeryToken() in views is not necessary if you are using latest versions of ASP.NET - see AntiForgeryToken still required
Why not create a SQL trigger for AspNetUsers so deleting a user also deletes the corresponding records for user from AspNetUserRoles and AspNetUserLogins?
I need to invoke DeleteUser from a number of places so I added a static method to AccountController (see below). I'm still learning about MVC, so should be grateful for comments, in particular 1) use of IdentityResult as a return code 2) wisdom of extending AccountController in this way 3) approach for putting password (cleartext) into the Model to validate the action (see sample invocation).
public static async Task<IdentityResult> DeleteUserAccount(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager,
string userEmail, ApplicationDbContext context)
IdentityResult rc = new IdentityResult();
if ((userManager != null) && (userEmail != null) && (context != null) )
var user = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(userEmail);
var logins = user.Logins;
var rolesForUser = await userManager.GetRolesAsync(user);
using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
foreach (var login in logins.ToList())
await userManager.RemoveLoginAsync(user, login.LoginProvider, login.ProviderKey);
if (rolesForUser.Count() > 0)
foreach (var item in rolesForUser.ToList())
// item should be the name of the role
var result = await userManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user, item);
rc = await userManager.DeleteAsync(user);
return rc;
Sample invocation - form passes the user's password (cleartext) in Model:
// POST: /Manage/DeleteUser
public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteUser(DeleteUserViewModel account)
var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();
if ((user != null) && (user.PasswordHash != null) && (account != null) && (account.Password != null))
var hasher = new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.PasswordHasher<ApplicationUser>();
if(hasher.VerifyHashedPassword(user,user.PasswordHash, account.Password) != PasswordVerificationResult.Failed)
IdentityResult rc = await AccountController.DeleteUserAccount( _userManager, user.Email, _Dbcontext);
if (rc.Succeeded)
await _signInManager.SignOutAsync();
_logger.LogInformation(4, "User logged out.");
return RedirectToAction(nameof(HomeController.Index), "Home");
return View(account);
I was looking also for the answer but finally this is what work well for me, even its old post but it may help for someone.
// GET: Users/Delete/5
public ActionResult Delete(string id)
using (SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
string query = "DELETE FROM AspNetUsers WHERE Id = #Id";
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(query, sqlCon);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Id", id);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
// POST: Users/Delete/5
public ActionResult Delete(string id, FormCollection collection)
// TODO: Add delete logic here
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();

How to get all LDAP users with LdapTemplate

I'm using spring-security and wish to retrieve all users and all groups to be stored in a reference table so I can quickly look up users without having to consult the LDAP directory. I have created a LdapAuthoritiesPopulator implementation mirroring DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator with the following additional method:
public final Collection<GrantedAuthority> getAllAuthorities() {
if (groupSearchBase == null) {
return new HashSet<>();
Set<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new HashSet<>();
Set<String> roles = ldapTemplate.searchForSingleAttributeValues(
new String[0],
for (String role : roles) {
if (convertToUpperCase) {
role = role.toUpperCase();
authorities.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority(rolePrefix + role));
return authorities;
This now allows me to retrieve all groups, allAuthorityFilter is a property defaulting to (&(objectClass=group)(objectCategory=group)).
I am now trying to achieve the same thing with the users by creating a custom LdapUserSearch based of of FilterBasedLdapUserSearch with the following additional method:
public List<String> findAllUsers() {
SpringSecurityLdapTemplate template
= new SpringSecurityLdapTemplate(contextSource);
List<String> r =,
new AttributesMapper() {
public Object mapFromAttributes(Attributes atrbts)
throws NamingException {
return (String) atrbts.get(userNameAttribute).get();
return r;
There are two problems I have with this:
If the user-list is large I get javax.naming.SizeLimitExceededException which I do not know how to resolve.
I want this method to return something like DirContextOperations similar to how searchForUser(String) works so that my LdapUserDetailsMapper implementation can be reused to return all user properties.
I'm finding the documentation for LdapTemplate a little hairy and having trouble finding the answers I'm after, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: I have solved point (2) above by
public List<UserDetails> getAllUserDetails(boolean includeAuthorities) {
List<UserDetails> r = new ArrayList<>();
for (DirContextOperations ctx : userSearch.findAllUserOperations()) {
try {
Attribute att = ctx.getAttributes().get(usernameAttribute);
String username = (String) att.get();
? authPop.getGrantedAuthorities(ctx, username)
: Collections.<GrantedAuthority>emptySet()));
} catch (NamingException ex) {
LOG.warn("Username attribute " + usernameAttribute + " not found!");
return r;
In my UserSearch implementation I have:
public List<DirContextOperations> findAllUserOperations() {
SpringSecurityLdapTemplate template = new SpringSecurityLdapTemplate(contextSource);
allUsersFilter, new ContextMapper() {
public Object mapFromContext(Object o) {
return (DirContextOperations) o;
However I have not solved point #1. If I need to batch this somehow then that is fine as long as there is a way to tell LdapTemplate where to resume on subsequent calls.
