Programmatically adding an Exchange Online mailbox to Outlook - outlook-redemption

Does Redemption support adding an Exchange Online mailbox to Outlook? I know this can be done for a .pst using NameSpace.AddStoreEx, but can Redemption handle an Exchange Online store?
My goal is to turn off Outlook automapping and programmatically add Exchange Online mailboxes based on delegated permissions.

Yes, Redemption exposes RDOSession.Stores.AddDelegateExchangeMailBoxStore - note that it needs to be able to retrieve the autodiscover XML of that mailbox. It needs to either be cached, or used alongside RDOSession.LogonHostedExhangeMailbox (which takes explicit credentials) or the parent RDOSession object must be used inside the outlook.exe address space (e.g. from a COM addin or Outlook VBA) - this way Redemption can intercept Outlook credentials.

It sounds like you are interested in the NameSpace.GetSharedDefaultFolder method which returns a Folder object that represents the specified default folder for the specified user. This method is used in a delegation scenario, where one user has delegated access to another user for one or more of their default folders (for example, their shared Calendar or any other standard folder). For example:
Sub ResolveName()
Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myRecipient As Outlook.Recipient
Dim CalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myRecipient = myNamespace.CreateRecipient("Dan Wilson")
If myRecipient.Resolved Then
Call ShowCalendar(myNamespace, myRecipient)
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowCalendar(myNamespace, myRecipient)
Dim CalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set CalendarFolder = myNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(myRecipient, olFolderCalendar)
End Sub


OData Model not loaded?

I am using an OData model in my SAP UI5 application. I do the following:
var oView = this.getView();
this._oModel = oView.getModel();
which I thought loaded the model and allowed me to access whatever I needed to inside the model. However whenever I try to get a property using getProperty(path) it returns undefined. I know the path is correct because I used it elsewhere in my application and it worked okay. The model I am using is named "metadata.xml" if that helps.
If you read the documentation provided by SAP talking about OData services (I assume v2), you might find your answer there. Since you are using getProperty(), "you can only access single entities and properties with these methods. To access entity sets, you can get the binding contexts of all read entities via a list binding." Therefore you may want to a read() of the entity set first and then use the results of this read to access whatever property you want.
Link to doc:

How to pass the current user from the Api layer to service layer

in the WebApi I can get the current user using AspIdentity that way
However, The service Layer doesn't know about the AspIdentity. And I don't want to passe the current user as paramettre for all the methodes.
In other word, what pattern I can use to get the current user wherever I want.
The reason for this is to log all the activity the current user is doing in the application.
APIs are intended to be stateless, you may use the current logged in user, but you may have a 3rd party application accessing your API. Because it is stateless the current user is handled differently than with standard web calls.
Long story short: however you're authenticating your API users, you need to pass the username/userID down into the service layer. The good news is that once you have this setup, you can use the same service layer methods for API and non-API calls.
Finally this is how I implemented it.
In the Framework Layer (a comun independent project) I added this:
public interface ICurrentContextProvider<T>
T GetCurrentUser();
In the API I Added the implementation of this interface, something like :
public ApplicationUser GetCurrentUser()
return _usersService.FindByIdAsync(Convert.ToInt64(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId())).Result;
And As the all other layers know about the Framework Layer I can call it anywhere without any reference to AspIdentity and without passing the Current user to all my functions.
Note: I make it a generic because of the following:
1-Framework (common layer) doesn't know about application user
2-I can get any other type from the context like the ApplicationUserId which is Long.

Setting Role Based Permission in code when saving new doc in Umbraco

I am using Umbraco 7.2.8. When a new Document of a specific type is saved, I am hooking into the ContentService.Saved event and I want to be able to set the Public Access to only allow a specific member group access to it. Just like I would do using the Gui here.
I see in the documentation here There are a couple methods like
.AssignContentPermission(IContent content, char permission, IEnumerable userIds)
ReplaceContentPermissions(EntityPermissionSet permissionSet)
which both allow me to pass in a list of userIds users that have access but I am interested in setting the membership groups that have access as well as the Login Page and Error Page. How can I do this?
Used to do it like this. I think it still applies:
Methods are in umbraco.cms.businesslogic.web so make sure you set this for your page
using umbraco.cms.businesslogic.web;
Does that help?

JSF Conversations ?cid - a right mess when someone bookmarks the page?

Working in JBoss AS7, using Conversation Scope to manage the user's interactions within a browser tab.
I note that my pages get ?cid parameters appended. This is great - until the user bookmarks the page then tries to return to it! The Conversation Filter gives a "No such conversation" message.
Is there a better way of managing conversations? Perhaps an implementation or a switch to make it use hidden fields (with appropriate care in AJAX)? Alternatively I'll have to start trying to intercept the Conversation Exception or modify the filter!
- Richard
I'm intercepting the BeforeRestoreView event for other purpose (login handling mainly). You'd think this would work:
* #return true if there is no valid Conversation context.
private boolean conversationNotActive()
Context conversationContext = m_beanManager.getContext(ConversationScoped.class);
return !conversationContext.isActive();
But I can't get the context to ask if if it's active! Will just throw a Try-Catch in for now.
We now take a two pronged approach.
A quite complex conversation manager detects a bad conversation Id and takes appropriate action. It responds currently to the After Restore View event. I'd like to move it earlier but am having problems deriving the view ID at this stage. I've written a JSF to CDI bridge to pass the events to CDI. SeamFaces would do the same, but proved too heavyweight for us.
For a normal GET the Conversation Manager redirects to self without the cid parameter in order to cause a new conversation to be started. For a postback it returns an HTTP 410 error. The detection of dead conversation is as above. We could use a more random conversation Id when we create conversations to try to prevent collision if an ID is reused.
The Conversation Manager will also start a conversation depending on metadata it holds about the pages. (All pages under /forms/ require a conversation in our application). It uses redirect when it does this to ensure that the CID parameter is everywhere it needs to be. This may become unnecessary if I can solve the problem of getting the form ID before RestoreView phase.
We use the browser history API to remove the cid from the user's browser URL window.

ACL on field level in Grails

in our new software project, we have the following requirement: A webpage shall show a set of data. This data shall be editable by some users (assigned to roles, i.e. manager), and only viewable by others. The tricky part is described by an example:
A User-page consists of address data and account information. The addess data shall be editable by the user and the manager and viewable by all users, while account information shall only be viewable by the actual user and the manager.
I have read a lot of information about SpringSecurity. It provides a very good framework to gran permissions on urls and methods and even domain classes. But what I need is field level ACLs. At least, that's what I think at the moment.
So, the question is: How to solve this problem using Grails?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Regards Daniel
Spring Security (Acegi Plugin) is definitely the way to go with Grails.
There is a taglib you can use that will allow a page to be different for different roles such as the following:
<g:ifUserHasRole roles="ROLE_ADMIN">
html code for extra fields
Me, I'd encode it on the domain class, emulating the way GORM has you annotate the domain classes (static access = [field1: "ROLE_USER", field2: "ROLE_ADMIN,ROLE_USER"] as an example). Then build a method your controller could use to redact them for a given user. That method could use the domain class's annotations to decide how to redact it. Then, metaprogram it onto each of the domain classes the way plugins do.
Similarly, write the opposite method to restrict data bindings of params into the domain class, write your own data binding utility method, then metaprogram it onto each domain class as well.
Then you can just use instance.redact(user) or instance.bindData(params, user) to do what you want, and it's practically declarative syntax.
We have a similar situation and use both the ifUserHasRole tag in the gsp to drive the appropriate presentation and the we have a filter that enforces the rules based on the action being called. For example, on user controller we would only allow the management roles to call save action, or if the is the same as the This seemed to be the best option for our situation.
What about creating an ACL class like this:
class ACL(val entry: Entry*) {
def isAccessAllowed(subject: String, permission: String): Boolean = ...
class Entry(val subject: String, val permission: String*)
new ACL(
new Entry("dave", "read", "write"),
new Entry("linda", "read")
(This example is in Scala, because I found it more expressive in this case, but it should be easy to transfer it to Groovy.)
You would then connect an ACL object with the object to be protected.
