How to create plugin in neo4j? - neo4j

I created plugin in neo4j by next steps:
1) create *.class from *.java (copile with Eclipse)
2) put *.class into .../org/neo4j/server/plugins/
3) create *.jar (using jar)
4) put into *.jar/META-INF/services/ file "org.neo4j.server.plugins.ServerPlugin" with text "org.neo4j.server.plugins.TransportRouter".
5) put *.jar into .../neo4j/plugins/
6) restart server
But my plugin do not see in "extensions" ("curl localhost:7474/db/data/").
TIA, Eugeny.

Adding this answer for the benefit of others. I had similar problem but it was not a issue with the code. You need to make sure neo4j server is stopped before you copy the jar in plugins directory. If you copy it before its stopped then restart it. It will not work. I tried this on both 1.8.2 and 1.9.2
Simple steps to be added for installing plugin
Stop the neo4j server
Copy the plugin jar file in plugins directory.
start the neo4j server
Your plugin should be detected. This issue was reproducible with the example plugin GetAll as well. Hope this helps others.

Eugeny can you list the content of the jar jar tf your-jar.jar and the source code of your class.
Do you depend on any other libraries?
please see the Neo4j manual for the needed steps.

Problem was solved.
It's my error in initialization of my class:
public TransportRouter( EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase graphdb ) {
It was replaced by:
public TransportRouter() {


Configuring Packer with Neovim

I'm trying to switch over my current setup for Neovim (using Vim Plug) to Packer and I'm having trouble.
My Neovim is loaded from ~/.config/nvim/init.lua which sources all of my plugin and other settings. They live mostly inside of a ~/lua folder (the "main Imports") section of my configuration, including my actual plug-plugins.lua file that references all of my plugins.
-- Main Imports
Later in the same init.lua file, I'm sourcing plugin specific settings for all of these plugins. In order to get my directory working currently, I'm installing everything with :PlugInstall and it works fine.
-- Plugin-specific settings
Installing Packer
The installation steps for Packer are pretty sparse, and merely state that you should clone the repository to somewhere in your "packpath" but I'm not really clear what that means. When I'm inside Neovim, and I press :set packpath? I get the following paths:
This makes me think that I'm able to just clone the respository to ~/.config/nvim which is the first path listed. I'm not really sure what to do next though, or if this is even right.
Can anyone help? What are the basic steps to getting Packer installed (I'm on MacOS 11.6).
i did recently moved from vim-plug to packer, as per docs when you do git clone of the repo the path provided in readme for installation is ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer.After successful clone you can start using packer in your plugins.lua as below.
return require('packer').startup(function()
use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim'
you can check the installation by running :PackerSync this will fetch (git clone) the plugin in to the packerpath which is ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer
Hope this is what you looking for?
I had the exact same situation and it turned out to just be a naming conflict. I had named my local nvim config file lua/packer.lua and changing that fixed the issue.

Neo4J 4 + Apoc : Unable to set up injection for procedure 'Static'

Getting the following error on neo4j server startup with the apoc plugin.
Have copied the jar to the plugins folder.
Caused by:
org.neo4j.kernel.api.exceptions.ComponentInjectionException: Unable to
set up injection for procedure 'Static', the field 'apocConfig' has
type 'class apoc.ApocConfig' which is not a known injectable component
Neo4j version: 4.0.4
Apoc version:
What could be the problem?
I would suggest reviewing the installation procedure to see if you missed any steps,
Also, double check the java version that neo4j is using, and check if there are any other local java environment factors specific to this install. class paths, other jars, etc.
We were having the same issue with neo4j 4.x and custom plugin folder.
Updating custom plugin folder in neo4j config didn't work, we had to add folder (or extension) into java CP (classpath) as well.
It worked in 3.x neo4j version without adding a folder into the classpath.
Try to make sure that you have plugins folder listed in -cp and might work for you.
Similar to Ilija's problem, our embedded database (using Eclipse with the Maven plugin) did not like our custom plugin folder.
Since the database was for setup and then deployment (effectively 2 separate things), we could move the database from the default Neo4j directory after it was setup.
As a test, you could delete the contents of your plugin folder and see if it works then.

Quartz versioning issue with jboss

I m having quartz 1.7.3 in .grails/plugins folder in development environment
where in grails/web-inf/lib i have quartz-1.8.4.jar version
It works properly in development sts 3.1.0 IDE version
When i moved the same to production environment by creating war directory in the war folder it includes both 1.7.3 and quartz-1.8.4.jar files at .war/web-inf/lib/
where in jboss/server/default/lib contains quartz.jar (i.e. 1.5.2 comes with by default jboss)
now i m facing issue in invoking quartz jobs on start up and afterwards
same thing is working without changing anything in other server only i m facing the compatibility after putting logs in config.groovy i came to know the error.
I tried to put one jar from 1.7 or 1.8 in web-inf/lib still didn't worked
I did put the 1.5.2 version in web-inf/lib folder still i m facing compatibility issue
Any idea/suggestions
If i remember,
You need to check the quatz tables in the db, may in the other server ther not exist in the db or somting like that..
Tables are starting QURTZ_?
There is somting like 5-7 tables in the db.
There was versioning issue as more than one jar of diff versions were getting conflicting came to know after switching to logging in the system. As there were one more jar included in jboss-web-deplyer/lib directory after removing that jar the problem got resolved.
Thanks for the help.

Cannot run Grails from command prompt

I’ve added a GRAILS_HOME environment variable, which points to the folder in which I extracted the Grails distribution zip, and I’ve added %GRAILS_HOME%\bin to my path. Yet after I open a new command prompt, the “grails” command is still not found. Does anyone have any clue as to why this is happening?
I’m running Grails 2.2 on Windows 7.
I have the same problem on Windows 7 64 bit and Grails version 2.*
By removing local neither maven repository nor installed plugins repository doesn't help.
I found - just set properties of %GRAILS_HOME%/bin/grails.bat and startGrails.bat as Run in compatibility mode: Windows XP (Service Pack 3).
To do that You need to have local PC Administrators rights.
have you create JAVA_HOME in there?
Maybe you are experiencing [STS-2530] Problem deploying Grails App if workspace path has a space. Jira shows the issue as resolved but it would not hurt to check that you do not have a space in your workspace path as it my trip up grails.
Do the following.
Go to your command prompt, execute the Path command. If everything has been set right your paths should show up as complete paths starting with C:... If the paths show up with the % sign that means your paths need to be set correctly. I did noticed that in your example you have used the forward slash - I am assuming that is a typo, because that will be a problem.
Another way to trouble shoot the issue is CD to the location C:\Grails\bin, execute the command grails.bat, if it executes you are in a good place that means you have to tweak your paths - following this path might give you a clue about other issues....
You might want to check the bin folder of your grails installation. The grails.bat file could be missing. I had this problem today and solved it by downloading the zip file again.

How do I upgrade the Grails version for an existing application?

I have an example Grails application (from Grails in Action) that was created a while ago under version 1.1.1 on a different PC.
I am now loading Grails 1.2.0 and want to revisit the app. However, when I try to run it I get this message:
Application expects grails version [1.1.1], but GRAILS_HOME is version [1.2.0] - use the correct Grails version or run 'grails upgrade' if this Grails version is newer than the version your application expects.
After reading around a bit I cleared out the 1.2.0 folder under .grails in my home directory (from previous attempts while exploring the issue), ran "grails clean" and "grails upgrade" (answering "y" where prompted).
However, I consistently get "Invalid duplicate class definition" conflicts between classes in \grails\qotd\src\java and \grails\qotd\grails-app{controllers,services,conf}.
Are there any additional manual steps that I need to perform?
I understood your problem.
The solution is just modify the grails vesion to 1.2.0 in file in your application
If, as you pointed out in the comments, your /src/java contains .groovy files - that could definitely cause unexpected behavior. I haven't hit your particular issue, but any time I had a .groovy file mismatched with the class name inside it, I'd get strange compilation issues - so I guess you could be having a similar issue.
If you have files / classes with the same names in two locations, that's the likely culprit. If you have .groovy files in /src/java, that's another potential source.
Also, putting BootStrap, Config, DataSource and URLMappings into /src/java, that's another potential source of issues. I'd clear out your /src/java by making sure all the files are in their appropriate places under grails-app.
You can upgrade grails version with 5 steps
Project -> Clean -> Change app.grails.version
Your project -> Properties -> Grails -> Change grails installation
to new grails version.
Your project -> Grails tools -> Refresh Dependencies
I think this may be help you
