Error while Running iOS simulator from Xcode on Mac - ios

I am unable to open my iOS Simulator. Whenever I run my iOS App on Xcode it displays the following error:-
failed to start launched sim could not bind to session launched_sim may have
Could anyone please let me know how could I resolve this issue? Thanks for the help!

Go to Xcode preferences and from tab "Locations", directly open "Derived Data" directory and delete it
Go to here and make Device -> Erase All Content and Settings


Could not attach to pid : “557”

I am currently building an iMessage extension app and whenever I try to build and run the app on a device I get an error.
Could not attach to pid : “557”
Domain: IDEDebugSessionErrorDomain
Code: 3
Failure Reason: Error 1
The app builds fine for the simulator; however, it doesn’t work on devices. I have tried multiple devices including an iPhone 6+ running iOS 12.4.6 and an iPhone X running iOS 13.4.1.
I have already done sudo DevToolsSecurity -enable in the terminal for the Mac. Is there anything that must be done to set up the device itself?
If anyone could help me get the app running on a device that would be great because you can't have an app that doesn't work on the device itself.
Thanks! :)
Quit Xcode, clean build, clear derived data and run again, this works usually for me.
It was a simple mistake in that the developer had to be trusted on the device. If you have this problem go to the following on the device:
Settings > General > Device Management
Tap on the profile for the developer of the app you are testing and click trust.
I also encountered this problem when i was build mac app, and my solution is as follows, set the Xcode settings:
TARGETS -> Build Settings -> Signing
set Code signing inject base entitlements as Yes

Why my app immediately quit after open in iOS simulator?

I installed Xcode(9.4.1) from App Store and create a iphone simulator.
After that I tried to install some .ipa( app to it but it immediately quit when I opened it.
I tried couple app but the error is the same But when I wrote sample app on Xcode and build to my simulator it run very well.
Even if I try another iphone simulator or reinstall Xcode, I still get same error.
you need to find where is the error located in your application ,
here is a link reference explaining about how to find the cause error
also it will explain the most common mistakes in xbasic
click here

Xcode 9.1 cant start the Iphone simulator

I just installed Xcode 9.1,before Xcode 9.1,when I click the "Play" button on top,the Iphone simulator start automatically.But after install Xcode 9.1,the iPhone simulator didnt start,no error,no phone appear on screen,only Xcode show build success.
Can somebody tell me how to solve this?So I can test the project on Iphone simulator.
After looking for a question in So,I able to start the simulator,by doing
Click on Target next to Play Button -> Edit Scheme -> Run -> Change
the Executable to "My Project"
The iphone simulator can start,but it give me this error
Any idea?
There seems to be a issue with iPhone simulator.You can see this issue in fastlane's git hub page as well. Happens more often when you are using command line tools.
Solution : Simply tap command + space opens hot search, type simulator and hit enter,
your simulator might not load and show an error thats fine. Now go to actions select simulator and say Reset Content and Settings.
Now go back to your Xcode and re run the code. Hope this resolves the issue

Simulator fails to open

I always getting this error whenever i runs iOS 6 series simulators. I tried lot of steps for this problem. i.e., 1. deleting Derived Data, Creating a new project ..
Notification center label
if anyone tell me the solution for this.
Please make sure that your application's plist settings are not changed .. if you try to do anything which in not approved by the iOS this messege is shown quite often . Then please reset the settings and contents of iOS Simulator. Hopefully it will work.
you have not provided more details i post answer in guessing from you question
refer below link it more helpful.
IOS simulator failed to install application? in Xcode 5
iOS Simulator failed to install the application
Try to reset iOS 6.1 simulator from menu "iOS Simulator -> Reset Content and Settings...",
then run your app in XCode

Unable to locate DeviceSupport directory

I am getting this error (see below)
I have had xcode installed all the time nothing has changed other than updates to trigger, is there something I can do to fix it?
Unable to locate DeviceSupport directory.
[ !! ] This probably means
you don't have Xcode installed, you will need to launch the app
manually and logging output will not be shown!
What version of iOS are you using on the device? Did it upgrade to 6.1 recently?
The problem is probably that Xcode hasn't yet downloaded what it needs to communicate with the device. If you open Xcode and look at the Organiser, you should see the status light turn green next to the device in the left sidebar.
