Why is my pyautogui not working in Spyder? - spyder

I am attempting to make a clicker with pyautogui, and I DID do the pip download. I tried redownloading it but it says "requirements already satisfied" and that I already have it.
When I run this code:
import pyautogui
import time
def click():
This is the console output:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyautogui'
Now this could be an incredibly stupid mistake on my end... but I cannot figure out for the life of me why this wouldn't work.
In case it is relevant, I am running this on Spyder and as far as I can tell nobody else has issues with this module on Spyder.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!!!


Ruby : Cannot load such file --ruby2d (LoadError)

I'm new to Ruby,Writing some code to make a game,so using ruby2d library.
Got an error while writing some basic code.
Help me out Folks.
require 'ruby2d'
set background: "Navy"
Image of the error coming up in vscode terminal
After searching for the above problem on various sites,Finally my problem got resolved.
So,All the folks who would come across the same problem.
Here's the Solution
{ Do as it is as written in the article for the Linux users
2)gem install ruby2d
Yippe, Everything works well! After this.

Suddenly manim doesnt run

I've installed manim recently and run many animations so far, but a few hours ago I realized that even the simplest code that used to run no longer does. I must have messed up somewhere without realizing it... This is what I get every time:
AttributeError: module 'manimlib' has no attribute 'constants'
Any ideas? Thanks a lot in advance!!
Not a master on this topic, but there is a file named 'constants.py' inside the manimlib folder that can be possibly missing or damaged... try replacing it with the original one: https://github.com/3b1b/manim/blob/master/manimlib/constants.py

Deleted .bash_profile, Ruby on Rails

I've made a series of mistakes so I will walk you through what happened.
Something was obviously wrong with my bash (or so I assume, maybe I am wrong) because every time I opened a new terminal window I had to reinstall Ruby to the newest version as well as reinstall Rails completely.
Finally I decided to reinstall RVM and when I checked the version it was telling me my PATH was off. I tried fixing my PATH but was told that 'export: Command not found'. So I deleted my .bash_profile assuming it would reset. Everything seemed dandy at first because when I checked the RVM version again it didn't give me the PATH warning (now I think I realize that's because there was absolutely no path).
To further complicate matters I had previously made my .bashrc reference my .bash_profile, so no love there either.
Could someone please help point me in the right direction to rebuild my .bash_profile, I think from there I can follow the Rails Installfest (http://installfest.railsbridge.org/installfest/osx_rvm), but please correct me if I'm wrong.
Also attached is a picture of my current terminal, which looks like something is off. Actually apparently I can't post pictures so I will tell you, before my prompt in terminal it reads "[username:~] username%"
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'd really like to get in to coding and not let this stop me but I don't know where else to turn...!

Add ng-Table ao Meanjs

I'm trying to add a third module for use.
The module is the ng-table.
When I add the module in applicationModuleVendorDependencies returned one dependency injection error.
Am I not doing the right thing?
Someone has already implemented the ngTable using the yeoman generator MEANJS?
Seeing the code would have been the best thing so that I can get to know what you exactly doing wrong or forgot to do, but I think either one or more of the following could be the cause
you forgot to include it in your lib files in the config > env > development.js
the library is not install yet
or just a small typo somewhere
but I strongly suspect it would be the first point, as I have used it before, and worked just fine with meanJS

Psych Error: `parse': (<unknown>): could not find expected

`':' while scanning a simple key at line 16 column 1(Psych::SyntaxError)
I'm working on a Rails application tutorial and have had the above error come up several times. When I was getting this error it seemed to only be a problem if I used one particular terminal window. I have since restarted the computer and now it is a problem regardless of what I do.
I went to the project on github and copied the information in 'secrets.yml' into my file in case that was the issue but doesn't help. In fact I'm not sure if that is even the file causing the problem because when I shift the code in that file and save it I still get the same error; at those times it points to a line that is now blank in the 'secrets.yml'
now I am getting this when i run this command
rails generate simple_form:install --foundation
-bash: $: command not found.
only change I did was start the code in 'secrets.yml' lower down, and i added a secret key to my .bash_profile, as it was suggested in tutorial and I had not done it before, and thought that might be the problem.
Update 2
shut down terminal and tied again and getting the original problem "psyche Error" Yes, thank you for your feedback, I too, although not sure why, suspect it is to do with the 'secret' file or could it be changes the tutorial told me to make to my .bash_profile. The instructions were not very clear, wondering if that is where I messed up. If that is so then I would not know how to fix that.
The Psych gem is the wrapper around libyaml and used within Ruby's YAML class, so it's not surprising you think it could be the 'secrets.yml'; a YAML config file. I'd stay the course and find what isn't being formatted correctly.
