which include file has contain "wxEVT_WEBVIEW_LOADED" macro? - erlang

erlang 24.3.3 is used.
From the 24.3.3 document, the wx version is 2.1.3.
I have find 2.1.3's wx.hrl and it doesn't contain the wxEVT_WEBVIEW_LOADED and wxEVT_WEBVIEW_ERROR.
But in the doc, it says
Many of the methods in wxWebView are asynchronous, i.e. they return
immediately and perform their work in the background. This includes
functions such as loadURL/2 and reload/2. To receive notification of
the progress and completion of these functions you need to handle the
events that are provided. Specifically wxEVT_WEBVIEW_LOADED notifies
when the page or a sub-frame has finished loading and
wxEVT_WEBVIEW_ERROR notifies that an error has occurred.
My code is as follows:
Ad = wxWebView:new(Frame,?wxID_ANY,[{size,{1000,1000}}]),
ok = wxWebView:loadURL(Ad,"http://www.baidu.com"),
wxFrame:connect(Ad, ?wxEVT_WEBVIEW_LOADED,[{callback,fun chair_launch_frame:update_webview/2},
wxFrame:connect(Ad, ?wxEVT_WEBVIEW_ERROR,[{callback,fun chair_launch_frame:update_webview/2},
The compiler give error messsage undefined macro 'wxEVT_WEBVIEW_LOADED'


APPIUM Android: Implicit wait and explicit wait are not working

Implicit and explicit waits are not working when automating the native app. driver does not wait for the element to visible. Have already set the implicit wait of 25 seconds and also explicit wait(visibilityOf(element)) is defined before performing any action with the element.
The exception is coming as:
Returned value cannot be converted to WebElement: {stacktrace=NoSuchElementError: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.
driver does not wait for the element to be visible when the navigating to the next screen and straight away throws the above exception.
NOTE: Code works fine when Thread.sleep() wait is used. But fails when Thread.sleep() is not used.
Have tried the following ways:
Defined the implicit wait and pageLoadTimeout after Android driver is
initialized with required desired capabilities and URL.
Defined implicit wait and pageLoadTimeout in the #BeforeTest method in the
TestNG test class.
You have NOT to set both waits. If you want to let your driver waits for the element to be visible, use this code during driver initialization:
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(25, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Sending cyclic message using CANoe - IL DLL

I have a configuration setup with two CAN nodes and an attached database. I have added a CANOEILNLVECTOR.dll to both the nodes. By adding this Dll file all my messages are sent cyclic as I see in trace window.
Now I set some value for a signal in a message, For Eg:
message Battery_Traction Batt_msg;
on start
Batt_msg.Isolation_Signal = 0x02; //0x02:On
What I see on trace is: The message is cyclic but only for the first instance the value set by me above appears in trace. For all of the rest times the signal value in the message in set to default.
As seen in the image value 0x02 is sent only once.
I am not sure what could be the problem, as seen in image attached value set by me is only sent once.
When using output you are putting the message directly onto the CAN bus, but you are not changing the value inside of your (simulated) node, so the interaction layer is still sending the old value.
You can change the signal value in the interaction layer by just putting a $ in front of the signal name and set the value.
In your case most likely $Isolation_Signal = 0x02
Outputting the message on the CAN bus at the right time, with the right cycle time and so on will be handled by the interaction layer.
You have two ways to influence dynamically the value of your message: IL DLLs and custom message sending.
Custom message sending is the basic way, where
you define the message ex.: message Battery_Traction Batt_msg;
you trigger its sending(output function)
you set up cyclic sending on timer Cycletimemsg1 {output(msg1);}
and so on.
IL DLLs are doing this all for you, without much coding effort from your side, but they rely heavily on the dbc settings and attributes you have linked as database to your CAN Channel.
Unfortunately, they don't play well together, meaning you need advanced CANoe know-how of them to use both in the same environment. You basically bypassed your CANOEILNLVECTOR.dlls working by sending explicit message.
So your code if you are accessing your signal through IL, should look like this:
/*no need to define custom message object, they are already "known" to IL by dbc*/
on start
$Batt_msg::Isolation_Signal = 0x02; //0x02:On
/*NO need for output either (IF YOUR MESSAGE IS defined Cyclic in dbc), */
If your signal is not identified at $Batt_msg::Isolation_Signal, just dragndrop the signal from the CAPL browsers Symbols panel, and add the $ sign before it.
Through dollar($) sign, you access the dbsignal class objects signal value attribute.

GameCenter: "The connection to service named com.apple.gamed was interrupted"

I get this error message
The connection to service named com.apple.gamed was interrupted, but
the message was sent over an additional proxy and therefore this proxy
has become invalid.
sometimes when calling
loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler:^(NSArray *matches, NSError *error)
What does it mean?
I'm on iOS 9.3.2
This is the worst possible answer, but it's my own experience with loading matches, I'm sorry to say: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I've received this error message before, and then had it go away after no code changes at all. Just try again.
Ok now I have more findings. Forget my comment to the other answer.
In my case I got the message when I did not use the #escaping keyword on a closure parameter of a function (using Swift 3 where closures are by default non-escaping). This function was called with a closure that did not refer to self (because it was not needed). However, that function called another function, forwarding the closure.
So in the end my closure ended up without a reference.
I recommend you keep a copy of your block that you use as an argument to loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler. This way the block is not released prematurely.
This also explains why the error occurs just sometimes and not always. It's typical for memory release issues.

ReactiveCocoa 4: How to send error to an observer without interrupting the signal

let (signal, sink) = Signal<[CLBeacon], BeaconManagerError>.pipe()
When I call this because the user disabled the Bluetooth:
sendError(self.sink, error)
the Signal is interrupted and I don't receive more next nor interrupted events after enabling the Bluetooth back again. The Signal is broken.
How can I send error types to the observer without interrupting / breaking the Signal? I can't find in the RAC 4 documentation. Thanks!
By design, an error causes the signal to finish. The documentation says:
failures should only be used to represent “abnormal” termination. If
it is important to let operators (or consumers) finish their work, a
Next event describing the result might be more appropriate.
If you want to turn errors into Next events, you can use flatMapError operator as described here or use retry if you want to allow only several occurances of the error.
If you want different semantics than Next* (Error|Completed) I recommend encoding that in the type. You can use a Signal that can't fail, but which values can be either success or failure, by using Result:
Signal<Result<[CLBeacon], BeaconManagerError>, NoError>
That signal will emit no errors, but its Next events will be Result.Success<[CLBeacon]> or Result.Failure<BeaconManagerError>, **and the signal won't terminate when receiving a Result.Failure.

Suppress RestKit Error Message

Using RestKit 0.20.x I am firing off a series of API calls on a particular view. If the user sends the app to the background I am cancelling ALL API calls using the following statement in the app delegate
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application{
[self.weatherManager.restKitManager.operationQueue cancelAllOperations];
When the app returns from the background a UIAlert is visible with the following message:
The operation could not be completed. (org.restkit.RestKit.ErrorDomain error 2).
I don't want the user to have to see or dismiss this message upon return but am having trouble figuring out where/how to suppress this message.
Initially I was avoiding the use of cancelAllObjectRequestOperationsWithMethod: matchingPathPattern: because I had found a post on Google Groups from Blake Watters suggesting the use of the cancelAllOperations method on the operation queue which did not require a pathPattern
However If I use
[self.weatherManager.restKitManager cancelAllObjectRequestOperationsWithMethod:RKRequestMethodAny matchingPathPattern:#"/"];
by specifying a path pattern of just a "/" this seems to do the trick.
