How can I create a Vue sub-site or route handler within an ASP.NET MVC (non core) app? -

I maintain an ASP.NET MVC web application that uses the conventional MVC architecture except for any route that starts with /admin, which is handled by an older WebForms architecture. The MVC and WebForms code coexist in the same .NET 4.8 Framework project, and the user of the site can't even tell there's any difference, because the styling is the same and we use url prettifying tricks so that you can request /admin/something rather than /admin/Something.aspx.
This all works fine, except that WebForms is really showing its age and now we want to port the admin stuff to Vue. But I can't figure out how to deploy Vue such that it has the same coexistence with MVC.
I know that I could continue to use Razor pages and add Vue with a script tag, progressive enhancement style, but I think that makes it impossible to use single file components, which is one of the Vue features that seems important.
It seems like the most functional way to use Vue is to create a proper Vue site, with build step tooling, but how can I do this within an existing MVC project and just delegate one route to the new code, and port other routes over as needed?


Vue and .NET Core integration (+authentication) choice

As far as I understand that, there are two major options for Vue and .NET Core integration within single MVC/Razor project.
Option 1.
MVC/Razor-rendered non-reactive page is used for authentication with built-in ASP.NET Identity. Vue is not involved for authentication/authorization at all. As soon as users are authenticated, they are redirected to another MVC/Razor page that is used as a HTML template for Vue. It’s possible to combine MVC/Razor rendering and Vue. For example, user name on the top of the page can be rendered by MVC but button actions and data tables will be further processed by Vue. It’s possible to use many pages (so it will be MPA, not SPA), it comes naturally. Using *.vue files is not possible. MVC routing seems to be primary routing option (not sure, would be possible to combine with Vue routing and whether any needs for that). Vue JS files can reside anywhere in the project, for example, can be bound to the HTML pages similarly as CS files in Razor pages do (and it’s nice). Then, all these JS files along with Vue itself can be bundled to the wwwroot by Webpack. Vue CLI is not available but seems there is no need for that.
Option 2.
MVC/Razor is not used for rendering user pages at all. Authentication occurs by third-party solutions like IdentityServer and with Vue-managed pages. .NET Core is used exclusively as a WebAPI for Vue and to hold a project. Vue part is totally independent from the MVC/Razor part, they even render pages to the different HTTP ports so proxy is needed to convert Vue HTTP port to the MVC/Razor HTTP port to make Vue works in the single project. We can use either Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Extensions or NuGet third-party VueCliMiddleware for that. All Vue files typically reside within a ClientApp folder and then are building to the wwwroot folder. Using *.vue files is possible. Vue CLI is available and recommended to scaffold new application to the ClientApp folder (but further CLI seems is not needed). Vue router seems to be the only option for routing. SPA seems to be the primary choice as a structure (not sure, whether MPA is readily available option). Webpack is still used for building Vue app from the ClientApp to the wwwroot.
I started mu Vue journey with Option 1 even without webpack and npm, just with CDN tag on the one of the Razor pages and it works very well. For me Option 1 seems less complex while more flexible. My primary concern is that Microsoft uses Option 2 as a built-in templates for Angular and React in Visual Studio, so I probably is missing something and soon I will be pushed to rewrite my app to the Option 2.
What you guys think which option is better and whether my understanding explained above, is correct?

Is it possible to remove all .Net MVC components in a .Net Web Api application so that I can use AngularJS as the front end?

I'm creating an application with a .Net Web Api project wanting to use pure AngularJS as the client side. Since Web Api is built on top of MVC, it creates MVC specific and default items that I feel is not needed. These items include the HomeController, _ViewStart.cshtml, _layout.cshtml, etc. I tried removing them but it comes up with errors. Has anyone tried to remove the MVC stuff out of the web api project and used separate client side front-end? Is it even possible to remove the MVC items without errors?
Remove RouteConfig.cs from App_Start, remove the Views directory and all sub-directories including the Views internal web.config file. Comment out or delete all the lines in the Global.asax.cs Application_Start method except GlobalConfiguration.Configure(WebApiConfig.Register). Remove the HomeController, add an index.html and any needed Angular scripts and go at it. I also added solution folders to organize my views as reusing the existing Views folders did not work. I'm using VS 2015 but is should work for 2013 also. PWE
Web API is not built on top of MVC.
The default templates bring in MVC for the sake of supporting a help page, but you don't need to use it.
You can start with an empty web project and just check Web API.
The routing piece is server routing and it's part of what maps the URL to Controllers+Actions, it has nothing to do with Angular routing.
As Mike Cheel alluded to, there are no dependencies between MVC and Web API. However, if you use the built-in templates, it's easy to get the impression that the 2 are linked. They include a lot of stuff in these templates because they can't anticipate where you want to go with your project... so they try to cover all the bases.
For your purposes, you would probably be better off to start with an empty project and add only the components that you actually need. For this approach, some of the best tutorials and starter projects are from Taiseer Joudeh's "Bit of Technology" blog. His tutorials helped me to build an "MVC Free" web application from scratch that uses JSON Web Tokens and AngularJS Interceptors for security and Web API 2 and Entity Framework to serve up the data.
He has many tutorials on his website... but you might want to start with "AngularJS Token Authentication using ASP.NET Web API 2, Owin, and Identity". What what.. you didn't ask about security? Well... security is an issue that you will need to confront at some point anyway... and Taiseer presents a nice solution for securing an Angular/Web API application.

Why MVC in Durandal VS project template?

All the action is client side in a SPA app. The Visual Studio Durandal and Hot Towel project templates both serve the SPA out of an ASP.NET MVC application.
What, if anything, does the ASP.NET MVC infrastructure bring to the party? As far I can see all it does is make it hard to serve a WCF Web Service (ajax enabled) out of the project web.
Yet both of the project templates are set up like this. What have I missed?
As a matter of fact, ASP.NET MVC in this template is not necessary. All it does is serve the initial Razor template for the SPA and provides you with the bundling and optimization support of all the client side javascript resources for the application so that when you deploy your application you don't end up with gazillions of HTTP requests from the client to fetch all the .js crap necessary for the application to work. Of course you could perfectly fine have used the bundling feature outside of ASP.NET MVC in a simple and plain ASP.NET web application.
What, if anything, does the ASP.NET MVC infrastructure bring to the party?
See the documentation:
Hot Towel builds on the familiar and powerful ASP.NET MVC structure.
As far I can see all it does is make it hard to serve a WCF Web Service (ajax enabled) out of the project
You can't just right-click your project and add a new WCF Service?

ASP.Net MVC and Web Forms applications using same domain name, but code is kept in separate solutions

I have an old web forms application (.net 3.5) hosted at
I want to build a new ASP.NET MVC (.net 4.0/4.5) application that will also have the domain name
I know I can't have two applications with the same domain and port on IIS.
I have tried adding the MVC app in a virtual directory but hit a bunch of web.config clashes.
I want to keep the two applications separate, i.e. it is not a solution to just add the web forms pages to my MVC application, or to add MVC to the web forms application.
How can I achieve this using IIS 8?
The easiest way to do this is to create your new MVC app and add the folders containing the webforms into it. Queti mentions doing this the other way around, but honestly, it's a massive PITA, as you have to hack around with config files and references.
Once you have your webforms pages in specific folders in the MVC app, simply add exclusions for them from routing in global.asax.cs like so:
Also, seeing as you are (I presume) phasing out the webforms stuff eventually, it's probably best to start from scratch anyway, IMHO. Good luck!
You could add MVC to the current application. The trick is to make sure that the routes do not conflict with the web forms directories otherwise the WebForms will be the ones that handle the request.
This is the process I've followed when migrating Web Forms sites to MVC.
I have had to compromise and put them two apps on separate sub domains with a common cookie.

Mapping .css and image files through even with Integrated Pipeline and MVC 3

I've got some complex routes setup in my mvc 3 project, unit tested and working on development. For the most part they're working with IIS7 and Integrated Pipeline and having mapAllRequests=true.
But I'm also doing some funky routing with 'some' of the requests for images and css. I'm not sure if it's the logic or if it's IIS taking over when it see's css or img files. I want IIS to take over if it finds the static file otherwise send it to the mvc routing, is this possible?
Not with app pool in integrated mode - all requests are passed to the application. By default, MVC does not route requests for static files (it maps url-paths to them just like non-mvc, which is the behavior that you want).
You can change that behavior (routes.RouteExistingFiles = true) if you want to do something special within responses to static files. More info about this property:
ASP.NET MVC RouteExistingFiles question
Considerations when turning on RouteExistingFiles
I hope this helps.
