Problem in printing a webpage containing SVG images in Chromium - delphi

I have a html file with the following content:
<object data="" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
As you can check, you can open it with chrome and print it.
But if I use Chromium.Print method, it print empty pages.
Note that this is only a sample. All SVG images had the same problem.
I use Delphi 10.3.2 and CEF4Delphi.
Can any one guide me?

This is very likely caused by the CEF issue #3297 and the workaround described in that report works.
Add this code line before the GlobalCEFApp.StartMainProcess call :
GlobalCEFApp.DisableSiteIsolationTrials := True;
I tested this workaround with the latest CEF4Delphi version which uses CEF 100.0.14 and the MiniBrowser demo. Your sample HTML is printed correctly with TChromiumCore.Print and TChromiumCore.PrintToPdf.


jsPDF downloading blank pdf

I'm using jsPDF to generate a pdf from the current HTML, the code works fine if I paste it on the console and downloads a PDF with the current HTML, but when I put it on a JS file it downloads a blank PDF:
This is the code:
function descargar_pdf(){
var pdf = new jsPDF();
pdf.addHTML(document.body,function() {});'Estadodecuenta.pdf');
The function is called from a button:
<button class="descargar_pdf" id="ignorePDF" onclick="descargar_pdf();"> Descarga tu estado de cuenta</button>
The second argument in the addHTML function is a callback function which gets called after the HTML is rendered.
pdf.addHTML(document.body, function() {'*.pdf');
The last correctly working version of html2canvas is RC1. Downgrade to that one and it should work as expected.
This may sound stupid but there's a lot of security plugins that see JSPDF as an "unsafe" js and just block it , i had the same problem as you did but after testing it out on incognito mode (no extensions) it worked fine.
This may not the solution to your problem but its a advice you should keep in mind

How to send the PDF output to browser print option (CTRL+P)

I am using TCPDF library to generate some reports, and i want to send the PDF file to print option of browser as simple we press CTRL+P, I need this because it is slip.
I used all parameter for Output but it is downloading the file directly.
$pdf->Output('slip.pdf', 'I');
I also placed the F,D,S,E,FI and FD instate of I but it doesn't work. And I also used header
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
$pdf->Output('example_001.pdf', 'FD');
but again it doesn't work. Any solution? Please!
just before $pdf->Output...
You need something like the example below. You would need to intercept print request (print automatically on page load, print button click, etc.) and then call printTrigger function.
<title>Print PDF</title>
function printTrigger(elementId) {
var getMyFrame = document.getElementById(elementId);
<iframe id="iFramePdf" src=""></iframe>
What you are trying to do is not within the specification of the TCPDF API.
I believe you would need to use JavaScript to implement this feature the way you are proposing.
Add $pdf->IncludeJS("print();"); just before $pdf->Output...
It's working for me.

Angular Dart Components: cssUrl not working in Internet Explorer

I have come across this strange problem and it is driving me nuts.
It looks like a bug, but I don't know if maybe I am doing someting wrong.
The CSS attached to a component via cssUrl doesn't work on Internet Explorer.
If I add some content to the html template and I use classes from the CSS, those classes are not applied in IE. However, the same code works fine in Dartium, Chrome and Firefox.
I have created a sample project in github showing the error:
The project has the following dependencies:
browser: 0.10.0+2
angular: 0.11.0
shadow_dom: 0.10.0
(I have tried to avoid "any" but those are the latest versions of such packages)
I have a very simple component:
import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
#Component(selector: 'internet-explorer-bug',
useShadowDom: true,
publishAs: 'cmp')
class InternetExplorerBug {
This is the css file (internet-explorer-bug.css):
.red-div {
background-color: red;
And this is the template (internet-explorer-bug.html)
<div id="main-div">
<div class="red-div">Red background?</div>
The component works properly in Dartium, Chrome and Firefox. It doesn't show the red background in Internet Explorer, though.
I have tested it in Internet Explorer 10 and 11. These are the results:
The red background is not displayed
The browser downloads the css file (I can see that in IE dev tools)
If I inspect the DOM, I see a strange css attribute assigned to the div with the name "background-color:red" and no value:
.red-div {
background-color:red: ;
I have posted the same question in the mailing list (here). If I somebody helps me there I will post the solution here too.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I guess this line causes the problem
<script src="packages/shadow_dom/shadow_dom.min.js"></script>
This is deprecated. You should use
<script src="packages/web_components/platform.js"></script>
You need to change your pubspec.yaml too (shadow_dom to web_components)

iMacros saveas results in empty CSV file in firefox

i have a very simple script in iMacros for Firefox
i can see a file being created but nothing is in it. I tried this in IE and it works fine. What am i missing here? I am using Firefox 27.0 and iMacros 8.6 in Win 7.
Actually text was there but there were empty lines before the actual text, so when i opened csv in excel nothing was showing up. I opened it in a text editor and it was there. I trimmed the string after extracting and got what I wanted.

obtaining a reference to IHTMLCanvasElement

How Can I get a DOM reference to the canvas Handle. I'm using Delphi, IE11 and the corresponding MSMHTML Type library,I suspected it's along the lines of
canvasHandle := (HTMLDoc3.getElementById('canvas') as IHTMLCanvasElement);
the Html:
<canvas id="canvas">
however this throws an exception 'Interface not supported'
TWebBrowser control, by default uses IE7 standards/rendering mode.
You need to tell the control to use latest standards.
There are a few ways of doing this.
Here are two of the ways known to me:
Either you specify FEATURE_<some feature> for your application in the registry (.e.g. FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION also a nice article here).
Add a "meta http-equiv-'X-UA-Compatible' content= edge" to the <head> block of a webpage to force Windows IE to use the latest standards.
This will enable your HTML5 functionality working without the need for registry tweaks.
