Failed to resolve: com.github.denzcoskun:ImageSlideshow:0.1.0 - androidimageslider

I am trying to use ImageSlider library from this github
But always failed to resolve when trying to sync the project implementation
Anyone can help me?

maven { url '' }
Paste it inside your settings.gradle file.


How to place swiftlint config file in Swift Package?

In our app we are using cocoapods to keep our config file in a private repo and access the file in build phase like this
"${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint" --config $CONFIG_FILE
Now we are thinking of moving the config file to a swift package, can anyone help to determine how to give a path to the config file in the swift package?
Bit of a hack, but you might be able to use:
The above answer didn't work but this did

Slack Uploader Plugin: Jenkins can't find file location

i have an issue that Jenkins can't file location after build the apk. Even though i already set the file location in the right place see the picture. Can you help me?
write full path your .apk
this error is occured it can't found your file

Error while using gulp in semantic-ui

I have the error
cannot find UI defintion at path
I have changed the theme to amazon at theme.config file but when run Gulp i receive this error. Can anyone please help
To fix this issue, change line 61 in the file tasks.js from /.\/themes\/.?(?=\/)/mg to .*(\/|\)themes(\/|\).*?(?=(\/|\)) and rebuild.


I'm trying to retrieve the library for Google Reporting API:
compile ''
but I got an unresolved dependencies error and I don't know what to do with it:
:: commons-codec#commons-codec;1.6: configuration not found in commons-codec#commons-codec;1.6: 'master'. It was required from org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.0.1 compile
I checked the .grails\ivy-cache\ folder and there's a commons-codec folder with jars of commons-codec-1.5, few xml files ivy-1.5.xml and ivy-1.6.xml and and I also tried to delete the whole ivy-cache folder, but the result is the same.
In my grails project i solved it by deleting the folder "commons-codec" from the ivy-cache. The dependency was new loaded then and the error was solved.
Just right after writing my question, I found an answer. Changing the "compile" scope to "build" should resolve the error:
build ''
Actually this solved my previous problem, but raised another one :) A "build" scope includes the library only when compiling, but not at runtime! So I didn't have google-api-services-analytics available when deployed to Tomcat. My final and working solution is:
dependencies {
def googleLibVersion = "1.17.0-rc"
compile("${googleLibVersion}") {
excludes "commons-codec"
compile("${googleLibVersion}") {
excludes "commons-codec"
Removing .ivy2/cache/ helped me resolving the dependencies.

How to create plugin in neo4j?

I created plugin in neo4j by next steps:
1) create *.class from *.java (copile with Eclipse)
2) put *.class into .../org/neo4j/server/plugins/
3) create *.jar (using jar)
4) put into *.jar/META-INF/services/ file "org.neo4j.server.plugins.ServerPlugin" with text "org.neo4j.server.plugins.TransportRouter".
5) put *.jar into .../neo4j/plugins/
6) restart server
But my plugin do not see in "extensions" ("curl localhost:7474/db/data/").
TIA, Eugeny.
Adding this answer for the benefit of others. I had similar problem but it was not a issue with the code. You need to make sure neo4j server is stopped before you copy the jar in plugins directory. If you copy it before its stopped then restart it. It will not work. I tried this on both 1.8.2 and 1.9.2
Simple steps to be added for installing plugin
Stop the neo4j server
Copy the plugin jar file in plugins directory.
start the neo4j server
Your plugin should be detected. This issue was reproducible with the example plugin GetAll as well. Hope this helps others.
Eugeny can you list the content of the jar jar tf your-jar.jar and the source code of your class.
Do you depend on any other libraries?
please see the Neo4j manual for the needed steps.
Problem was solved.
It's my error in initialization of my class:
public TransportRouter( EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase graphdb ) {
It was replaced by:
public TransportRouter() {
