Permissions for SDK31 - sdk

My app needs to access file storage. With SDK 29,this was easy. However, as I upgraded the targetSdkVersion to 31, the app no longer accesses the device storage. Could you please show me how can I do that with SDK 31 ??


Firebase systems folder located in users document directory - iOS

I have an application using Firestore and I want my application to be able to use the default files app.
However, after I set up the app to use the iOS files app, it shows a firestore folder, and within that contains _FIRAPP_DEFAULT, then within that additional subfolders etc.
I'd expect this to be located in the .libraryDirectory not the .documentDirectory
So now if I support the files app, users will see this folder and contents, which I class as system files that my users should no be seeing.
Is there a fix for this ? Can I specify where the firebase folder is saved? I looked at FirebaseOptions but found nothing.
This is a known issue without a known workaround. Follow it at
This issue is now fixed, in Version 6.16 - Jan 28 2020
Changed the location of Firestore's locally stored data from the
Documents folder to Library/Application Support, hiding it from users
of apps that share their files with the iOS Files app. Important:
After a user's data is migrated, downgrading to an older version of
the SDK will cause the user to appear to lose data, since older
versions of the SDK can't read data from the new location

Targeting API 28 on delphi

I have a problem trying to publish my APK to the Google Play store. It says I must update my API level at 28. The application uses a maps service, so it must have the Internet and GPS permissions.
Does anyone know how to update the API level on Delphi?
Simply customize your project's AndroidManifest.xml file to set the <uses-sdk> element's minSdkVersion, maxSdkVersion, and targetSdkVersion values as needed.

Save mp4 file to local storage iOS

I'm developing a mobile app in both android and iOS, I didn't had issue on android while using $cordovaFileTransfer. When I transfer to iOS I encountered a problem where accessing a persistent storage (by using cordova.file.*) sometimes makes the location available and sometimes null. Before I asked a question why does the location becomes null sometime. And now I saw that it shows the error "You don't have permission to access the filesystem". Is there a way for me to give permission to app while it's running? I tried cordova-diagnostic-plugin but it will only check if the app is permitted but no control on the permission.

How to check file availability in S3 bucket

i have integrated aws v1 sdk to in my ios application to upload videos in to S3 bucket in background mode using NSURLSession
But now i want to check file availability in bucket before start uploading
for that , i managed to get link to V2 sdk How can I check the existence of a key/file on an Amazon S3 Bucket using AWS iOS SDK v2?
what is the link used in V1 ??
AWS SDK for iOS is depreciated now; so I believe the documentation link also must have been taken out.
Version 1 of the AWS Mobile SDK is deprecated as of September 29, 2014
and will continue to be available until December 31, 2014. If you are
building new apps, we recommend you use Version 2. If you are working
on existing apps that use Version 1 (1.7.x or lower) of the AWS Mobile
SDK, you can download v1 for Android here and iOS here. The API
reference guides are included in the respective downloads. Apps built
using Version 1 will continue to function after December 31, 2014.
However, we highly recommend that you update your apps to the latest
version so you can take advantage of the latest features and bug
Source :
I managed to find a sample code from AWS Mobile Blog [] to get the S3 object, you can extrapolate from there.
S3GetObjectRequest *request =
[[S3GetObjectRequest alloc] initWithKey:imageName withBucket:bucketName];
S3GetObjectResponse *response = [s3 getObject:request];
[self storeImageLocally:response.body withName:imageName];
Download Link for v1 iOS SDK :

Storage provider: Cannot list document pickers of export/move mode since beta4

After upgrading to iOS8 beta 4, when I want to preset UIDocumentPickerViewController to select document picker such as iCloud, it always shows "No locations available" and asks me to enable Document & Data of iCloud Drive.
Import and open still work normally. I can see all document pickers include iCloud and my own picker in the menu. I am pretty sure I've enabled iCloud Drive and allow all apps using Document & Data in General > iCloud setting.
Strangely, this issue will not happened on simulator, but only on device. Before beta4, I never saw this on both simulator and device.
I've checked code sign of iCloud on both host app and my document picker/storage provider app, but it helps nothing. It does not throw any error or warning message. I have no futher clue about this case.
I use the NewBox as the host app, which is provide by Apple WWDC2014:
I also posted this issue at Apple dev forum few days ago, but got no reply. Anyone who also has the same issue? Thanks a lot.
Yes, I notice the same behavior as well, and found a fix.
For the NewBox app, the problem seems to be related to sharing permissions with the particular file in question, namely TestUIDocument_0.txt within the app bundle.
Jul 31 09:54:36 iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: Sandbox: NewBox(158) deny file-issue-extension /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/<GUID>/
Jul 31 09:54:36 iPad kernel[0] <Notice>: Sandbox: deny file-read-metadata /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/<GUID>/
I fixed the problem by copying the file over to within the documents directory, and setting self.documentURL to that location.
Don't know if this is a feature or a bug -- for the move option, I can see that files within the app bundle cannot be moved, so makes sense to disallow move from the app bundle.
But export, from what I understand, is just a copy operation, so don't know why this is disallowed from within the app bundle, but is from the documents directory.
