What is a valid character in an identifier called? - parsing

Identifiers typically consist of underscores, digits; and uppercase and lowercase characters where the first character is not a digit. When writing lexers, it is common to have helper functions such as is_digit or is_alnum. If one were to implement such a function to scan a character used in an identifier, what would it be called? Clearly, is_identifier is wrong as that would be the entire token that the lexer scans and not the individual character. I suppose is_alnum_or_underscore would be accurate though quite verbose. For something as common as this, I feel like there should be a single word for it.

Unicode Annex 31 (Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax, UAX31) defines a framework for the definition of the lexical syntax of identifiers, which is probably as close as we're going to come to a standard terminology. UAX31 is used (by reference) by Python and Rust, and has been approved for C++23. So I guess it's pretty well mainstream.
UAX31 defines three sets of identifier characters, which it calls Start, Continue and Medial. All Start characters are also Continue characters; no Medial character is a Continue character.
That leads to the simple regular expression (UAX31-D1 Default Identifier Syntax):
<Identifier> := <Start> <Continue>* (<Medial> <Continue>+)*
A programming language which claims conformance with UAX31 does not need to accept the exact membership of each of these sets, but it must explicitly spell out the deviations in what's called a "profile". (There are seven other requirements, which are not relevant to this question. See the document if you want to fall down a very deep rabbit hole.)
That can be simplified even more, since neither UAX31 nor (as far as I know) the profile for any major language places any characters in Medial. So you can go with the flow and just define two categories: identifier-start and identifier-continue, where the first one is a subset of the second one.
You'll see that in a number of grammar documents:
Pythonidentifier ::= xid_start xid_continue*
| _ XID_Continue+
identifier identifier-continue
So that's what I'd suggest. But there are many other possibilities:
SwiftCalls the sets identifier-head and identifier-characters
JavaCalls them JavaLetter and JavaLetterOrDigit
CDefines identifier-nondigit and identifier-digit; Continue would be the union of the two sets.


How to force no whitespace in dot notation

I'm attempting to implement an existing scripting language using Ply. Everything has been alright until I hit a section with dot notation being used on objects. For most operations, whitespace doesn't matter, so I put it in the ignore list. "3+5" works the same as "3 + 5", etc. However, in the existing program that uses this scripting language (which I would like to keep this as accurate to as I can), there are situations where spaces cannot be inserted, for example "this.field.array[5]" can't have any spaces between the identifier and the dot or bracket. Is there a way to indicate this in the parser rule without having to handle whitespace not being important everywhere else? Or am I better off building these items in the lexer?
Unless you do something in the lexical scanner to pass whitespace through to the parser, there's not a lot the parser can do.
It would be useful to know why this.field.array[5] must be written without spaces. (Or, maybe, mostly without spaces: perhaps this.field.array[ 5 ] is acceptable.) Is there some other interpretation if there are spaces? Or is it just some misguided aesthetic judgement on the part of the scripting language's designer?
The second case is a lot simpler. If the only possibilities are a correct parse without space or a syntax error, it's only necessary to validate the expression after it's been recognised by the parser. A simple validation function would simply check that the starting position of each token (available as p.lexpos(i) where p is the action function's parameter and i is the index of the token the the production's RHS) is precisely the starting position of the previous token plus the length of the previous token.
One possible reason to require the name of the indexed field to immediately follow the . is to simplify the lexical scanner, in the event that it is desired that otherwise reserved words be usable as member names. In theory, there is no reason why any arbitrary identifier, including language keywords, cannot be used as a member selector in an expression like object.field. The . is an unambiguous signal that the following token is a member name, and not a different syntactic entity. JavaScript, for example, allows arbitrary identifiers as member names; although it might confuse readers, nothing stops you from writing obj.if = true.
That's a big of a challenge for the lexical scanner, though. In order to correctly analyse the input stream, it needs to be aware of the context of each identifier; if the identifier immediately follows a . used as a member selector, the keyword recognition rules must be suppressed. This can be done using lexical states, available in most lexer generators, but it's definitely a complication. Alternatively, one can adopt the rule that the member selector is a single token, including the .. In that case, obj.if consists of two tokens (obj, an IDENTIFIER, and .if, a SELECTOR). The easiest implementation is to recognise SELECTOR using a pattern like \.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*. (That's not what JavaScript does. In JavaScript, it's not only possible to insert arbitrary whitespace between the . and the selector, but even comments.)
Based on a comment by the OP, it seems plausible that this is part of the reasoning for the design of the original scripting language, although it doesn't explain the prohibition of whitespace before the . or before a [ operator.
There are languages which resolve grammatical ambiguities based on the presence or absence of surrounding whitespace, for example in disambiguating operators which can be either unary or binary (Swift); or distinguishing between the use of | as a boolean operator from its use as an absolute value expression (uncommon but see https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/28408/lexing-and-parsing-a-language-with-juxtaposition-as-an-operator); or even distinguishing the use of (...) in grouping expressions from their use in a function call. (Awk, for example). So it's certainly possible to imagine a language in which the . and/or [ tokens have different interpretations depending on the presence or absence of surrounding whitespace.
If you need to distinguish the cases of tokens with and without surrounding whitespace so that the grammar can recognise them in different ways, then you'll need to either pass whitespace through as a token, which contaminates the entire grammar, or provide two (or more) different versions of the tokens whose syntax varies depending on whitespace. You could do that with regular expressions, but it's probably easier to do it in the lexical action itself, again making use of the lexer state. Note that the lexer state includes lexdata, the input string itself, and lexpos, the index of the next input character; the index of the first character in the current token is in the token's lexpos attribute. So, for example, a token was preceded by whitespace if t.lexpos == 0 or t.lexer.lexdata[t.lexpos-1].isspace(), and it is followed by whitespace if t.lexer.lexpos == len(t.lexer.lexdata) or t.lexer.lexdata[t.lexer.lexpos].isspace().
Once you've divided tokens into two or more token types, you'll find that you really don't need the division in most productions. So you'll usually find it useful to define a new non-terminal for each token type representing all of the whitespace-context variants of that token; then, you only need to use the specific variants in productions where it matters.

All viable prefixes of a Context Free Grammer

I am stuck to a problem from the famous dragon Book of Compiler Design.How to find all the viable prefixes of the following grammar:
S -> 0S1 | 01
The grammar is actually the language of the regex 0n1n.
I presume the set of all viable prefixes might come as a regex too.I came up with the following solution
(By plus , I meant no of zeroes is 1..inf)
after reducing string 000111 with the following steps:
stack input
0 00111
00 0111
000 111
0001 11
00S 11
00S1 1
0S 1
0S1 $
S $
Is my solution correct or I am missing something?
0n1n is not a regular language; regexen don't have variables like n and they cannot enforce an equal number of repetitions of two distinct subsequences. Nonetheless, for any context-free grammar, the set of viable prefixes is a regular language. (A proof of this fact, in some form, appears at the beginning of Part II of Donald Knuth's seminal 1965 paper, On the Translation of Languages from Left to Right, which demonstrated both a test for the LR(k) property and an algorithm for parsing LR(k) grammars in linear time.)
OK, to the actual question. A viable prefix for a grammar is (by definition) the prefix of a sentential form which can appear on the stack during a parse using that grammar. It's called "viable" (which means "still alive" or "could continue growing") precisely because it must be the prefix of some right sentential form whose suffix contains no non-terminal symbol. In other words, there exists a sequence of terminals which can be appended to the viable prefix in order to produce a right-sentential form; the viable prefix can grow.
Knuth shows how to create a DFA which produces all viable prefixes, but it's easier to see this DFA if we already have the LR(k) parser produced by an LR(k) algorithm. That parser is a finite-state machine whose alphabet is the set of terminal and non-terminal symbols of a grammar. To get the viable-prefix grammar, we use exactly the same state machine, but we remove the stack (so that it becomes just a state machine) and the reduce actions, leaving only the shift and goto actions as transitions. All states in the viable-prefix machine are accepting states, since any prefix of a viable prefix is itself a viable prefix.
A key feature of this new automaton is that it cannot extend a prefix with a reduce action (since we removed all the reduce actions). A prefix with a reduce action is a prefix which ends in a handle -- recall that a handle is the right-hand side of some production -- so another definition of a viable prefix is that it is a right-sentential form (that is, a possible step in a derivation) which does not extend beyond the right-most handle.
The grammar you are working with has only two productions, so there are only two handles, 01 and 0S1. Note that 10 and 1S cannot be subsequences of any right-sentential form, nor can a right-sentential form contain more than one S. Any right-sentential form must either be a sentence 0n1n or a sentential form 0nS1n where n>0. But every handle ends at the first 1 of a sentential form, and so a viable prefix must end at or before the first 1. This produces precisely the four possibilities you list, which we can condense to the regular expression 0*0(S1?)?.
Chopping off the suffix removed the second n from the formula, so there is no longer a requirement of concordance and the language is regular.
Questions like this and their answers are begging to be rendered using MathJax. StackOverflow, unfortunately, does not provide this extension, which is apparently considered unnecessary for programming. However, there is a site in the StackExchange constellation dedicated to computing science questions, http://cs.stackexchange.com, and another one dedicated to mathematical questions, http://math.stackexchange.com. Formal language theory is part of both computing science and mathematics. Both of those sites permit MathJax, and questions on those sites will not be closed because they are not programming questions. I suggest you take this information into account for questions like this one.

Antlr: lookahead and lookbehind examples

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to recognize some text only if it is preceded and followed by certain things. The task is to recognize AND, OR, and NOT, but not if they're part of a word:
They should be recognized here:
x AND y
but not here:
AND gets recognized if it is surrounded by spaces or parentheses. NOT gets recognized if it is at the beginning of the input, preceded by a space, and followed by a space or parenthesis.
The trouble is that if I include parentheses as part of the definition of AND or NOT, they get consumed, and I need them to be separate tokens.
Is there some kind of lookahead/lookbehind syntax I can use?
Per the comments, here's some context. The problem is related to this problem: Antlr: how to match everything between the other recognized tokens? My working solution there is just to recognize AND, OR, etc. and skip everything else. Then, in a second pass over the text, I manually grab the characters not otherwise covered, and run a totally different tokenizer on it. The reason is that I need a custom, human-language-specific tokenizer for this content, which means that I can't, in advance, describe what is an ID. Each human language is different. I want to combine, in stages, a single query-language tokenizer, and then apply a human-language tokenizer to what's left.
ANTLR is not the right tool for this task. A normal parser is designed for a specific language, that is, a set of sentences consisting of elements that are known at parser creation time. There are ways to make this more flexible, e.g. by using a runtime function in a predicate to recognize words not defined in the grammar, but this has other (negative) implications.
What you should consider is NLP for a different approach to process natural language. It's more than just skipping things between two known tokens.

Parsing text that requires lookahead using nom

tl;dr: I'm struggling to find documentation or examples of text parsers that require lookahead using nom.
Long version
I'm using nom to parse 6502 assembly. I'm struggling with creating a parser that can parse the various addressing modes. Any given opcode will have the following format:
Where XXX is a three-character mnemonic and AM is the operand. The operand can take many forms and is referred to as the "addressing mode." I've defined an enum for the operands, an enum for the addressing modes, and an OpCode tuple struct containing these values, which is ultimately the result returned when parsing.
The addressing mode can be omitted completely, in which case the addressing mode is Implied, it can have a literal value of A, which is the Accumulator addressing mode.
Many of the addressing modes refer to memory locations, and it's these addressing modes I'm struggling to parse. In particular, if an addressing mode specifies a single byte in the form of $00, it is a ZeroPage addressing mode, whereas an operand specifying two bytes in the form of $0000 is an Absolute addressing mode. To complicate the matter, there are indexed variants of these addressing modes in the form of $00,X, $00,Y, $0000,X, etc.
Are there any good examples of existing text parsers that would illustrate the correct way to parse values that all start similarly ($00...) but are differentiated by how they end? The nom documentation is not very comprehensive, and the best example I've found is the INI parser, which isn't doing anything as complex as I'm trying to accomplish. I've also look at the syn source code, but it's using a lot of custom macros and is a pretty complex beast, making it hard to learn from.
One way of doing this is with the alt!() macro.
The idea is have a parser which tries each alternative in sequence. So if you already have parsers for each of the addressing modes separately, you can combine them into a parser for any of them:
// The sub-parsers all return Operand too.
named!(parse_operand<&str, Operand>,
alt!(parse_absolute_indexed |
parse_absolute |
parse_zeropage_indexed |
parse_zeropage |
Some notes:
The order may be important; I've put parse_absolute after parse_absolute_indexed since the former would match the initial part of the operand and return too early.
A variant would be to include the end of line (including comments if applicable) matching into each sub parser. Then it couldn't match early.
If you're parsing to the end of the input without a byte/character which terminates the pattern (such as a newline) then you may need to use alt_complete!() instead of alt!(). The reason for this is that if you try matching ADD $00, the parser which might match ADD $0000 has to assume that it might still match if more input arrives, and alt!() won't then skip to the next case. Using alt_complete!(), or alternatively wrapping the inner matchers in complete!(), is saying that an incomplete match is a non-match.
If the parsers were very complicated it might mean doing extra work (trying each parse in sequence) compared to a parser generated by eg the venerable yacc, but I don't think it's an issue in this case.

How flex handle ambiguous patterns

I want to use flex to handle patterns. In this case, both constant and function name are alphabetical strings that begin with an uppercase letter.
For example, in
Mother(Liz, Bob), how can I differentiate Mother and Liz?
I want ( to be a single token, so I can not regard Mother( as a pattern.
Normally, it would be unnecessary to generate different token types for different kinds of identifier. The parser shouldn't need that distinction if the different uses can be distinguished syntactically. (If you need semantic information to differentiate, and a sentence could be ambiguous without that information, then you might need semantic feedback but that does not appear to be the case here.)
If you don't have a parser, you would need to do some syntactic analysis. Say, for example, that function names are always followed by a ( -- which means that your language doesn't allow higher order functions. Then you could write a wrapper around yylex which reads one token in advance and emits a FUNCTION_NAME or CONSTANT_NAME, depending on the following token.
