How can I express "composition" in Protégé? - ontology

I'm building an ontology in Protégé for data sharing management in IoT environments. For this purpose I want to create a package that contains the observation (raw data), information on its provenance, and the licence that the data consumer will need to accept and respect to be able to use the ressource. The aim of our project is to make this "package" the entity that will be circling between users rather than just the raw data, and therefor for the data owner/producer to not completely lose his ownership once his data is shared.
In order to do this, I created rather spontaneously a class named "Package" composed of three disjointed classes which are: the observation, its provenance information, and the generated licence. However, I realized that this does not mean "a package is composed of those three elements", but rather "each one of those three elements is a package", which is not at all what I'm seeking.
Is there a way to express the composition, without (for example) having to create an Object Property named "isComposedOf" ?
Thank you in advance for your time. Please don't hesitate if you need other details


Zanzibar doubts about Tuple + Check Api. (authzed/spicedb)

We currently have a home grown authz system in production that uses opa/rego policy engine as core for decision making(close to what netflix done). We been looking at Zanzibar rebac model to replace our opa/policy based decision engine, and AuthZed got our attention. Further looking at AuthZed, we like the idea of defining a schema of "resource + subject" types and their relations (like OOP model). We like the simplicity of using a social-graph between resource & subject to answer questions. But the more we dig-in and think about real usage patterns, we get more questions and missing clarity in some aspects. I put down those thoughts below, hope it's not confusing...
[tuple-data] resource data/metadata must be continuously added into the authz-system in the form of tuple data.
e.g. doc{org,owner} must be added as tuple to populate the relation in the decision-graph. assume, i'm a CMS system, am i expected to insert(or update) the authz-engine(tuple) for for every single doc created in my cms system for lifetime?.
resource-owning applications are kept in hook(responsible) for continuous keep-it-current updates.
how about old/stale relation-data(tuples) - authz-engine don't know they are stale or's burnded to tidy it?.
[check-api] - autzh check is answered by graph walking mechanism - [resource--to-->subject] traverse path.
these is no dynamic mixture/nature in decision making - like rego-rule-script to decide based on json payload.
how to do dynamic decision based on json payload?
You're correct about the application being responsible for the authorization data it "owns". If you intend to have a unique role/relationship for each document in your system, then you do need to write/delete those relationships as the referenced resources (or the roles on them, more likely) change, but if you are using an RBAC-like design for your schema, you'd have to apply these role changes anyway; you'd just apply them to SpiceDB, instead of to your database. Likewise, if you have a relationship between say, a document and its parent organization, you do have to write/delete those as well, but that should only occur when the document is created or deleted.
In practice, unless you intend to keep the relationships in both your database and in SpiceDB (which some users do), you'll generally only have to write them to one or the other. If you do intend to apply them to both, you can either just perform the updates to both at the same time, or use an outbox-like pattern to synchronize behind the scenes.
Having to be proactive in your applications about storing data in a centralized system is necessary for data consistency. The alternative is federated systems that reach into other services. Federated systems come with the trade-offs of being eventually consistent and can also suffer from priority inversion. I presented on the centralized vs federate trade-offs in a bit of depth and other design aspects of authorization systems in my presentation on the cloud native authorization landscape.
Caveats are a new feature in SpiceDB that enable dynamic policy to be enforced on the relationship graph. Caveats are defined using Google's Common Expression Language, which a language used for policy in other cloud-native projects like Kubernetes. You can also use caveats to make relationships that eventually expire, if you want to take some of book-keeping out of your app code.

How to track origin in Hyperledger fabric UTXO tokens

I have a question related to Hyperledger fabric blockchain data model. I need to handle two types of objects, and for each one of them I'll probably need a separate smart contract to load the data related to each type of object, and handle that data.
For instance, lets say I need a smart contract to handle tokens that represent pencils, so that they can be transferred from one account to another. And lets say that I also need a separate smart contract to handle the trees that were involved in the creation of the pencils, because first I need to process the data about the trees, to later issue the corresponding UTXO-tokens in the channel.
Lets suppose that, for every tree that is added into the blockchain, 100 pencil tokens should be issued.
I'm going to be using the UTXO token provided by Hyperledger fabric in to handle the pencil tokens, which already provides functions to "mint" and "transfer" tokens, but I need some insight in how to relate the logic between this smart contract and the contract to process the trees in the ledger. It would be ideal to stablish a way of tracking the pencil tokens, providing a functionality to proof that they were created from a particular tree.
Any information or tips on how to do this will be highly appreciated.
The UTXO model is used for tracking fungible tokens, that is, tokens that are identical and interchangeable. If you want to track the source of your pencils, then they are not identical and interchangeable, so you should instead consider a non-fungible token model where each asset can have unique properties. For example each pencil could have a unique identifier (key) with a set of JSON properties (value), where the source tree is one of the JSON properties. See the asset transfer samples for ideas around modeling and tracking non-fungible assets with properties.

Access 2016 - Easy multiple user database?

Is there an easy way to set up a database that's accessible to several people that can do all the things a single user would do?
I'm studying Database 101 and I am currently doing a project with four other people and we're having trouble meeting up and doing it so it would be great if we could do it from wherever.
When I say "easy way" I mean without having the super-ultra-deluxe-enterprise-edition of software.
Can it be done with a "local" Dropbox folder?
What you can do at zero cost is to have one project master.
Distribute a copy to each member. Each will have to do completely separate tasks, like one for designing a form, one for adjusting a report, one for some code module, one for another code module.
When done, in the evening or what you agree upon, you collect the different versions with a list of what objects has been changed or added. Import these in your master, and then distribute this to the members as the current revised working copy.
It takes some discipline, but that's all. And all masters you save as a zip given a filename including the date and time. This way, nothing can get lost.

Saving different sets of values of variables with a changing structure

I have several sets of values (factory setting, user setting...) for a structure of variables and these values are saved in a binary file. So when I want to apply certain setting I just load the specific file containing desired values and these values are applied to the variables accordingly to the structure. This works fine when the structure of variables doesn't change.
I can't figure out how to do it when I add a variable but need to retain the values of the rest (when a structure in a program changes, I need to change the files so that they would contain the new values accordingly to the new structure and at the same time keep the old ones).
I'm using a PLC system that is written in ST language. But I'm looking for some overall approach for solving this issue.
Thank you.
This is not an easy task to provide a solution that is generic and works with different plc platforms. There are many different ways to accomplish this depending on the system/interface you actually want to use e.g. PLC Source Code / OPC / ADS / MODBUS / special functions, addins from the vendor and there are some more possibilities e.g. language features on the PLC. I wrote three solutions to this with C#/ST(with OOP Extensions) and ADS/OPC communication, one with source code parsing first in C#, the other with automatic generation from PLC side and another with an automatic registration system of the parameters with an EntityFramework compatible Database as ParameterStore. If you don't want to invest too much time in this you should try out the parameter management systems that are provided by your plc vendor and live by those restrictions.

How do you implement a multiculture web application

I believe several of us have already worked on a project where not only the UI, but also data has to be supported in different languages. Such as - being able to provide and store a translation for what I'm writing here, for instance.
What's more, I also believe several of us have some time-triggered events (such as when expiring membership access) where user location should be taken into account to calculate, like, midnight according to the right time-zone.
Finally there's also the need to support Right to Left user interfaces accoring to certain languages and the use of diferent encodings when reading submitted data files (parsing text and excel data, for instance)
Currently I'm storing all my translations for all my entities on a single table (not so pratical as it is very hard to find yourself when doing sql queries to look into a problem), setting UI translations mainly on satellite assemblies and not supporting neither time zones nor right to left design.
What are your experiences when dealing with these challenges?
I assume most people think that this level of multiculture requirement is just like building a huge project. As a matter of fact if you tihnk about an online survey where:
Answers will collected only until
Questionnaire definition and part of
the answers come from a text file
(in any language) as well as
Questions and response options must
be displayed in several languages,
according to who is accessing it
Reports also have to be shown and
generated in several different
As one can see, we do not have to go too far in an application to have this kind of requirements.
Just found out my question is a duplicate
i18n in your projects
The first answer (when ordering by vote) is so compreheensive I have to get at least a part of it implemented someday.
Be very very cautious. From what you say about the i18n features you're trying to implement, I wonder if you're over-reaching.
Notice that the big boy (e.g. eBay,, yahoo, bbc) web applications actually deliver separate apps in each language they want to support. Each of these web applications do consume a common core set of services. Don't be surprised if the business needs of two different countries that even speak the same language (e.g. UK & US) are different enough that you do need a separate app for each.
On the other hand, you might need to become like the next It's difficult to deliver a successful web application in one language, much less many. You should not be afraid to favor one user population (say, your Asian-language speakers) over others if this makes sense for your web app's business needs.
Go slow.
Think everything through, then really think about what you're doing again. Bear in mind that the more you add (like Right to Left) the longer your QA cycle will be.
The primary piece to your puzzle will be extensive use of interfaces on the code side, and either one data source that gets passed through a translator to whichever languages need to be supported, or separate data sources for each language.
The time issues can be handled by the interfaces, because presumably you will want things to function in the same fashion, but differ in the implementation details. To a large extent, a similar thought process can be applied to the creation of the interface when adjusting it to support differing languages. When you get down to it, skinning is exactly this, where the content being skinned is the interface, and the look/feel is the implementation.
Do what your users need. For instance, most programmer understand English, there is no sense to translate posts on this site. If many of your users need a translation, add a new table column with the language id, and another column to link a translated row to its original. If your target auditory contains the users from the Middle East, implement Right to Left. If time precision is critical up to an hour, add a time zone column to the user table, and so on.
If you're on *NIX, use gettext. Most languages I've used have some level of support; PHP's is pretty good, for instance.
I'll describe what has been done in my project (it wasn't my original architecture but I liked it anyways)
Providing Translation Support
Text which needs to be translated have been divided into three different categories:
Error text: Like errors which happen deep in the application business layer
UI Text: Text which is shown in the User interface (labels, buttons, grid titles, menus)
User-defined Text: text which needs to be translatable according to the final user's preferences (that is - the user creates a question in a survey and he can also create a translated version of that survey)
For each different cathegory the schema used to provide translation service is different - so that we have:
Error Text: A library with static functions which access resource files
UI Text: A "Helper" class which, linked to the view engine, provides translations from remote assemblies
User-defined Text: A table in the database which provides translations (according to typeID of the translated entity and object id) and is linked to the entity via a 1 x N relationship
I haven't, however, attacked the other obvious problems such as dealing with time zones, different layouts and picture translation (if this is really necessary). Does anyone have tackled this problem in a different way?
Has anyone ever tackled the other i18n problems?
