Unable to open appium - appium

Whenever i am clicking on appium its not opening
Appium is not opening in my system? Can anyone help me with this. ERROR MESSAGE - The Application Appium can't be opened

Simply use the context menu: https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/open-a-mac-app-from-an-unidentified-developer-mh40616/12.0/mac/12.0 .


Error while Running iOS simulator from Xcode on Mac

I am unable to open my iOS Simulator. Whenever I run my iOS App on Xcode it displays the following error:-
failed to start launched sim could not bind to session launched_sim may have
Could anyone please let me know how could I resolve this issue? Thanks for the help!
Go to Xcode preferences and from tab "Locations", directly open "Derived Data" directory and delete it
Go to here and make Device -> Erase All Content and Settings

Could Not Launch Appium Inspector

Guys how to overcome from this problem while launching the iOS app from appium server, unable to open appium inspecter
please help me out to come out of the group guys.
this below warning message from in the pop up
Be sure the Appium server is running with an application opened by using the "App Path" parameter in Appium.app (along with package and activity for Android) or by connecting with selenium client and supplying this in the desired capabilities object.
please help me out to come out of the group guys.
Build the app through XCode, and then specify path to the app, you should be able to find it through XCode.
I had the same problem a while, here is how I solved it:
Build the application on your Mac using Xcode Simulator
Find location of the app on your machine, here is how to do it
Enter the path in Appium GUI
Now you should be able launch inspector
Some additional information:
My old blog on how to setup Appium GUI
Blog on how to start using Appium tutsplus
Appnium can only recognized .app file. It cannot open the .ipa file.

Unable to inspect the ios app using appium inspector

I am using appium version 1.3.7 version.
After starting appium sever, the app get installed in ios simulator.
When I tried to inspect using appium inspector, the refresh button in the appium inspector keeps on loading, it doesn't load the home page of an app at all.
I think you need to update your appium, since new appium version support XCUITest you might be ended to some changes in locators and other setup. This is my suggestion because you need to automate your cases on iOS 10, so in that cases you forced to upgrade the appium.
Coming to your question, if you are not able to access the appium inspector there is workaround.
How to inspect ios elements ,
Option one : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=254nbRjjQjc
Option two : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BgkVp0v3BM
For more videos :
Are you using Windows or Mac machine? I would suggest to use ~/android-sdk/tools/uiautomatorviewer. This will open one window, you can take screenshot of current screen from connected device and from left pane elements can be inspected.

Error in binary file while adding permission

I am a newbie in blackberry, trying to build a application in native cascade c++.
I am using Momentics IDE and sdk(10.3.1). In my helloworld application I try to use the persmission by looking at the official document of blackberry
But I am getting error while running the app. I am using the simulator.
My error message
Error in final launch sequence
Cannot prepare and download the binary
Error: Could not obtain launch permissions
Please help me out.
Thank you in advance
Just a silly mistake: I figure it out that i have to run the simulator with "Run as Administration" and after it just have to give access the permission from the simulator.

Error : Detected background switch for MyApp(24) who has NO tunnels open - defocus NOT called

when i run or debug my BB application i got this Detected background switch for MyApp(180) who has NO tunnels open - defocus NOT called Error
i have no idea regarding this that how this error occur .
my application install in Simulator and device but no effect after click on application icon.
i have done clean all simulator and get suggetion from this url link
and change my rimpublic from eclipse >plugin > MDS > config folder
please let me some suggetion regarding same :(
Thanks in Advance !!!!
Kindly clean the simulator.
work in blackberry perspective and you will see new buttons related to blackberry development!
Press the 'Clean Simulator' or Press ALT+SHIFT+E and this will open box and asked choose the project.
Then select you project and try again to run your app!
