i have integrated aws v1 sdk to in my ios application to upload videos in to S3 bucket in background mode using NSURLSession
But now i want to check file availability in bucket before start uploading
for that , i managed to get link to V2 sdk How can I check the existence of a key/file on an Amazon S3 Bucket using AWS iOS SDK v2?
what is the link used in V1 ??
AWS SDK for iOS is depreciated now; so I believe the documentation link also must have been taken out.
Version 1 of the AWS Mobile SDK is deprecated as of September 29, 2014
and will continue to be available until December 31, 2014. If you are
building new apps, we recommend you use Version 2. If you are working
on existing apps that use Version 1 (1.7.x or lower) of the AWS Mobile
SDK, you can download v1 for Android here and iOS here. The API
reference guides are included in the respective downloads. Apps built
using Version 1 will continue to function after December 31, 2014.
However, we highly recommend that you update your apps to the latest
version so you can take advantage of the latest features and bug
Source : http://aws.amazon.com/mobile/sdk/
I managed to find a sample code from AWS Mobile Blog [http://mobile.awsblog.com/post/Tx15F6J3B8B4YKK/Creating-Mobile-Apps-with-Dynamic-Content-Stored-in-Amazon-S3] to get the S3 object, you can extrapolate from there.
S3GetObjectRequest *request =
[[S3GetObjectRequest alloc] initWithKey:imageName withBucket:bucketName];
S3GetObjectResponse *response = [s3 getObject:request];
[self storeImageLocally:response.body withName:imageName];
Download Link for v1 iOS SDK : http://sdk-for-ios.amazonwebservices.com/aws-ios-sdk-1.7.1.zip
I'm using a native ios sdk. I have created an envelope and signed it. For creating and signing the envelope I was using the documentation and suggestions that were given on this topic.
Now, I want to download my signed document. In Android mobile sdk there is a DSEnvelopeDelegate which has a method downloadCompletedEnvelopeDocument (description here).
But in iOS SDK I can't find any methods which make the same work.
How to download the completed envelope document using iOS SDK?
In case if it not available in iOS SDK how to do this (maybe use some API etc)?
How to download completed envelope using DocuSign iOS SDK
For now, it's best to use the API to download the envelopes as current iOS-SDK version doesn't support downloading the completed envelopes from server. It's on the roadmap for iOS-SDK to have this functionality after summer (anticipated release Aug 2021). With API, there is an option to download individual, zip-archive or combined documents of a signed envelope.
Friends please help me how to migrate dropbox v1 to v2.
My manager gives an old project to me, in this they have used sqlite database for store locally and Dropbox sdk to do backup the files.
But the Dropbox v1 is retired now. i'm in serious trouble now.
My manager is asking either do with dropbox or iCloud?
Please help me?
As Dropbox has made mandatory to use dropbox V2 September 2017, you will have to implement Dropbox V2 API's.
If the project is in objective-C changes are minimal. Instead of delegates which were used in V1, they have provided blocks to the developers. Blocks are really helpful in reducing code complexity as response is returned inside the block.
You can download Objective-C sdk from here:
In my case, I had created Dropbox manager. So, instead of making complex changes, I created extension of my existing class and started to replace delegate with blocks provided in V2.
Regarding swift sdk of Dropbox, as far as I know, it is introduced officially by Dropbox in V2 only (I might be wrong here, because i never searched and saw for swift sdk of Dropbox before V2).
To download swift sdk of Dropbox V2, follow the link:
I have an async upload process working with Amazon S3 but I am having trouble when I try to cancel it.
I'm trying to call cancel on the request but I get an unrecognised selector crash. I think this is due to the cancel method not existing in the 1.4.6 version of the AWS iOS SDK but I could be wrong, I know it definitely exists in 1.6 but unfortunately I cannot use the latest version.
Is there a different way to cancel a request in 1.4.6?
I am one of the maintainers of the AWS SDK for iOS. The cancel method has been available on AmazonServiceRequest since version 1.4.4 as seen in GitHub. You may want to verify that you don't have an older version of the SDK in your Framework search path. You can verify the version of the SDK you are using with the code metioned on the AWS Mobile Developer Blog.
Can you let us know why you are unable to use the latest version of the SDK? Is there something we can change to help make it possible for you to upgrade?
I want to bring Box API to my iOS app. I see there are 2 versions of Box API. The version 1 is deprecated and will sunset at December 14, 2013. But I could not found where I can download full source code of API version 2, I want to customize the API for my iOS app, not using static library. Does anyone know where I can download API version 2 source code for Box ?
The source for the v2 iOS SDK is available on GitHub.
I don't see it in any of the header files within AWSiOSSDK.framework. I'm looking for the version format used here (eg. Version 1.4.4):
This topic has been covered in a recent blog post, see Getting Metadata about the AWS Mobile SDKs:
The AWS Mobile SDKs provide functionality to capture details about the
environment in which the SDK is executing. These details include SDK
version, mobile platform, and platform locale. This information can be
useful for diagnosing issues and to help understanding exactly what
you are testing/running against.
Please check the post for details and examples, e.g. in order to to capture the metadata in the debug log of an application using the AWS SDK for iOS you apparently just need to include the following line of code:
NSLog( #"SDK Details: %#", [AmazonSDKUtil userAgentString] );