How to output the result file of ansys to webgl? - webgl

I have calculated the results in ansys apdl or workbench. Is there any way to export them as gltf? I hope these results can be browsed in threejs.I have tried the method of exporting vtk with ansys, but it has not been able to run successfully.Thanks.

If you have access to Ansys Ensigth, the export from to GLTF 2.0 seems possible but I haven't tested it. Here is an overview of result export options.


dart doc for libary, why is the main function not documented?

Hi i have build a blockchain and would like to document the api endpoints written in the main function now i have used dart doc to generate a documentation but it exludes the main function, does anyone know how to include it?
See Github issue here: Currently, nothing in /lib/src can have documentation generated for it because it is considered a private library. You can export specific files to a library in /lib, which means documentation will be generated for those:
Directly under lib, the main library file, shelf.dart, exports API
from several files in lib/src. To avoid exposing more API than
intended—and to give developers an overview of the entire public API
of the package—shelf.dart uses show to specify exactly which symbols
to export:
export 'src/cascade.dart' show Cascade;
export 'src/handler.dart' show Handler;
export 'src/hijack_exception.dart' show HijackException;
export 'src/middleware.dart' show Middleware, createMiddleware;
export 'src/middleware/add_chunked_encoding.dart' show addChunkedEncoding;
export 'src/middleware/logger.dart' show logRequests;
export 'src/middleware_extensions.dart' show MiddlewareExtensions;
export 'src/pipeline.dart' show Pipeline;
export 'src/request.dart' show Request;
export 'src/response.dart' show Response;
export 'src/server.dart' show Server;
export 'src/server_handler.dart' show ServerHandler;

Convert scn to glb

I am trying to covert an scn file to GLB format. I used assimp and get the following error. It is in the supported import format
param = test.glb
assimp export: select file format: 'glb2' (GL Transmission Format v. 2 (binary))
Launching asset import ... OK
Validating postprocessing flags ... OK
ERROR: Failed to load file: COB: Could not found magic id: `Caligari`
Anyway to get past this? Or would any other CLI or API help in the conversion?
Could you please open an Issue-Report on Asset-Importer-Lib with a small issue, which can be used to reproduce the issue? The COB-Format is not so stable in the Assimp and it would be great to make this more stable.
I think this issue is caused by a not correctly parsed magic-token at the beginning, which needs to get fixes.

How to include plugins when exporting my chart?

How do I include plugins for use with the highcharts-export-server? I am trying to use the highcharts-regression plugin.
I tried to use the -resources option to specify the plugin's JS file (both as a local file and as a full URL) file but no regression lines are added to my charts, unlike my browser based version which has the regression lines added.
My command is:
-resources: {"files":""}
-instr '{"chart":{"type":"line"},"title":{"text":"Total Downtime"},"xAxis":{"type":"datetime","dateTimeLabelFormats":{ day: "%b %Y"}},"yAxis":{"allowDecimals":false,"min":0,"tickInterval":1,"title":{"text":"Percentage"}},"series":[{"name":"BOILER 04/WATERWALL","color":"#2f7ed8","regression":true,"regressionSettings":{"name":"BOILER 04/WATERWALL trend","type":"linear","dashStyle":"dash","color":"#2f7ed8"},"data":[{"x":1451599200000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1454277600000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1456783200000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1459461600000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1462053600000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1464732000000,"y":4.97,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1467324000000,"y":4.89,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1470002400000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1472680800000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1475272800000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1477951200000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1480543200000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1483221600000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1485900000000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1488319200000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1490997600000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1493589600000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1496268000000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1498860000000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"}]}]}'
-outfile sample.png
The chart is generated fine but without the regression plugin features added. The same sort of code works fine when generating the chart in the browser, not using the export-server. Thanks!
This works with a few minor "type-o" fixes. Given the above command you've provided, I've changed -resources: {...} to --resources '{...}', as well as -instr to --instr and -outfile to --outfile, as per the documentation. Although, I think only the colon as well as the quoting are the relevant changes:
--resources '{"files":"highcharts-regression.js"}'
--instr '{"chart":{"type":"line"},"title":{"text":"Total Downtime"},"xAxis":{"type":"datetime","dateTimeLabelFormats":{ day: "%b %Y"}},"yAxis":{"allowDecimals":false,"min":0,"tickInterval":1,"title":{"text":"Percentage"}},"series":[{"name":"BOILER 04/WATERWALL","color":"#2f7ed8","regression":true,"regressionSettings":{"name":"BOILER 04/WATERWALL trend","type":"linear","dashStyle":"dash","color":"#2f7ed8"},"data":[{"x":1451599200000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1454277600000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1456783200000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1459461600000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1462053600000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1464732000000,"y":4.97,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1467324000000,"y":4.89,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1470002400000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1472680800000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1475272800000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1477951200000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1480543200000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1483221600000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1485900000000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1488319200000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1490997600000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1493589600000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1496268000000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"},{"x":1498860000000,"y":0,"viewType":"M"}]}]}'
--outfile sample.png
This successfully gives me the following result with Highcharts export server 2.0.24:
Also, if attempting to use an URL you should probably point to the raw file, but I didn't have any success doing so, so I used a local version of the highcharts-regression.js file.

text field hyper links are not exported to ppt in jasperreport

I have a jasper report where the text fields are having hyper links to share point documents.The links work just fine in report and in other export formats such as excel and pdf but when exported to pptx , only the text fields are exported but not the links.
FYI -- the jasper reports version is 5.6.1
Plz help if anyone has a solution to my problem.
I have tested it (with hyperlinkType="Reference") and can not find any problems.
This is how I export to pptx
JRPptxExporter exporter = new JRPptxExporter();
File outputFile = new File("test.pptx");
exporter.setExporterInput(new SimpleExporterInput(print));
exporter.setExporterOutput(new SimpleOutputStreamExporterOutput(outputFile));
SimplePptxReportConfiguration configuration = new SimplePptxReportConfiguration();
Naturally the hyper link does not work if your are in design mode (since its design mode) you need to switch to presentation mode.
If you still have problems please post jrxml related to your textField definition and your code for exporting to pptx.

Problems converting video to pictures using python 2.7

Tried a lot of options and am running out of ideas. I was hoping someone here could help. I am trying to write some code in python that will extract frames (say every tenth frame) from a video (.avi or .wmv) and create a picture (.jpg preferably - but other formats will do). I have had no success and was wondering if someone could assist me in solving my problem by providing an alternative to what I have tried and failed.
I have tried PyMedia (the example in their tutorial does not work - the program bombs out when it looks for the video codecs):
#dm= muxer.Demuxer( inFile.split( '.' )[ -1 ] ) This line does not work
dm= muxer.Demuxer( 'avi' ) #This modified line does seem to work however
i= 1
inFile = "VideoTest.avi"
f= open( inFile, 'rb' )
s= 400000 )
r= dm.parse( s )
v= filter( lambda x: x[ 'type' ]== muxer.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO, dm.streams )
v_id= v[ 0 ][ 'index' ]
print 'Assume video stream at %d index: ' % v_id
c= vcodec.Decoder( dm.streams[ v_id ] ) #this is the point where it crashes.
I have tried OpenCV v2.2 for Python but that doesn't work either (I can get most of OpenCV to work - except the one function, CaptureFromFile, that I need does not work). I believe the reason this function doesn't work is because on Windows it requires highGui to operate and for some reason, python and opencv cannot find highgui eventhough it is in the correct directory. I also understand OpenCV has issues with finding and applying correct video codecs so I am not sure which is the cause of my problem.
I have looked at pyFFMPEG but the last build for that was version 2.6 and I am running python 2.7.
I am running this on Windows Vista and Windows 7 machines, have Python 2.7 and OpenCV 2.2 loaded on C:\ and all other python packages (pygames, pymedia, numpy, scipy) installed in C:\python27\Libs\site-packages..." I downloaded and installed from executables, all packages were built for python 2.7. My Path variable includes Python27 and OpenCV and I have a PYTHONPATH variable.
Thanks for any ideas or recommendations.
I tried the following to extract each frames as a separate image:
import cv2
file_path = "some\path\to\the\file.avi"
video_object = cv2.VideoCapture(path)
success = True
while success:
success,frame =
if success:
This script saves each frame as an image in the same folder as the source file. It may not be the most efficient way to do this, but it works for me! I know my string parsing is not the most recommended, but it works. returns two object. The first is a bool indicating whether the reading operation was a success or not, and the second is the image.
There may be limitations with respect to the video codec, of which I am not aware. I'm using Python 2.7 with the most recent version of openCV and Numpy as of 11/7/2013.
