Render function no longer exists in Editor - editor

a question about 'SharedArrayBuffer' , since its disabled in browsers It is not possible to generate an MP4 file with the work done in threejs Editor because the Renderer function no longer exists.
Do you know any solution to save work in threejs editor to MP4 or to get a browser with this function active?


How to secure the html5 audio link from download

I have a wordpress website in which I want to embed the audio player for .mp3 files. But the user should not get the server url of the music file.
Currently I have used [audio src=""]. But through this user get the url though page source. So is there any way or any plugin through which I can hide it in the page source.
Also I cannot use the flash player as it has to be run on iphone/ipad too.
Looking forward for the replies
The problem with HTML5 audio and video is, that it directly links to the file.
This is also the reason sites like Netflix don't use it.
Only Microsoft Silverlight can protect your content from rippers properly.
BUT - you could use the dirty solution: Make an <iframe> and embed another html file that only contains your audio source and replace the body container with <body oncontextmenu="return false">
This will disable your users to open the context menu over your audio file and thus they will not be able to find the location of the file, however "html-pros" will just use f12 to open it.
If you only do it on this very limited part of the page, most people won't be able to get around this though. ;)

Opening a TIFF File from the Web Browser

I checked previous questions here on SO but I think I want my functionality to work a little different. I understand that .tif files are not natively supported in Internet Explorer and that an extension, such as AlternaTIFF, are available to remedy this. However, I would like the dialog to show up where the user can either save/open the file on the client side. I know that MS Windows Picture and Fax Viewer can open them, no problems.
The files are located on our servers and this will be an intranet site. Currently, I have a link to the files populate in the view but again, I'd like that option for the user to Save/Open the file.
I'm using MVC, which I'm a little unfamiliar with, and can't seem to figure this one out. Thank you.
You can do an action that returns a tiff by changing the headers so when someone clicks the link the file will get downloaded or using FileResult.
Example with FileResult (i find it easier):
For saving them is just like uploading any file with MVC. This post can be useful
My advice is that you convert them to .jpg or .png when uploaded using GDI+.
//You first upload the tiff to the server like the post above explains
//And then open and convert it to .JPEG
Bitmap bm = Bitmap.FromFile("mypic.tiff");
And if you already have the urls of all the tiffs, you can always do a console app to convert all of them. Even if you need to use tiffs its a good idea to have .jpg versions to show on the web. You can even resize them to create previews and save some bandwith too! :-)

SWF file extraction

If I have a link to a SWF file - for example here
how can I extract it for use on another website?
I have downloaded the swf, but just get an error#2044 when I try and play it. does it need to go in some sort of wrapper?
thanks guys
You're trying to load a swf that in turn loads and displays a .flv using the FLVPlayback component. I'm guessing our-video.swf loads fine, but it probably keeps a relative reference to the .flv.
I can think of two ways to handle this:
Simple add a new FLVPlayback (or any other video player) on the other site but tell it to load the .flv file from the original site.
Try to copy the .flv file in the same folder as the new .swf on the new site.
With the FLVPlayback component there's another part that could cause the error: the skin which on the original site is here.
The #2024 IOError should also include an URL.
This is your best hint to how the our-video.swf is trying to load the .swf file (using a relative(./swf/redletterdays.swf) or an absolute(/swf/redletterdays.swf) path).
Based on this, if you decide to load the player from the original site (not just the .flv file), you can work out where to place the skin (i.e. in the in a folder named swf on the root of the new site)

Embedded HTML 5 video is stored in the cache but is not displayed on iPad 2

I am creating an offline webapp for the iPad 2, which includes video content. When the page first loads, the video displays fine. But when I reload the page, the video's play button becomes broken.
I've gone into Settings > Safari > Advanced > Website Data and, sure enough, the video is in the cache... So the problem seems to be that it is not being retrieved from the cache.
My HTML code snippet:
<html manifest="cache.manifest">
<video width="320" height="240" controls="controls">
<source src="videos/movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
My cache.manifest snippet:
# Updated 2012-08-22 19:49:00
For good measure, my .htaccess snippet:
AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest
AddType video/mp4 .mp4
Does anyone have any ideas?
This unfortunately isn't an answer but after now 20 hours continuous searching and testing to resolve the exact same problem i can tell you where i am now.
This appears to be an ipad iOS specific problem where no matter what size the video / sound file is it will not draw on the cached files although they clearly are cached and on first load it plays the file OK.
I have tried making the smallest video possible.
I have looked at wrapping in a native app but that's not an option for delivery reasons.
I have tried forcing a reload of the video .src on page load using javascript.
I have tried all possible variations of the manifest file.
Looked at all the Apple developer docs i can stomach.
After reading hundreds of posts, that never actually complete, i think the answer, other than getting the client to buy Android tablets, is to use the local database to store the video in binary form to be retrieved when needed by the app. Unfortunately i am still searching for examples of this and as yet cant find any with any detail. Local saving of text / numerical data isn't a problem. I just dont know if its possible to store the raw file data and retrieve it in a local database.
Sorry its not what you were after but hope it helps point you in less directions.
An update but not much progress. I decided to use base64 ecoded mp4 and paste the text in a simple xml file. My app would read this xml video data and by using in the video tag SRC. This was about a 4MB string.
SRC="data:video/mp4;base64,AAAAA /...../ AA"
This worked fine in Chrome. When i used it on the Ipad the good points are that i didnt ever get the play button crossed out and it tried to play then flashed a message it could not complete this operation.
I had a somewhat related issue with playing video on an iPad. This was in an HTML widget that will reside in an iBooks file. My problem was I couldn't get the videos to rewind, so when you went back to that screen the video was stuck at the end (or still playing if you went back fast enough.)
The workaround I came up with was to load a different video and then reload the video I wanted to play. It's ugly, but it works, and it may provide a workaround for your problem.
var sources = videoEl.getElementsByTagName('source');
sources[0].src = "assets/TeethMouth_Anim_Part3_03.mp4"; // Load some other video into the source, in my case, a video that I'm playing later in the presentation.
sources[0].src = "assets/TeethMouth_Anim_Part1_03.mp4"; // Then reload the video I want to play.
Although now I see that this thread is a year old so it's probably not an issue anymore. Still, thought I'd post it.

I cannot get the StageWebViewBridge to load external assets

I am using appfile:/. The path is correct; if I put it on screen and copy-paste it in the explorer it links to the image.
Is there anything else I need to do?
UPDATED I have updated the library, now is more easy to use. Can you test it?
I am the author of the StageWebViewBridge class. There is a known problem if you are using Android. Anyway, I have a working solution I will update the next week.
If the problem is not in Android, then send me some code.
I am also confused on how to access locally packaged assets. I put them in the HTML folder as requested and when I send a signal to the StageWebViewBridge to set the .src attribute of a video I'm not sure how to do it.
Without StageWebViewBridge and entirely in a website I can just reference the file for a video object via JavaScript directly e.g. swvRef.src = 'file.mp4';. This works perfectly fine. When I try to tell flash to send a call via StageWebViewBridge it does receive the call to the StageWebView (I have JavaScript reporting it). However when I try to set the .src of a video object I can't figure out the correct path.
The documentation says to put all things in a 'html' folder. I did so. No reference to a .src of 'html/a.mp4' or 'a.mp4' or 'htmlCache/a.mp4' ever makes the new javascript html5 video class work.
Bridge otherwise is working perfectly sending AS->JS and JS->AS. I'm just looking for info on how to reference packaged files. I want to play a video I put in the /html folder and so far, I just can't do it.
Got the same issue and fixed it with "appfile:/"
Why do you require "appfile:/ for a local html file ?
If the treated html/js/css is local and asset is relative (aka ../ or no http://) you should treat them as "appfile:/" ?
If the treated file is distant you do not have to handle assets ?
Is there a best practice to work with "appfile:/" ?
Actually I debug my html/js/css game in the browser but if I use appfile:/ it will no longer works. I will have to handle 2 behaviors.
